Towards a UML 2.0 Profile for RBAC Modeling in
Activity Diagrams
Alfonso Rodríguez
, Eduardo Fernández-Medina
, Mario Piattini
Departamento de Auditoría e Informática,
Universidad del Bio Bio,
La Castilla S/N, Chillán, Chile.
ALARCOS Research Group
Information Systems and Technologies Department
UCLM-Soluziona Research and Development Institute
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad 4, – 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain.
Abstract. Business Processes are a crucial issue for many companies because
they are the key to maintain competitiveness. Moreover, business processes are
important for software developers, since they can capture from them the
necessary requirements for software design and creation. Besides, business
process modeling is the center for conducting and improving how the business
is operated. Security is important for business performance, but traditionally, it
is considered after the business processes definition. Empirical studies show
that, at the business process level, customers, end users, and business analysts
are able to express their security needs. In this work, we will present a proposal
aimed at integrating security requirements and role identification for RBAC,
through business process modeling. We will summarize our UML 2.0 profile
for modeling secure business process through activity diagrams, and we will
apply this approach to a typical health-care business process.
1 Introduction
The key to maintain competitiveness is the ability of an enterprise to describe,
standardize, and adapt the way it reacts to certain types of business events, and how it
interacts with suppliers, partners, competitors, and customers [29]. Business
Processes, defined as a set of procedures or activities which collectively pursue a
business objective or policy goal [36], are a good answer to the environment
complexity, the speed required by new products and the growing number of involved
actors in the activities of the organization.
The new business scene, where there are many participants and an intensive use of
communications and information technologies, implies that enterprises not only
expand their businesses but also increase their vulnerability. As a consequence, with
the increase of the number of attacks on systems, it is highly probable that sooner or
later an intrusion can be successful
[26]. This security violation causes losses. For this
reason, it is necessary to protect computers and their systems in the best possible way.
ıguez A., Fern
andez-Medina E. and Piattini M. (2006).
Towards a UML 2.0 Profile for RBAC Modeling in Activity Diagrams.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 174-184
Best possible security does not necessarily mean absolute security, but a reasonable
high security level in relation to the given limitations [37].
The notion of security is often neglected in business process models, which
usually concentrate on modeling the process in a way that functional correctness can
be shown [3] mainly due to the fact that the expert in the business process domain is
not an expert in security [16]. Usually, security is considered after the definition of
the system. This approach often leads to problems, which most of the times are
translated into security vulnerabilities [24]. Moreover, most requirements engineers
are not trained at all in security, and the few that have been trained have been only
given an overview of security architectural mechanisms such as passwords and
encryption rather than a proper training in actual security requirements [13].
Requirements specification usually results in a specification of the software
system which should be as exact as possible [1]. Moreover, an early consideration of
the security properties of the business process is positive for the development of
secure systems. On the other hand, adding security as an afterthought not only
increases the chances of a security conflict to exist, but also requires a huge amount of
money and valuable time to overcome it, once the problem has been identified [24]
Best practices in software security include a manageable number of simple
activities that should be applied throughout any software development process. These
lightweight activities should start at the earliest stages of software development and
then continue throughout the development process and into deployment and
operations [34]. We believe that security should be considered during the business
process definition because it is a good point to start software development.
In the same way, access control is an important requirement of information
systems. RBAC [4, 12, 31] was found to be the most attractive solution for providing
security features in multidomain digital government infrastructure. RBAC is
characterized by the notion that permissions are assigned to roles, and not directly to
users. Users are assigned appropriate roles according to their job functions, and hence
indirectly acquire the permissions associated with those roles [19]. Moreover, due to
the fact that roles represent organizational functions, an RBAC mechanism can
directly support the specification of the access control policies of the organization [4].
On the other hand, effective business process models facilitate discussions among
different stakeholders in the business, allowing them to agree on the key fundamentals
and to work towards common goals. In order to create the best software, the
businesses in which the software systems operate must be also modeled, understood,
and sometimes improved [11].
For business process modeling, there are several languages and notations [15].
However, BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) and UML (Unified
Modeling Language) are considered the main standards [23]. The most important
change of UML 2.0 version with respect to the previous ones has been that of the
activity diagrams which improve the business process representation. Our work
considers a UML 2.0 profile that allows us to incorporate security requirements into
the activity diagrams from the perspective of the business analyst. Business analysts
will be able to specify access control, among other security requirements identified in
the taxonomy proposed in [14]. The access control specification will give origin to an
identification of roles and permissions over some activity diagram elements that have
been used to describe a business process.
Our proposal is based on the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) approach. We
will define early requirements identification using UML and this will make it possible
to perform independent specifications of the implementation. Moreover, we believe
that it is possible to have two different perspectives about security requirements at a
high level of abstraction. One of them related to business analysts and the other
associated with security experts. In this paper we have deepened in the first
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: in next Section, we will
summarize the background and related works. In Section 3 we will propose a UML
2.0 profile to represent security requirements from the business analyst’s perspective.
This profile will allow roles and permissions identification oriented to implement
RBAC approach. Finally, in Section 4, we will present an example to show our
proposal and in Section 5 our conclusion will be drawn.
2 Background and Related Work
In this section we will summarize the fundamental topics about security in business
process, Role-based access control, and UML 2.0 activity diagrams and profiles.
Related works are considered in each sub-section.
2.1 Security in Business Process
In spite of the importance of security for business processes, we have found out two
problems. The first one is that modeling has not been adequate since, generally, those
who specify security requirements are requirements engineers that have accidentally
tended to use architecture specific restrictions instead of security requirements [13].
And in the second place, security has been integrated into an application in an ad-hoc
manner, often during the actual implementation process [3], during the system
administration phase [20] or it has been considered like outsourcing [22].
An approach to model security considering several perspectives is presented in
[16]. Authors take into consideration the following perspectives: static, about the
processed information security, functional, from the viewpoint of the system
processes, dynamic, about the security requirements from the life cycle of the objects
involved in the business process, organizational, used to relate responsibilities to
acting parties within the business process and the business processes perspective, that
provides us with an integrated view of all perspectives with a high degree of
abstraction. We believe that from the business process perspective business analysts
can integrate their view about business security.
On the other hand, functional security requirements tend to vary depending on the
kind of application. This cannot be said about security requirements since any
application at the highest level of abstraction will tend to have the same basic kinds of
valuable and potentially vulnerable assets [14].
The research works related to security specifications carried out by business
domain experts are; (i) scarce [3, 16, 21], (ii) oriented to transaction security [28], (iii)
directly oriented to information systems in general [33] or (iv) thought for security
and software engineers. [22]. Therefore, and taking into consideration that business
processes have a close relationship with workflow[35], we have paid special attention
to security and workflow works [2, 8]. We have proved that most of these works
emphasize access control through the use of access based on roles, RBAC [5, 8, 30].
2.2 Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
The basic concept of RBAC (see Figure 1) is that users are assigned to roles,
permissions are assigned to roles and users acquire permissions by being members of
roles. A user in this model is a human being or other autonomous agent such as a
process or a computer. A role is a job function or job title within the organization that
describes the authority and responsibility of the user assigned to the role. A
permission is a right granted to an individual acting on behalf of the user, that enables
the holder of those rights to act in the system within the bounds of those rights [1].
Roles Operations
user_sessions sessions_roles
Fig. 1. Core RBAC [12].
RBAC is well suited as a foundation for the modeling of access control for several
reasons. The concept of role-based permissions is close to the domain vocabulary
used to define security in organizations. Therefore, it can ease the expression of
requirements relevant for access control during analysis as well as promote their
realization in the design [20].
Research works related to Role-based and business process modeling are
presented in [9] and [10]. Authors show the fundamental concept for building a role
based business process model. This approach presents two distinct models: the
business object model and the role model. The first one focuses on the description of
business objects, i.e. the components of a business. It represents the type of each
business object, its intrinsic behavior and properties but it does not address the
representation of the object’s collaboration-related features. The role model specifies
roles as types that can be specialized and aggregated. Role reuse is possible whenever
the semantics of the interaction pattern is the same. The role model depicts the
collaborative behavior between roles and the constraints that regulate them. Roles are
bound to business objects in a specific business object model that defines their usage
Our proposal considers RBAC like an integral part of the security requirement
about access control. This security requirement specified into activity diagrams with
the UML 2.0 profile is fundamental to RBAC specification.
2.3 UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams and UML 2.0 Profiles
Activity diagrams are the UML 2.0 elements used to represent business processes and
workflows [17]. In UML previous versions, expressivity was limited and this fact
confused users that did not use the orientation to objects as an approach for modeling.
Now, it is possible to support flow modeling across a wide variety of domains [6].
UML 2.0 is divided into structural and behavioral specifications, that is, models of
the static and dynamic aspects of a system. Behavior models specify how the
structural aspects of a system change over time. UML has three behavior models:
activities, state machines, and interactions. Activities focus on the sequence,
conditions, and inputs and outputs for invoking other behaviors, state machines show
how events cause changes of object state and invoke other behaviors, and interactions
describe message-passing between objects that causes invocation of other behaviors
[7]. An activity specifies the coordination of executions of subordinate behaviors,
using a control and data flow model. The graphical notation of an activity is a
combination of nodes and connectors that allow us to form a complete flow. In Figure
2 we show a UML 2.0 meta-model for Activity Diagrams.
Fig. 2. UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams meta-model.
On the other hand, the Profiles package contains mechanisms that allow to adapt
the meta-model for different purposes, for example, different platforms (such as J2EE
or .NET) or domains (such as real-time or business process modeling). The profiles
mechanism is consistent with the OMG Meta Object Facility (MOF) [25]. UML
profiles consist of Stereotypes, Constraints and Tagged Values. A stereotype is a
model element defined by its name and by the base class to which it is assigned.
Constraints are applied to the stereotype with the purpose of indicating limitations
(e.g. pre or post conditions, invariants). They can be expressed in natural language,
programming language or through OCL (Object Constraint Language). Tagged values
are additional meta-attributes assigned to a stereotype, specified as name-value pairs.
Research works related to UML 2.0 profiles and business processes refer to
aspects of the business such as Customer, kind of Business Process, Goal, Deliverable
and Measure [18], Data Warehouse and its relation to business process dynamic
ObjectFlow ControlFlow
structures [32] or they add semantics to the activities considering organizational
aspects that allow us to express resource restrictions during the execution of an
activity [17].
Nevertheless, none of them is not related to security specifications.
3 UML 2.0 Profile for RBAC Modeling in Activity Diagrams
Our proposal allows business analysts to specify security requirements in the business
process by using activity diagrams. From the Control Access requirement
specification, it is possible to obtain a role identification and permissions oriented to
RBAC specification. Later on, these requirements will be transformed, by the security
experts, into technical specifications including all necessary details for their
implementation. In this paper, we will only study the first part.
Fig. 3. Stereotype for security element and role identification.
We have proposed a UML 2.0 profile that allows us to define security
requirements. Figure 3 show us the stereotype related to security requirement
specification in activity diagrams (gray-coloured). For details about
«SecurityRequirement», and its classes derived, see
[27]. In this work we will study
in depth the stereotypes about access control and the role and permissions
identification (dark-gray- coloured).
The stereotype «ActivitySecurityElement» (see Table 1) is an abstract class created
to contain security specifications obtained from the taxonomy proposed in [14]. The
stereotype «SecurityRole» is an abstract class, derived from Actor (from UseCase),
created to contain role specifications (see Table 1). «SecurityRole» has a composition
relationship with «AccessControl» class. The stereotype «SecurityPermission» (see
Table 1) is an abstract class derived from Element (from Kernel) created to contain
(from Kernel)
(from Kernel
(from UseCases)
permission specifications. These permissions must be specified for each object
(activity diagram elements) that was used in the activity diagram that describes a
business process.
Table 1. Security stereotypes specifications.
Name ActivitySecurityElement
Base Class Element (from Kernel)
Description Abstract class containing audit specifications and security requirements
Name SecurityRequirement
Base Class ActivitySecurityElement
It can contain business process security requirements specifications. It must
be specialized to indicate the required security type.
It must be specified for Integrity (I), Access Control (AC), Non
Repudiation (NR), Privacy (P) and Attack/Harm Detection (AD).
Name AccessControl
Base Class SecurityRequirement
It establishes the need to define and/or intensify the access control
mechanisms to restrict access to specific components in an activity
It can be only specified in the following activity diagram elements:
Activity, ActivityPartition and/or InterruptibleActivityRegion.
Name SecurityRole
Base Class Actor (from UseCases)
Description Abstract class containing role specifications.
«SecurityRole» has only associations to «AccessControl» stereotype.
«SecurityRole» must have a name.
The Role in «SecurityRole» must be derived from: Activity, ActivityPartition or
Name SecurityPermission
Base Class Element (from Kernel)
Description Abstract class containing permission specifications.
«SecurityPermission» has only associations to «SecurityRole» stereotype.
«SecurityPermission» must be specified such as Objects-Operations pairs
Objects could be related to: Action, DataStore and ObjectFlow
Each Object must be associated to Operations, according to:
Actions {Execution, CheckExecution}
Execution is a default value. CheckExecution is specified when the Role must be
verified once again.
DataStore {Update, Create, Read, Delete}
Update is a default value. Create, Read and Delete are the classical operations for data
ObjectFlow {SendReceive , CheckSendReceive}
SendReceive is a default value. CheckSendReceive is specified when the Role must be
verified once again for operation to be carried out.
4 Example
Our illustrative example (see Figure 4) describes a typical business process for the
admission of patients in a health-care institution. In this case, the business analyst
identified the following Activity Partition: Patient (individual who receives medical
care and who must fill out an admission request), Administration Area (which is a top
partition that is divided into two middle partitions), where the Medical Institution
records details about costs and insurances, and finally, the Medical Area (divided into
Medical Evaluation and Exams) where pre-admission tests, exams, evaluations and
complete clinical data collecting are carried out. Security requirements are included in
this business process. The business analyst has considered several aspects of security.
Exam s
Medical Area
Administration Area
Fill o ut
C linic al
Create Empty
Clinical Data
Ins u ran c e
Inform atio n
C lin ic al
Exam s
Inform atio n
C lin ical
Inform atio n
Fill o u t C o st
Info rm a tion
Fill o u t
Info rm a tion
Fill out
C lin ic al D a ta
High Level
Inform atio n
Inform atio n
Fig. 4. Business Process: Admission of Patients in a Medical Institution.
We are to going pay special attention into Access Control specifications.
«AccessControl» has been defined over the Interruptible Activity Region. This
specification involves Actions (Capture Insurance Information, Check Clinical Data,
Create Empty Clinical Data and Fill out Cost Information) and Data Store
(Accounting Data). Access Control has been also specified over the Activity Partition
“Medical Area” which implies that Access Control is applicable to all objects
(Actions, Data store and object flow) in “Medical Evaluation” and “Exams” middle
activity partitions.
In Table 2, we will show details about the specification. The first column contains
the role. It has been extracted from Activity, ActivityPartition or
InterruptibleActivityRegion. The second column shows the objects within the scope
of the access control specification. The last column contains information about
operations over objects in relation to access control constrains.
Table 2. «SecurityRole» and «SecurityPermission» specifications.
Role Objects Operations
Capture Insurance Information
Fill out Cost information
Check Clinical Data
Create Empty Clinical Data
DataStore Accounting Data Update
Pre-Admission Test
Evaluation Patient Exams
Fill out Clinical Data
Fill out Patient Information
Medical Evaluation
DataStore Clinical Data Update
Complete Accounting Information
Make Exams
Complete Clinical Information
DataStore Accounting Information
Clinical Information
Read, Create
Read, Create
5 Conclusions and Ongoing Work
The improvement experienced in the languages for business processes modeling,
especially UML 2.0 activity diagrams, opens an opportunity to incorporate security
requirement that allow us to improve this aspect of the systems from early stages in
software development. In this paper, we have presented a UML 2.0 profile that allows
us to incorporate security requirements into activity diagrams that will increase the
scope of the expressive ability of business analysts. We have placed particular
emphasis on Access Control requirement. From this specification, it is possible to
roles for RBAC specifications and permissions specifications that consider
objects and operations over this object.
The next step should be that of apply an MDA approach to transform the model
(including the security requirements) into most concrete models (i.e. execution
models). Therefore, the future work must be oriented to enrich the security
requirements specifications, improving the UML profile specification to complement
it with Well-Formedness Rules and OCL. Furthermore, it is necessary to incorporate
the viewpoint of the security expert into them in order to make implementation
This research is part of the following projects: DIMENSIONS (PBC-05-012-1),
supported by FEDER and the “Consejería de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de
Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha”, COMPETISOFT (granted by CYTED) and
RETISTIC (TIC2002-12487-E) granted by the “Dirección General de Investigación
del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología” (Spain).
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