In every facility there are three points of connection driving facilities’ composition
into functional areas, which relate to the following: i) a stock representing "passen-
gers available in the associated functional area for free circulation" is defined for
every functional area. The initial inflow and the final outflow of a facility begins from
and terminates respectively to this particular stock; ii) Demand placed upon a service
facility is determined taking into account: a) passenger availability in the associated
functional area (the stock defined in (i)), and b) the demand placed upon other facili-
ties of the functional area; iii) The estimation of walking times between a service
facility and the elements of the associated functional area is based on a pedestrian
flow model which considers speed, flow, and density relationships, between all ele-
ments of all facilities pertaining to this specific functional area [4], [8].
To complete the design of the airport terminal model, functional areas are inter-
connected through a specific facility which acts as the interface between them. For
example, the interface between Unrestricted Functional Area and Controlled Func-
tional Area is the Boarding Pass facility, as this is the last facility in Unrestricted Area
passengers pass through before entering Controlled Area. Accordingly are connected
the remaining airport functional areas.
A conceptual framework for the development of a generic, yet flexible airport ter-
minal simulation tool has been presented. The proposed tool is intended to support
effective decision-making in airport terminal operations planning, design, and man-
agement, with respect to performance evaluation. The work underway for the comple-
tion of the tool development includes validation and implementation of the simulation
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