Carlos Alberto Cocozza Simoni, Maria Cecilia Calani Baranauskas
Institute of Computing, State University of Campinas, Av. Albert Einstein 1251, Campinas, Brazil
Rodrigo Bonacin
CenPRA - Rodovia Dom Pedro I, km 143,6, Campinas, Brazil
Keywords: Organizational Semiotics, Tailoring, Software Engineering.
Abstract: Nowadays, organizations face the impact of changes from several sources. Literature points out that we still
have a gap between the dynamic of the system maintenance and changes in the organizational processes. To
cover this gap we consider the use of practices coming from Organizational Semiotics (OS) and Tailoring.
OS allows a deep understanding of the organizational context and the technical system embedded in it, and
Tailoring proposes to provide autonomy to users in dealing with changes in computer systems. This paper
presents a case study developed in our University to explore and extend an existing approach to provide
more autonomy to computer system users, according to the evolution of their business requirements.
Although more investment has been done in IT the
evolution of the existing computational systems
don’t follow the evolution of the organizational
requirements (Liu et al, 2002). Flexible architecture
in computational systems (Truex et al. 1999),
evolutionary Information Systems (IS) and co-
evolution between software and business process
(Liu et al. 2002) are efforts to cover this gap.
Organizational Semiotics (OS) allows us to
understand the role played by the IT in the
organizational contexts, and clarifies how an
organization interacts with the environment.
Tailoring (Morch 1995) proposes autonomy to users,
modifying the software according to the continuous
changes in business requirements.
In this paper we present a case study conducted
in our University to provide more autonomy to end
users in changing their applications according to the
evolution of their business requirements. The paper
is organized as follows: Section 2 presents some key
concepts of the OS methods and Tailoring, Section 3
presents the proposed approach, the case study and
discusses benefits and drawbacks of the proposed
approach, and Section 4 concludes the paper.
In this session we present the main concepts
involving Organizational Semiotics and Tailoring
applied to our work.
Organizational Semiotics (OS)
Social, cultural and organizational aspects involved
in the problem must have a more decisive role in the
process of developing the information system (Liu
2000). The MEASUR - Methods for Eliciting,
Analyzing and Specifying User’s Requirements
(Stamper, 1993) is a set of methods, based on OS, to
deal with the use of signs, their function in
communicating meanings (semantic), intentions
(pragmatic), and their social consequences (social).
In this work we use the Semantic and Norm
Analysis methods.
The Semantic Analysis Method (SAM) assists
analysts and users in eliciting and representing their
Alberto Cocozza Simoni C., Cecilia Calani Baranauskas M. and Bonacin R. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 493-496
DOI: 10.5220/0002492004930496
requirements in a formal and precise model. It
describes a view of agents with responsibilities in
the domain and their behavior patterns called
The Norm Analysis Method (NAM) focuses on
social, cultural and organizational norms that govern
the actions of agents. A Norm defines a
responsibility of an agent engaged in a task, or
condition under which certain actions may (deontic
operators) be performed by the agent.
Morch and Mehandjiev (2000) consider that end
users of software should be responsible for the
process of changing a computer-based tool in its
usage context.
Morch (1995) classifies Tailoring in three
categories: Customization, Integration, and
Extension. The focus of our work is in Extension
where the functionality of an application is enhanced
by adding new code. This author considers that
Extension is a not common feature of commercial
applications, and the main question pointed out by
him concerns the implementation language to be
used in this scenario, which should be accessible to
end users.
He also considers that Tailoring techniques could
be extended to support organizational changes. We
argue that OS may provide methods suitable for
doing Tailoring, since it puts equal emphasis on both
technical and organizational issues.
In this session we present an approach to provide
software autonomy to specialists and end users in
changing their applications according to their needs.
Based on previous works (Bonacin and
Baranauskas 2005; Simoni et al. 2005 a/b) we use
OS to provide a contextual understanding of the
problem, to model the static characteristics of the
context (SAM), and its dynamic aspects (NAM).
Based on Tailoring and OS concepts, a norm-
based framework called NBIC – Norm-Based
Interface Configurator was structured (Bonacin and
Baranauskas 2005) to support the work of interface
specialists. In the following sessions we present this
framework and the case study carried out in our
3.1 NBIC – Norm-Based Interface
By using NBIC architecture, the system maintenance
is understood in tree levels (Figure 1):
1. End users (or domain specialists) use tailorable
interfaces to change the system behavior;
2. An interface engineer interacts with three tools:
(a) Norm Manager to see the results of the
tailoring activity at level 1, (b) Action Manager
to link norms actions to interface objects and
actions, and (c) Tailoring Manager to specify the
tailoring interface to be used by the end-users.
3. The code of the system static part could be
The users’ participation is not restricted to a
specific level. They should cooperate with the
interface engineer in the second level and with the
developers in the third level.
The end-user applications interact with the NBIC
by two mechanisms: perception and action. The
“perception” mechanism is the part of the system
that transmits context information to the inference
machine using a specific protocol. The “action”
mechanism reads the parameters resulted from the
inference machine that evaluate the specified norms
and triggers the appropriated action.
3.2 Extending NBIC with Norm
Modeler: a Case Study
We have structured a course (Special Topics in
Information Systems) in our University allowing the
students to have contact with the theme of the
evolving computational systems. The main goal was
to provide an overview about ways to deal with the
existing dependencies between the software and
organizational changes. The focus of our case study
was the first level of NBIC showed in Figure 1,
where the end-user can directly change the
The class was divided in 9 teams with 4 students
in each one. The students’ groups worked with the
conception and the construction of two prototypes:
(1) a business application to be tailored and (2) a
norm modeler.
The method allowed the students to model the
problem context in terms of static (SAM) and
dynamic elements (NAM). All teams succeeded in
modeling the context through agents, their behavior
and norms that guide them.
Our interest was in investigating what kind of
software flexibility we could get and the end-user
skill that would be necessary to use this scenario.
Each team chose its own technical platform,
allowing us to verify the independence between the
business solution and the Norm Modeler.
The norm modeler was used as the tailoring
interface box represented in Figure 1. The tailoring
interface is a framework that can be configured by
the tailoring manager tool, in order to provide end-
users ways of specifying norms using direct
manipulation. The Norm Modeler was not restricted
to this framework; the students could explore any
technique to provide an interface where end-users
could specify norms. The main focus was on the
construction of applications that are easy to maintain
by using the tailoring and the OS theoretical
To allow the interaction between the business
application and the Norm Modeler the students
realize the necessity of a common dialog between
them. They proposed a set of interface elements that
should be provided and managed, such as: agents,
affordances, attributes, rule names, actions, interface
objects. To allow non-specialist users in computing
to interact in this scenario, the students considered
that, for each element, it would be necessary to
allow users to assign names, descriptions and
graphical representation, registering their own
expression of each element.
3.3 The Norm Modeler
The main interface proposed by Team 1, which had
achieved the most complete solution for the Norm
Modeler, is shown in Figure 2. The features
developed are marked with capital letters:
A. To chose a norm name.
B. To specify the conditions to activate the norm.
C. To specify the deontic effect of the norm,
permitting/obligating/prohibiting agent actions.
D. To specify the agents involved in the action.
E. To specify the agent actions that should be
performed, according to the deontic effect.
F. To show to the end-user the result of the norm
Each feature described above is activated and
controlled by through the software that supports the
interface. In Figure 2 we can also see an interface to
allow the end-user to describe each element involved
in the norm specification, to associate some
graphical representation, and to write expressions.
3.4 Validation and Discussion
To evaluate the solutions proposed, each team that
designed a Norm Modeler tested their solution with
one of the norm-based applications designed to
support the chosen business problem. We could
verify that the business interfaces and the norm
modelers designed had a good independence
between them, in terms of technology employed and
design process.
The majority of the students considered that a
norm-based modeling, as provided by Semantic and
Norm Analysis from OS, was an important factor to
provide this independence and autonomy.
The students with some experience in working
with business organizations, had considered that the
software designed could be used by specialists in the
business domain, with some experience with
process, notations etc.
Figure 1: NBIC Architecture Overview.
Figure 2: The main Norm Modeler interface from Team 1, and an example of interface to facilitate element description.
With this work we have verified the possibility to
support users in dealing, by themselves, with
changes in software resulted from modifications in
the business process and their requirements.
Integrating OS and Tailoring concepts and
techniques allowed us to think about a development
environment where business and technical rules,
constraints, and actions could be modeled and
described in terms of the semantic employed by the
agents involved in the organizational context.
The final results encourage further work towards
exploring this approach in practical work, using
actual business scenarios, allowing us to verify the
desired user autonomy and the influence of the
approach in the quality of the software application,
and in the business process as well.
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