Filipe Pinto, Pedro Gago
School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal
Manuel Filipe Santos
Department of Information Systems, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
Keywords: Database Marketing, Knowledge Discovery from Databases, Data Mining, Business Intelligence.
Abstract: Information technologies provide not only the ability to collect and register in databases many kinds of
signals external to the organization, but also the capacity to use them in different ways at different
organizational levels. Database Marketing (DBM) refers to the use of database technology to support
marketing activities in order to establish and maintain a profitable interaction with clients. Currently DBM
is usually approached using classical statistical inference, which may fail when complex, multi-dimensional,
and incomplete data is available. An alternative is to apply Data Mining (DM) techniques in a process called
Knowledge Discovery from Databases, which aims at automatic pattern extraction. This will help marketers
to address customer needs based on what they know about them, rather than a mass generalization of their
characteristics. This paper exploits a systematic approach for the use of DM techniques as a new paradigm
in Business Intelligence in DBM projects, considering analytical and marketing aspects. A cross-table is
proposed to associate DBM activities to the appropriate DM techniques. This framework guides the
development of DBM projects, contributing to improve their efficacy and efficiency.
Due to the advances in information and
communication technologies corporations can obtain
and store transactional and demographic data on
individual customers at reasonable costs (Naik,
2003). The challenge is how to extract important
knowledge from these vast databases in order to gain
competitive advantage (Cohen, 2004). However,
database (DB) usage in many organizations remains
complex and sometimes unavailable, not only
because database management systems requests
relevant background knowledge, but also because
data are not ready to be used outside DB
management systems purposes.
Nowadays, organizations are increasingly
realizing the importance of understanding and
leveraging customer level data, and critical Business
Intelligence (BI) decision models are being built
upon analyzing such data. Emphasis on customer
relationship management makes the marketing
function an ideal application area to greatly benefit
from the use of Data Mining (DM) tools for decision
support in a BI context. Through Database
Marketing (DBM) organizations can identify
valuable customers, predict future behaviours, and
make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions by
means of a statistical calculus or development of
sample queries to marketing DBs. However, that
approach is not structured and there is a need for a
unified view guiding marketing practitioners in their
quest for relevant knowledge. This includes
understanding the customers’ preferences and
customers’ behaviour through analyzing their data.
There has been much research done in this direction,
and DM techniques have been used with success in
several areas, such as fraud detection (Wheeler,
2004), bankruptcy prediction (Cielen, 2004),
intensive care medicine (Silva, 2004) and
engineering (Santos, 2003), just to name a few.
Indeed, the old model of “design-build-sell” (a
product-oriented view), is being replaced by “sell-
build-redesign” (a customer-oriented view)
Pinto F., Gago P. and Filipe Santos M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 144-149
DOI: 10.5220/0002463201440149
(Drozdenko, 2002). The traditional process of mass
marketing is being challenged by the new approach
of one-to-one marketing. As a marketing strategy
definition support, DBM activity has changed
significantly over the last several years. The current
approach relies on predictive response models to
target customers for offers. These models accurately
estimate the probability that a customer will respond
to a specific offer and can significantly increase the
response rate to a product offering. Their use for
marketing decision support highlights unique and
interesting issues such as customer relationship
management, real-time interactive marketing,
customer profiling and cross-organizational
management of knowledge (Shaw, 2001).
Normally DBM projects face several types of
- Organizational culture: Scattered around
the organization it is frequent to find DBs
with redundant information or noise in their
- Data quality: Data quality depends of the
operational usage of the data. They are
considered ready to be used if they are free
of defects or cleaned from errors;
- Data access: data usage requests a practical
data access facilitating the algorithms use.
- Data quantity: having lots of data may
hamper the data analysis work. Huge DBs
to not guarantee that the available data has
the information needed for any particular
- Technical limitation: Know-how to handle
with DBs in order to extract unknown
information that is hidden in data.
Some contributions to overcome these
constraints have been published, addressing data
pre-processing (Pinto, 2004), data quality aspects
(Oliveira, 2004) or others. Nevertheless there are
some important aspects that still remain without
answers, like those that refer to data integration, pre-
processing, usage and exploration in marketing
Nevertheless, the majority of contributions to the
DBM field refer both:
- To a simple methods usage in specific cases
e.g., market basket analysis (Chen, 2005),
cross-selling and up-selling activities
(Cohen, 2004), or customer relationship
management (Shaw, 2001); or
- To a particular set of techniques to improve
specific results e.g., segmentation, one-to-
one marketing activities or clustering
analysis (Drozdenko, 2002), (Russell,
1999), (Shepard, 1998).
In order to help marketers make use of the
knowledge obtained through the KDD approach in
their marketing activities and improve their results,
we propose a framework for the efficient
systematization and integration of the involved
This paper is organized as follows. First, we
present a brief description about DBM and relevant
issues regarding the KDD process (section 2). We
then continue with marketing activities and data
mining objectives, closing this section with a cross-
table that integrates marketing activities and DM
techniques (section 3). On section 4 a proposal for
DBM systematization with a KDD approach is
presented. A case study is presented in order to
illustrate the framework use. Finally we discuss the
framework proposed identify some of the emerging
issues to be addressed in the process of managing
the discovered marketing knowledge.
2.1 Database Marketing
In this article, DBM is referred as the use of
database technology for supporting marketing
activities, while marketing DB it is referred to the
database system it self. Coopers & Lybrand (1996),
proposed three different levels of DBM in order to
better organize these concepts:
- Direct Marketing – Organizations manage
lists and conduct basic promotion
performance analyses;
- Customer Relationship Marketing
Companies apply a more sophisticated,
tailored approach and technological tools to
manage their relationship with customers;
- Customer-centric Relationship
Management – Customer information
drives business decisions for the entire
enterprise, thus allowing the retailer to
dialogue directly with individual customers
and ensure by this way, loyal relationship.
DBM has been defined has the establishment of
a customers and prospects DB with which it is
possible to the organization to communicate with
them in a personalized way (Wolf, 1999). Others
consider DBM as a medium to use consumer
information with the objective of incrementing
marketing activities efficacy and efficiency
(Roberts, 1997). Finally it is possible to define DBM
as the usage of customer information with benefits
both them and to the organization (Berson, 2001).
These definitions emphasize DB technologies as
a support to the marketing activities, and establish as
DBM definition, a set of processes based in
marketing DBs exploring and analysing them
looking for new insights (Pinto, 2004).
2.2 Data Mining Objectives
Data Mining, also popularly known as Knowledge
Discovery in Databases (KDD), refers to the
nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously
unknown and potentially useful information from
data in databases (Fayyad, 1996). While DM and
KDD are frequently treated as synonyms, DM is
actually part of the knowledge discovery process
(Zaïane, 1999).
In short, DM aims at building models from data.
There are many available algorithms; each with
specific characteristics. The major DM activities are
(Povel, 2001):
- Predictive modelling: mapping a set of
“input” values (independent variables) to an
“output” value (dependent variables). This
kind of models takes two forms depending
on the type of the output, as follows:
Classification: learning a function that
associates with each data object one of
a finite number of pre-defined classes
(e.g., customer profile)
Regression: learning a function that
maps each data object to a continuous
value (e.g., amount spent)
- Descriptive modelling: discovering groups
or categories of data objects that share
similarities and help in describing the data
space (e.g., customer segments);
- Dependency Modelling: learning a model
that describes significant associations or
dependencies among features (e.g., contents
of subscription orders, market baskets);
- Change and deviation detection/modelling
– Detecting the most significant deviations
from previous measurements/behaviour or
norms (e.g., fraud detection);
DM activities selection is directly dependent on the
marketing objectives initially defined
2.3 Supporting Marketing Activities
with DM Models
Marketing activities refer to the exchange of
products and services and are oriented by the major
marketing objectives. There are five important
questions to which marketing activities must be able
to respond (Suther, 1999):
- Who should I target?
- What should I target them with?
- When should I do it?
- Which promotion channel should I use?
- How should the promotion be done?
DBM is a process oriented to the marketing
objectives (Pinto, 2004), which will determine all
information collection process. From here, adopting
the above model it is possible to suggest at least a
DM task for each one of the objectives.
Effectively finding Who” means using DM
techniques to segment likely responders, repeat
users, non-promiscuous acquisition targets,
customers with profit upside, likely defectors and
those customers to will refer business your way.
The “What” question suggests finding the key
characteristics of the highest value company
customers. This goal may be achieved by analyzing
data about products and consumer behaviour
Associated with the “how” question there are a
set of prediction activities, e.g., predicting the
product sales for a specific period, or how many
customers may leave the company.
The time variable in marketing activities is
represented here by the “When” question. This
includes all marketing activities that concerns
temporal tasks, like when the company should send
promotional e-mail to their clients.
The “which” objective it is one of the most used
keyword in marketing activities definition, due the
selection characteristics associated, e.g., in market
basket analysis, the marketer wants to known which
products are associated;
Due their nature all marketing questions include
some prediction in their results, hence here the fact
that it is possible to assign to each one of them a DM
prediction activity. Descriptive DM models are
likely best to respond to the “who” and “which”
questions not only by their classification
characteristics but also by the kind of desired results.
Dependency analysis models have a vast application
in marketing activities as it is possible to include
them in “when”, “who” and “which” objectives.
Finally deviation analysis modelling may be used to
answer “how”, “when” and “who” marketing
Table 1 presents the combination of marketing
activities, here represented by their questions, with
DM activities.
Table 1: Data Mining Activities applied to marketing
Marketing Data Mining Activities
Questions Predictive Descriptive Dependency Deviation
Who ; ;
What ;
How ; ;
When ; ; ;
Which ; ; ;
To address these important questions, how, when,
who, what and which, DM can be useful. On the
other hand, DM is not enough by itself requiring a
set of related activities to ensure the results quality.
Therefore an approach to the development of DBM
systems should adhere to an ordered set of steps and
requirements. A framework is proposed to explore
the concepts and characteristics of the KDD process
and cross them with the marketing activities and the
questions inherent to the integration of the Data
Mining models.
Figure 1 represents the framework for DBM
based on KDD. The system has three main phases:
Information collection, Knowledge discovery and
Evaluation and deployment.
First, data is gathered from different sources.
After their registration and analysis a marketing DB
is created, in order to support all knowledge
discovery process.
As DBM is characterized by marketing strategies
based on the great volume of information available
in large customer DBs, it is possible to point out the
following areas as major candidates for the
application of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
for knowledge based marketing (Povel, 2001):
- Customer Acquisition;
- Cross- and Up-selling;
- Product Development;
- Churn Prediction;
- Fraud Detection;
- Market-basket Analysis;
- Risk Assessment;
- Prediction/Forecasting;
The KDD process integrates the second phase
proposed and comprises a few steps leading from
marketing DB data to some form of new knowledge.
- Data Selection. Consists on the selection of
the subset of data to mine. This is not the
same as sampling the DB or choosing
predictor variables, rather, it is a gross
elimination of irrelevant or unneeded data.;
- Data pre-processing and transformation, is
a phase in which the selected data is
transformed into forms appropriate for the
mining procedure;
- Modelling: it is the crucial step in which
some techniques are applied to uncover
potentially useful patterns. Here, different
techniques are used in order to achieve the
objectives initially established e.g.,
classification or segmentation.
The final phase, Evaluation and Deployment
refers to the integration of the knowledge obtained
from the KDD process in the marketing models.
Hence, the answer to marketing questions is
sustained by these models.
Table 2 synthesizes the proposed framework by
associating to a marketing activity objective a set of
DM tools.
Since “who”, “what”, “when”, “how” and
which” change with customer life events and
competitors market activity, the analyses suggested
must be continuously refreshed strengthening the
case for a systemized view to DBM.
3.1 Sample Application
This framework was used in a DBM project carried
out by a Portuguese marketing enterprise. The
referred company distributes an own-branded
magazine which includes discount vouchers to
promote products of a great multinational
distribution organization (food and beauty products).
The main goal of the project was to determine for
each product the customer profile. The discovered
association rules can be used as filters on the DBs in
order to identify prospects for cross-selling.
Deployment and evaluation results
Mar ketin g
- When
- What
Evaluati on and Deployment
Dat a
Ext ernal
Dat a
Sour ces
Dat f orm
Mar ket
Record and
Data analysis
Descri ption
Data Mining
Devi atio n
Det ecti on
Mar ket i ng
Dat a
preprocessi ng
Figure 1: Framework for DBM.
Table 2: standard examples of marketing concepts.
Question Example DM Tools
Fraud Detection
Unsupervised learning
Neural Networks
Churn Prediction
What Product development
Decision Trees
Neural Networks
Rule Induction
Customer segmentation
Neural Networks
Unsupervised learning
Cross and Up-selling
Decision Trees
Neural Networks
Rule Induction
Risk assessment Association learning
Deviation analysis
Neural networks
Customer acquisition
Decision Trees
Neural Networks
Rule Induction
MarketBasket Analysis Association learning
Customer Profile
Neural Networks
Unsupervised learning
The project started with the collection of data
from diverse data sources, from company owned
data regarding previous promotions to acquired
external DBs containing extra information. Then, a
marketing DB was created after a careful analysis
and documentation of these DBs content. Next, a
monthly promotional magazine containing several
discount vouchers and a questionnaire was sent to
each of the prospects on the DB. New issues of the
magazine (containing new discount vouchers)
continued to be sent only to those that answered the
questionnaire. Approximately two hundred vouchers
and eight questionnaires were sent. Finally, by
registering the available information a DB was
created with data from about 630,000 individuals
and a total of over eleven million commercial
transactions. The analysis was performed on a DB
sample containing roughly 10% of the records and
selected according to geographic distribution, sex
and age significance.
The main DM objective was to find the
associated costumer profile for each product
(answering the “which” question). By using self
organizing maps (Kohonen, 1995) and the C.5
decision tree algorithm (Quinnlan, 2004) we were
able to find decision rules that guided the selection
of costumers for new marketing activities. Results
evaluation lead not only to new similar studies but
also to the use of both the DB and the framework
procedures in new campaigns (Pinto, 2004).
KDD is an evolving field that presents interesting
challenges for researchers and practitioners, with
implications for the DBM function. Even after
having presented an integrated framework for KDD
in the context of DBM, we realize that there are still
a number of research questions to be answered.
Some of them are related to the DM techniques and
the KDD process, while others are related to the
management of knowledge in marketing activities.
Knowledge discovery through DM is an iterative
process starting with the data collection process,
which includes all activities concerned with data
collection and selection and leads to the creation of a
Marketing Database. We consider that the definition
of the marketing activities objectives should occur
before the data collection process starts. Thus, it is
possible to orient the data pre-processing and
transformation phases to those objectives. The
importance of this ordering of steps becomes evident
when larger DBs are used.
Next, in the knowledge extraction phase, the
selection of data mining algorithms, hypotheses
formation, model evaluation and refinement are key
components. One of the research challenges is to
make this process more structured, easier to use by
marketers and thus improve the productivity of the
DM efforts. To this purpose we defined a cross-table
which illustrates the relation between marketing
activities (organized by the pre-defined main
questions); DM tasks and respective DM tools
available to support their development.
A second challenge is how to use the knowledge
extracted from DBs as it is often represented by
means that are not easily understood by marketer.
The main difficulty refers to multiple
classifications, in cases when marketing activities
can belong to more than one DM activity.
Past experiences in DM projects dictated a need
for a clear framework to enable better results. The
framework proposed tries to achieve that by
supplying marketers with a “roadmap” that will
consistently guide them through their projects
whenever DM techniques are to be used.
In this work, a KDD approach was used to DBM
projects, regarding the systematization of overall
process in order to simplify her use in marketing
activities support. In the current customer centric
business environment, it is our firm belief that there
is a need for deeper understanding of use of data
mining and knowledge management for marketing
decision support.
Towards that end, we have shown how data
mining can be integrated into a marketing
knowledge management framework. With the
availability of large volume of data, made possible
by modern information technology, a major problem
is to filter, sort, process, analyze and manage this
data in order to extract the information relevant to
the user. The growth in the size and number of
existing DBs far exceeds human abilities to analyze
such data using traditional tools and thus creates
both a need and an opportunity for data mining
tools. With the shift from mass marketing to one-to-
one relationship marketing, one area that could
greatly benefit from data mining is the marketing
function itself.
A systematic application of data mining
techniques enhances the knowledge management
process and arms the marketers with better
knowledge of their customers leading to better
service to customers. To us, it is also clear that the
Web technology will have a major impact on the
practice of data mining and knowledge management
and that should present interesting challenges for
future information systems research.
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