ure 3 corresponding to process switch (!o[c], scope
(!o[a], [{(b, empty)}, (4, empty), {}]) ): a process
starting by a
switch such that one branch of this
switch starts with a scope process and another
branch does not activate a timing constraint is de-
tected as an ambiguous service. Indeed in one branch
there is an active clock whereas in the other there is
In a discrete time framework, the previous (com-
plete) method (Haddad et al., 2004b) produces a
client. Indeed the time elapsing is symbolized by an
action (χ) and we implicitly work at a (discrete) TTS
level. Here we work at a higher level (the TA one).
Thus incompleteness is the price to pay in order to
obtain a more compact representation of the client.
We have shown that the interaction with a Web service
requires a theoretical development relative to its se-
mantics. Extending a previous work in discrete time,
we have proposed in this paper a dense time semantics
for BPEL: from the definition of a service - an abstract
process - we build a timed automaton corresponding
to its formal semantics. Then we have defined an
interaction relation between client and service con-
sidering them as timed transition systems. We have
also designed an algorithm synthetising a determinis-
tic timed automaton (the client) when this is possible
and detecting ambiguous service otherwise.
This approach is implemented in our framework
ICIS and will be soon reachable from the net. For sake
of simplicity, we have considered a perfect communi-
cation channel (no loss and no delay). We are cur-
rently working on the generalization of our approach
by including the specification of the channel charac-
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