Image Retrieval using Multiscalar Texture
Co-occurrence Matrix
S. K. Saha
, A. K. Das
and Bhabatosh Chanda
CSE Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700 032, India
CST Department, Bengal Engineering & Sc. University, Howrah 711 103, India
ECSU, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 700 108, India
Abstract. We have designed and implemented a texture based image retrieval
system that uses multiscalar texture co-occurrence matrix. The pixel array cor-
responding to an image is divided into a number of blocks of size 2 × 2 and a
scheme is proposed to compute texture value for each of these blocks and then
the texture co-occurrence matrix is formed. Image texture features are determined
based on this matrix. Finally, a multiscalar version of the method is presented to
cope with the texture pattern of various scale. Experiment using Brodatz texture
database shows that retrieval performance of the proposed features is better than
that of gray-level co-occurrence matrix and wavelet based features.
1 Introduction
Texture is a feature that has been extensively explored by various research group. Tex-
ture features are measured using either
(i) signal processing or statistical model [1], or
(ii) human perception model [2].
Texture is an innate property of virtually all object surfaces, including fabric, bark, wa-
ter ripple, brick, skin, etc. In satellite image texture of a region can distinguish among
grass land, beach, water body, urban area, etc. In [3] Haralick et al proposed the co-
occurrence matrix representation of texture features. First joint occurrence of gray-level
is represented as a matrix based on spatial distance and direction, and then meaningful
statistics are extracted from the matrix. However, among those texture features con-
trast, moments and entropy are found to have greatest discriminatory power [4]. Smith
and Chang [5, 7] extracted some statistics (e.g., mean and variance) from the Wavelet
sub-bands and used them as texture features. To extract appropriate texture features Ma
and Manjunath [8] explored various representation of Wavelet transforms, including
orthogonal and bi-orthogonal Wavelet transforms, tree-structured Wavelet transforms,
and Gabor Wavelet transforms. Bi-orthogonal Wavelet transforms is also used by Ko et
al [9] in their work. Smith et al [6] and Berman et al [10] have dealt with Haar wavelet
based texture representation. Gabor Filters are also used by Fournier et al [11].plan
at. al [12] used fractal dimension as a measure of texture property. Tamura at. al [2]
K. Saha S., K. Das A. and Chanda B. (2006).
Image Retrieval using Multiscalar Texture Co-occurrence Matrix.
In 6th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 136-145
DOI: 10.5220/0002477401360145
viewed texture features from a different angle and used six visually meaningful texture
properties, including coarseness, contrast, directionality, line-likeness, regularity, and
roughness. Sharing a similar view Liu and Picard [13] used periodicity, directionality
and randomness as texture features. Kelly et al [14] has described the texture in terms
of skewness and kurtosis. Wold decomposition is tried by Pentland and Picard [15].
A steerable pyramid based representation has been proposed by Aggarwal et al [16].
Gaussian Markovian random field based representation [17] is also used for denoting
texture. Proposals of texture description using Luminance gradient [18], and Y values
of YIQ model [19] are also made by the researchers. Ciocca et al [20] has described
texture on the basis of neighbourhood gray tone matrix.
The early work reveals that among the classical approaches the co-occurrence ma-
trix [3] based feature description is widely used. As the joint probability of gray-level
of a predefined pair of pixels indicates, in some sense, the pattern of intensity variation,
the gray-level co-occurrence matrix is used for texture measure. Based on the matrix
features like energy, entropy, contrast, homogenity and moments are computed.
The current trend is towards the description of texture based on wavelet transforma-
tion. In [1], Manjunath and Ma have suggested a scheme which is as follows. In first
level, the image is decomposed into four sub images of which one is low pass subim-
age and remaining three are orientation selective high pass subimages. In subsequent
iteration, only the low pass subimage is decomposed into four subimages. Thus, after
n iterations, we obtain n low pass subimages and 3 × n high pass directional subim-
ages. Corresponding to each subimage, energy, E
(average of absolute intensity) and
standard deviation of intensity values, σ
are computed and used as features.
In this work, we present multiscalar texture co-occurrence matrix as the texture de-
scriptor and the performance is compared with that of gray-level co-occurrence matrix
and the wavelet based features described earlier. Section 2 describes the proposed fea-
tures. Experimental results and comparison are presented in section 3 and concluding
remarks are given in section 4.
2 Proposed Texture Features
We perceive the texture as repetitive or quasi-repetitive patterns. However, the gray-
level co-occurrence matrix [3] captures only the co-occurrence of the intensity values,
it can not reflect the repetitive nature of the patterns in true sense. In order to overcome
this limitation, we propose texture co-occurrence matrix for describing the texture of
the image.
2.1 Texture Co-occurrence Matrix
Usually a small patch of finite area of an image is required to feel or measure local
texture value. The smallest region for such purpose could be a 2 × 2 block. So in order
to compute the texture co-occurrence matrix, the intensity image is divided into blocks
of size 2 × 2 as represented in Fig. 1(a).
Then gray level of the block is converted to binary [ see Fig. 1(b) ] by thresholding
at the average intensity. Thus, the conversion from 2 × 2 intensity block to binary block
Fig.1. (a) 2 × 2 intensity block and (b) corresponding Binary block [ see text ].
is done as follows:
0 if I
1 if i
> t
where t =
I. This operation is same as the method of obtaining binary pattern in case
of block truncation coding [21]. The 2 × 2 binary pattern obtained this way provides an
idea of local texture within the block. By arranging this pattern in raster order a binary
string is formed and corresponding decimal equivalent is its texture value. Thus,
Texture value, t
= b
× 2
+ b
× 2
+ b
× 2
+ b
× 2
Some examples of the blocks and corresponding texture values are shown in Fig. 2.
Thus we get 15 such texture value as block of all 1’s does not occur.
20 22
8 7
1 1
0 0
0 1
0 1
20 7
6 23
1 0
0 1
17 11
1 0
Binary Code
Texture value
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig.2. Example of intensity blocks and texture values.
A problem of this approach is that a smooth intensity block [ see Fig. 3(b) ] and a
coarse textured block [ see Fig. 3(a) ] may produce same binary pattern and hence, same
texture value. To surmount this problem we define a smooth block as having intensity
variance less than a small threshold. In our experiment, threshold is 0.01 of average
intensity variance computed over all the blocks. All such smooth blocks have texture
value 0 as shown in Fig. 3(c).
Texture values of the blocks that we have obtained represent the texture pattern quite
effectively. But, it suffers from one major drawback. As it has been shown in Fig. 4, two
blocks varying widely in terms of their local contrast can have similar binary pattern
resulting into same texture value. Thus, the texture value represents only the texture
pattern and does not retain the contrast information.
6 8
1 0
0 1
Binary Code
Texture value
20 7
6 23
1 0
0 1
6 8
(a) (b) (c)
Fig.3. Coarse and smooth blocks.
20 22
8 7
1 1
0 0
Fig.4. Blocks with same texture values but varying in contrast.
In order to get rid of such problems, the representation of texture value of a block
needs modification. So that, contrast information can be incorporated. The correcting
factor is to be introduced in such a way so that
In the corrected texture value, contrast information is reflected.
Contribution of contrast information must not dominate over that of texture pattern
of the block.
Two blocks with different texture pattern must have different texture value even
after the inclusion of correcting factor.
Keeping all the factors in mind, T
, new texture value of a block is computed as
= t
× 16 +
where, δ
is the contrast in the 2 × 2 block. In our experiment,
= g
where, g
is the average value of the pixels in the block marked as 1 and g
is the
same for the pixels marked as 0. Thus, g
represents the contrast of the block.
As the old value is multiplied and contrast is divided by 16, it is ensured that contrast
information will not dominate over the contribution of texture pattern and blocks with
different texture pattern will have different values.
(a) (b)
Fig.5. (a) An image, (b) Corresponding texture image.
Thus, we get the scaled image whose height and width are half of that of the original
image and the pixel values are same as texture values. This new image may be consid-
ered as the image representing the texture of the original image [ see Fig. 5 ]. Once
the texture image is obtained, co-occurrence matrix corresponding to that is computed
following the methodology described in [3].
The texture measures must be independent of translation, rotation and size. To make
the texture matrix translation invariant the 2 × 2 block frames are shifted by one pixel
horizontally, vertically and both. For each case, co-occurence matrix is computed. To
make the measure flip invariant, co-occurence matrices are also computed for the mir-
rored image. Thus, we have sixteen such matrices. Then, we take the element-wise
average of all the matrices and normalize them to obtain the final one. Size and rotation
is taken care of by the definition of co-occurrence matrix. In case of landscape, this is
computed over the whole image; while in case of image containing dominant object(s)
the texture feature is computed over the segmented region(s) of interest only.
The texture co-occurrence matrix provides the detailed description of the image
texture, but handling of such multivalued feature is always difficult, particularly in the
context of indexing and comparison cost. Hence, to obtain more perceivable features,
based on the matrix the statistical measures like energy, entropy, variation in texture,
Homogeneity in texture, texture moments are computed as it is done in case of gray-
level co-occurrence matrix. We have considered moments of order 1 and 2 as the higher
orders are not perceivable. Thus, a 9-dimensional feature vector is obtained to represent
the texture of an image.
2.2 Multiscalar Texture Co-occurrence Matrix
Texture of an image can be classified as micro or macro texture. It depends of the size
of pattern that repeats in the image. Thus, a good texture measure should have the
capability to handle the patterns of various scale. The proposed feature, the way it has
been described so far, is capable of handling the micro textures. In order to enhance
its power to represent the macro texture we further improve it and propose multiscalar
texture co-occurrence matrix.
It is computed as follows. In first iteration, we compute the features correspond to
the original gray scale image. From it the texture co-occurrence matrix is generated and
features are computed. In subsequent iteration, we consider only the pixels of alternate
row and column in the image used for computation of feature in previous iteration
[see Fig. 6]. It is similar to scaling function of lazy wavelet transform [22]. Texture
( N/2 x N/2 )
( N x N )
( N/2 x N/2 )
( N/4 x N/4 )
( N/8 x N/8 )
( N/4 x N/4 )
Fig.6. Computation of multiscalar texture matrix.
co-occurence matrix and subsequently the features are computed corresponding to this
new image whose height and size are reduced to half of those in the image used in
previous iteration. Thus, in subsequent iteration when 2 × 2 blocks are formed, along
with a particular pixel a new set of pixels in both horizontal and vertical directions are
considered. As if, the scale of the texture pattern is extended in both the directions. In
our experiment, we have repeated the process up to 3 iterations and a 27-dimensional
feature vector is obtained.
3 Experimental Results
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed texture features, we have carried
out an experiment using the images of Brodatz texture database
. The database con-
tains 112 images of size 640 × 640. Each image is divided into 25 sub-images of size
128 × 128. Thus, the final database contains 2800 images of 112 different classifica-
tion and each classification has 25 images. Each database image is used as the query
image and top order images are retrieved using Euclidean distance based exhaustive
search. Precision of retrieval, P (N) is measured after retrieving top N matches. In our
experiment, the values of N are taken as 10, 20 and 25.
To study the performance of proposed feature, at first multiscalar version is not
considered. Still the retrieval performance of proposed texture co-occurrence matrix
based features is better than that of gray-level co-occurrence matrix based features as
it has been shown in Table 1. Finally, the multiscalar version of the proposed matrix is
used. Table 2 clearly shows that it outperforms the non-multiscalar version.
A few sample retrieval results based on proposed multiscalar texture features are
shown in Fig. 7. In order to compare the performance of proposed texture measures, we
Fig.7. Retrieval results using Brodatz database: showing top 5 matches excluding the query im-
age itself; first image of each row is the query image.
Table 1. Comparison of precision (in %) using Brodatz database.
Gray-level Texture
Co-occurence Co-occurence
Matrix Matrix
P(10) 56.33 60.03
P(20) 44.29 48.46
P(25) 39.84 44.25
Table 2. Comparison of precision (in %) using Brodatz database.
Texture Multiscalar Texture
Co-occurrence Co-occurrence
Matrix Matrix
P(10) 60.03 74.31
P(20) 48.46 62.23
P(25) 44.25 56.48
have computed the multiscalar gray-level co-occurrence matrix based features follow-
ing the similar technique to obtain 27-dimensional feature vector after three iterations.
We have also implemented a system to work with wavelet based feature [1] as discussed
in section 1. We have decomposed the image in 3 iteration. Thus, 12 different subimages
are obtained and finally, a 24-dimensional feature vector is computed. The performance
of these three types of features are shown in Table 3 and Fig. 8. It is clear that precision
of retrieval using the proposed measure is better than others.
Table 3. Comparison of precision (in %) using Brodatz database.
Multiscalar Multiscalar
Texture Gray-level
Co-occurrence Co-occurrence Wavelet
Matrix Matrix
P(10) 74.31 68.17 72.89
P(20) 62.23 54.89 60.18
P(25) 56.48 49.47 54.16
4 Conclusion
In this work we have presented the idea of computing local texture based on blocks of
2 × 2 pixels of the intensity image. Each block is assigned a texture value and a texture
image corresponding to the original image is obtained. The co-occurrence matrix corre-
sponding to this texture image provides detailed description of the image texture. As the
Fig.8. Recall-Precision graph using various texture features for Brodatz database.
proposed matrix reflects the co-occurrence of the texture of 2 × 2 blocks, it has stronger
capability than the gray-level co-occurrence matrix for representing the texture. As the
texture co-occurrence matrix is high dimensional and detailed, more perceivable fea-
tures, like entropy, energy, texture moments, homogeneity and variation in texture are
computed from the matrix. Finally, multiscalar texture measure is proposed. So that,
proposed scheme can handle various micro or macro textures. Experiment shows the
performance of proposed measure is better than that of gray-level co-occurrence matrix
and wavelet based measures.
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