4 Conclusion
The architecture that has been described has the potential to improve performance,
and deployment effectiveness in enterprise and other large-scale wireless LANs, and
at the same time maintain a high network availability and reliability through network
fault tolerance that is based on dynamic power coverage assignment. These
improvements arise from the distributed dynamic resource management deployed in
mobile terminals and APs.
The suggested technique assists the APs to optimize its performance by
dynamically allocating different frequency to adjacent AP in order to reduce the
signal interference. In addition, the association between mobile terminals and AP are
distributed to different APs according to their location in the left or right hemisphere
of the AP. Furthermore, fault tolerance has been provided through the dynamic power
coverage assignment. The effect of fault tolerance improves the network availability,
but it increases loads on APs. This increase of load would be temporarily until the
failed AP has been replaced by working one.
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