The Static Model of Latvian Forest Management
Planning and Capital Value Estimation
Salvis Dagis
and Sergejs Arhipovs
Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Agriculture, Liela Street 2,
Jelgava, Latvia
Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Agriculture, Liela Street 2,
Jelgava, Latvia
Abstract. Latvia, where forests cover up to 45% of territory, might be proud of
its forests. Forestry is the most significant export sector in Latvia and in total
forestry provides up to 14% of GDP. Regardless of the significant felling areas,
there can be observed more increment than there are trees cut. The main aim of
forestry policy is to ensure the sustainable management of forests and forest
lands, therefore it is necessary to evaluate the current situation and think ahead
in order to plan the cutting of forests
1 Introduction
The entity of object-oriented programming is shown as a cyclic movement between
architectural and micro-developmental levels. Without any assistance, iteratively
correcting the system, the designer goes from the micro-developmental level to the
architectural level, as well as returns back to the system requirements, then again
moves forward [1]. The system grows from the set of variant usage to the full pack-
age of system classes. The usage variants become more precise, when the understand-
ing is deepened on what is happening within the precedents and out of what points
the system should consist from. The development of system is an iterative process
between the processes of precedents (Use Case) and class modelling, within which
the conception on the transactions and classes necessary for the system emerges. The
class models form the architectural basis of system.
2 The Static Model of Forest Capital Value
One of the aspects of the project “The determination of forest capital value” is the
model of data and transactions. This model consists of other sub-system models that
do not exist separately, but are shown together as one system.
The model “Forest capital value” includes such sub-systems as: “Forest inventory”,
“Inventory activation”, “Capital evaluation”, as well as other sub-systems. The speci-
Dagis S. and Arhipovs S. (2006).
The Static Model of Latvian Forest Management Planning and Capital Value Estimation.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002471101850188