A Proposal for a Systematic Evaluation of Measures
Harald Kjellin
Department of Mathematics and Science, Kristianstad University, 291 88 Kristianstad
Keywords: Performance Metrics, Designing Measures.
Abstract: The results of work in any section of an enterprise should preferably be described in a way that makes the
results suited for benchmarking with other sections of the enterprise. The same goes for individual work
results. Results are easily compared if they are measured according to some numerical standard. Numerical
measures can be generalized and standardized until they can be considered as having a high degree of
“reusability”. There are several types of enterprise models that include the use of reusable “soft” numerical
values. With “soft” numerical values I refer to the type of values that cannot be directly measured in relation
to objective facts but are artificially constructed measures that includes some kind of subjective estimation
for calculating the value. Another requirement on such measures is that it should be possible to use them for
comparing performance between individuals or between units of an organization or between organizations.
These measures can, for instance, be used for customer appreciation of their relationships with the
organization, as is often recommended in the method called “Balanced Scorecards” or they can be used
when giving students numerical values as credits (points) for passing university courses. A summary of
informal evaluations is presented. The evaluations concern how “soft” measures have been implemented in
organizations. The results of the evaluations show that objective values based on facts can be combined with
subjective estimations in a way that makes them less vulnerable to people manipulating the measures and
less vulnerable to the subjectivity of superiors when estimating the quality of the results.
When people discuss the advantages of using
ontology they may claim that: a) It facilitates
communication within the organization, or b)
Ontology makes it possible to automate parts of the
communication, or c) Ontology makes i easier to
communicate about complex phenomenon, or d)
Ontology facilitates the detection of possible
misunderstandings (Ushold & Gruninger, 1996)
Such claims are similar with the claims stated for
other types of methods for structuring information or
representing knowledge. For instance in the area of
Artificial Intelligence it is well known that
knowledge must be represented in a way that makes
it possible to structure knowledge in a coherent and
logical way or it will not be possible to process the
knowledge automatically. Another similar type of
claim is that if Conceptual Analysis and Conceptual
Modelling are carried out the right way it is possible
to create any kind of relational database, with the
conceptual model as a specification, since the
correctness of the conceptual model will guarantee
that the database will work according to theory. A
third example of the need for formalizing
relationships in information structures can be found
in the area of Knowledge Acquisition where, for
instance, it is important that knowledge is structured
according to the various perspectives you have on
the knowledge when you are solving a specific task.
There is presently many areas of science that
focus on the metrics of the output value of
phenomena. In the area of “usability metrics” as
described in (Nielsen, 1992) we find many intricate
ways in how to use heuristic measures, but they
differ from the proposed approach in that they do not
consider the measures as a standard for continuous
use by end users. In the area of balanced scorecards
we can see the continuous daily use of performance
measures (Kaplan, 2005) similar to the ones
proposed here. A slight difference is that we propose
measures with a focus on defining the production in
itself. Making a measure the reference that people
talk about when discussing the output from work.
Another similarity can be found with the type of
Kjellin H. (2006).
VERIFYING THE VALUE OF OBJECTIVE MEASURES - A Proposal for a Systematic Evaluation of Measures.
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 497-500
DOI: 10.5220/0002491904970500
employee reward proposed in (Armstrong, 1999). In
our examples we show how the reward approach can
be carried out further towards a definition of the
output of the work where the measure and the output
is the same thing. There are different theoretical
approaches to measurements described in (Stevens,
1946), (Lorge, 1967), (McGonagle & Vella, 1990),
(Miller, 1991). There is, however, no specific theory
in the above that is utilized as a base for this paper.
Instead we have a general approach when discussing
empirical evidence concerning how various theories
and principles about measurements can be combined
in order to facilitate communication about what is
valuable and useful in the work place
1.1 Measuring Performance
When large and/or complex information systems are
designed it is often necessary to reduce the
complexity of the information by establishing
unambiguous definitions witch may secure that
people perceive the information from the same
perspective when it is communicated (Chandler,
1992). Such definitions have the same function as
the kind of “meta-communication” that is needed to
establish an agreement about how the information
should be communicated in a dialogue between two
persons. The definitions of relationships in
communication structures can also be seen as a
protocol or grammar for how to interpret messages.
A problem with defining the logical structure of:
ontology, taxonomy, legend, knowledge base or
grammar is that the definition of the structure in
itself may be difficult to communicate and it may
also be difficult to implement. Apart from this it
may create organizational problems when it is
enforced within an organization (Argyris, 1991).
People may not understand the necessity of the
imposed standard and may not be willing to conform
to ideas created by someone who they have no
relationship with.
Human beings need long-term agreement for
how to standardize communication in order for the
communication to function efficiently. The problem
with this is that the creation of communication
standards requires extra resources. The cost of
implementing and managing the standards may be
larger than the benefits from using them. Another
problem with using standards is that they inevitably
cause a reduction in the richness of the
communication (Nonaka, 1994). There are examples
of the exception handling being more expensive to
manage than the management of the whole system,
which shows that a strict enforced structure may
create an efficient communication as long as all
needed variations of the communication can be
preconceived, but when it cannot, the exception
handling takes time.
Some standards for quantifying the value of
results are known as being successful. An example is
the often recommended standards used in “Balanced
Scorecards” where measures are created for
appreciating the value of customers’ relationships
with the organization. Another example of a
successfully implemented standard is the convention
to give students numerical values as credits (points)
for passing university courses. In Sweden it is very
important that such credits follow the national
standard in order to allow students to combine
studies from different universities. What seems to be
common for successful standards is that they
combine the recording of facts with some kind of
subjective estimation of quality into a numerical
1.2 Creating Measures
As this paper only reports a summary of findings I
will only exemplify the steps in the development of
measures. Initially questions were asked concerning
the employees attitude to the results of their work:
How do you want to be recognized in your
When do you enjoy your work?
When do you feel that you have produced
something valuable?
Who will benefit from your work.
1.3 Eliciting Measures Via
Once the value of the results had been specified the
interviews continued step by step to gradually
establish a measure that was considered as being as
objective and measurable as possible. The following
are examples of questions that were used in the
What could you say to your colleague or
superior to prove that you really have
achieved something?
What kind of factual results could be used to
compare the results between employees?
Is it easy to estimate the quality of the results
after the quantity of the results has been
Is there any kind of results related to the
value X that can be measured?
1.4 Testing and Modifying the
After implementing the measures they were tested.
In some cases an extensive test was carried out, but
in most implementations this was not feasible since
it would take a very long time to secure reliable
results. The major way of finding evidence of the
usefulness of the measures was to ask questions to
managers and employees of organizations. The
questions concerned the usefulness of the measures
and they can be exemplified by the following:
For the approach in general:
After having tested these measures. Do you
believe that the approach can be used to improve the
competitiveness of the organization?
Do you think that other organizations will
be interested in creating similar measures in
the near future?
Would you advice the general management
to use these or similar measures in the
Can the measures be used for benchmarking
the performance within the organization?
Specific aspects of the approach:
Do you believe that the company will have
any use of this measure?
Should the measure be implemented on a
large scale in the organization?
How should it be modified to be more
Do you see any difficulties with motivating
employees to always document their results
according to the instructions?
This article should be seen as a position statement
that gives an overview of the experienced usefulness
of measures in various environments:
Performance measures for students in the form
of taken credits. 14 years of experiments showed
that it is possible to use formal quantifications as a
base for evaluating the quality of student
performance in their thesis writings and shorter
assignment writings. The investigations showed that
the students appreciated to get a distinct numerical
Descriptions of priorities of activities in the area
of Knowledge Management. 7 years of tests in
smaller companies in the vicinity of Stockholm
showed that employees in general strongly disagreed
with trying to represent crucial information and
personally acquired knowledge according to a
specified ontology. At the same time most of the
employees were positive to the creation of measures
they could use to prove that they had reached their
targets in their work. These results were also
described in (Kjellin, 2002).
Agreements about principles in negotiations
within media organizations. During 5 years there has
been cooperation, with the national society of
journalist in Sweden, about how to measure the
results of their work and how to claim reward for
creative work done outside of the work
specifications from their employer. Similar results
had also been presented in (Armstrong, 1990). The
major benefit from the investigation was claims
from the journalists that the measures makes it much
easier to reach agreements with their employers who
dared to delegate responsibility to the journalists
since they could trust that the company would only
pay for deliverances of high quality results.
The decision support information concerning the
values of outsourcing. Managers involved in
outsourcing were testing measures for securing the
productivity of their personnel. The major
conclusion was that the largest benefit from
outsourcing was the enforced formalization of
measures for costs and benefits from the outsourcing
which made later reorganizations easier.
Board evaluations with a focus on the incentive
systems. During 3 years 120 measures for evaluating
the performance of corporate management was
developed and tested on large companies in Sweden.
The history behind the measures was similar to how
the Sarbanes-Oxley act was developed in the US as a
result of the crisis in the companies like Enron,
World-Com, etc. The most appreciated feature of
these measures was that they secured the objectivity
of the measured performance and also secured that
the measures could not be manipulated by powerful
board members who were sensitive to any type of
analysis of their behaviour.
VERIFYING THE VALUE OF OBJECTIVE MEASURES - A Proposal for a Systematic Eevaluation of Measures
2.1 A Summary of Examples
When all examples were analyzed it could be seen
that managers in Swedish organizations:
are determined to increase their use of soft
numerical values
believe that there is an increased need for
soft numerical values in corporations
see the use of outsourcing as a means to
create reliable soft numerical values
see the use of soft numerical measures as a
way to delegate power and decentralize
organizations without losing the control that
is needed to coordinate the organization.
I also found that:
We can recommend people who create artificial
measures to avoid measures that are solely based on
facts that can be manipulated. As the measures are
used in a competitive environment it is important
that the measures cannot be used to manipulate
results to create individual advantages. When a part
of the measuring is related to a subjective estimation
of the quality of the results it is easier to establish a
useful numerical measure. The quantitative part of
the measure secures that the evaluation is sound and
efficient while the qualitative subjective part secures
that results cannot be manipulated. This second part
can be efficient since it does not include a control of
A great reward from evaluating results in
relation to costs on a detailed level is that this
enforces a creation of standard numerical measures.
This can, for instance, be seen in companies who
have been engaged in outsourcing. The managers in
these companies often realize that a considerable
part of the benefits from the outsourcing is that it
facilitated a “bottom-up” reorganization of the
company based on the formalization of measures of
2.2 Epilogue
Objective values based on facts to measure
quantitative results can be combined with
estimations of the quality of the results in a way that
makes them: 1) less vulnerable to people
manipulating the measures, and 2) less vulnerable to
the subjectivity of superiors when estimating results.
In cases when the measures were only based on
subjective evaluations the persons whose
performance were measured often felt that the
measures were unfair and that they were erroneously
evaluated by their superiors
2.3 Future research
I am presently looking for companies who are
willing to let me implement and test the use of
measures on a larger scale. The final goal is to create
ontology of measures for some branch of industry. I
believe that such ontology could be used for creating
a more competitive industry and an industry that
would be very skilled in knowledge transfer,
knowledge refinement and outsourcing.
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