2.3 Hinders of Legacy Migration
The initial timeframe of the project prescribed the
completion of the whole initiative within less than
eight months. This short period of time for such a
complicated project had been considered as an
imposed constraint that the project team had to
adhere to. Due to that short project life cycle the
Department considered that there was no time and
need to produce from scratch the functional
requirements for the part of the applications that
would replace the legacy functions. The main
underlying argument of the project steering
committee was that ultimately the target system
should have exactly the same functionality as the old
one as far as the existing
functionality was
The combination of the millions of lines of
COBOL code with the lack of documentation and
comments within the code proved to be a serious
obstacle for the in-depth understanding and analysis
of the code in order for the involved team to obtain
the detailed knowledge of the existing functionality.
This was the main reason that the ultimate required
man-months for completion of the migration process
were much more than the initial estimation of the
man-effort within the project plan. Considering the
aforementioned “hinders” factors, the project
steering committee decided to proceed to the
following scenario: separation of the whole code in
functional groups, removal of the redundancies and
keeping the core applications blocks in COBOL.
Afterwards, the engineering team built new
functionality around these core COBOL applications
and linked them with a new relational database and
windows-based interface and reporting tools.
The project delivered to the Organisation after
eight moths and the project’s committee considered
the new system as a fully operational and successful
system. Thus, although the new target system
consisted of some “old” parts of the legacy system
(COBOL applications) preventing potential further
enhancement of the target system, the project’s
steering committee decided that the new system
covered their current needs.
Due to the complexity that a migration initiative
reveals, a well-defined methodological action plan is
required (Stamati et al., 2004). This plan should
consider in detail all the CSFs which could play
initially the role of the main motivators that drive the
migration need and afterwards could be constraints
that hinder the same process. Thus, it is necessary to
produce a well designed plan of the whole process as
far as the methodological perspective is concerned.
The technology drive should be present, but should
not be overestimated.
In our case, a more careful evaluation of the “as-
is” situation in the initial mainframe environment
was required. Relevant action items were among
others the evaluation of the pre-existing COBOL
code and the underlying data structures.
Determination of the “to-be” business and
application architecture along with the
corresponding “to-be” technical and deployment
architecture were essential for the completion of the
project. Furthermore, critical evaluation of the
migration scenario between the “as-is” and the “to-
be” situations should have been further analyzed and
designed in depth.
Each migration process must be gradual (Holland
and Light, 1999). We should not proceed to a
decision of a big band migration or to a short period
initiative. This could add constraints to the decision
that narrow the ultimate result of the system.
Finally, the success of a migration effort has to
be measurable (Sommerville, 2001). In our case, it is
noteworthy that the whole project plan was
continually adapted considering the new obstacles
and constraints. Although the project’s steering
committee was fully satisfied with the target
delivered system, the lack of a well defined list of
CSFs that would have been used to evaluate the
process should have been considered as essential for
the final validation of the system.
Therefore, a number CSF’s must be defined.
Those should not only be used to evaluate the final
outcome, but should be used along the road to
measure progress and to define decision points in the
plan, where go/no-go decisions must be made.
In this particular case, the following indicative
CSF’s could identify that:
− a significant proof of concept must be
delivered within a narrow amount of time and
− along the whole roadmap, quick wins must be
identified to validate the migrating system, and
those must offer a measurable business benefit
− support from the stakeholders must
continuously be ensured
The Department provided to the Integrator the requirements’
handbook as far as the new additional functionality was