This paper contributes to the process-oriented appli-
cation development with workflow technology on an
abstract level. We provide concepts for modelling and
implementation of distributed WFMS where the dis-
tribution is realised within the architecture. The tech-
nologies used and parts of the architecture are based
on existing work. This paper extends the work in
(Reese et al., 2005) in such a way that we embed our
distributed WFMS in open agent environments. It is
innovative regarding the interplay of technologies us-
ing the formal method of Petri nets.
Realisation The agent framework C
APA has been
used to develop complex, Petri net based agent sys-
tems for several years (e.g. (Offermann et al., 2005)).
This framework is supported by an efficient develop-
ment environment for Petri nets (Renew, 2005), which
provides plug-ins for code generation, monitoring,
logging, and debugging. The Petri net-based work-
flow engine from Jacob (Jacob, 2002) is able to con-
tinuously update data on available activities to client
PDAs. It was extended here for distributed systems
and implemented as a prototype in a student project.
The described system is meant to be used in open
agent environments, with special attention to auton-
omy, encapsulation, and flexibility as found in such
Outlook A general aim of our work is the devel-
opment of a collaborative integrated development en-
vironment (C
IDE) for which a prototype exists. The
next step is an evaluation of the prototype within
the openNet context, running a distributed change-
request-management application. To embed this
within the open agent environment community, a
FIPA-compliant ACL specification of the WfMC in-
terface for WFMSs has to be provided.
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