An Integrated Approach for Transaction Processing and Decision Support
Ralf Knackstedt, Christian Janiesch, Tobias Rieke
European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS), University of Münster
Leonardo-Campus 3, 48149 Münster, Germany
Keywords: Reference models, configuration, transaction processing, decision support, integration, methods.
Abstract: Reference models are of normative, universal nature and provide a solution schema for specific problems by
depicting best or common-practice approaches. The configuration of these reference models has been a field
of research in the past. However, the integrative configuration of different reference models or respectively
reference models serving multiple purposes lacks of applicable methods. In practice this is a common prob-
lem as the simultaneous implementation of an enterprise resource planning system and a management in-
formation system shows. We provide a method that allows the integrative configuration of conceptual mod-
els for transaction processing and decision support by integrating meta models for modeling languages. In
addition, we exemplarily show its application to extend an existing reference model.
The conceptualization of business activities into
processes is fundamental to Business Process Man-
agement. The goal is to identify improvement possi-
bilities and weaknesses of processes to generate
propositions for process improvement. Conceptual
models have become accepted as instruments to
attain this goal. The representation of the “as-is” and
“to-be” situations in the form of conceptual models
enhances the structuring of the problem and trans-
forms it into a more solvable form. As a support for
to-be modeling the application of reference models
is discussed alongside other approaches like bench-
marking, process simulation and animation, heuristic
design principles and checklists (Becker et al.,
Reference models are conceptual models that can
be used for designing specific models (Schütte,
1998, Vom Brocke, 2003). The knowledge which is
provided by reference models can give valuable
contribution to business reengineering and software
engineering purposes. Using reference models as
template for deriving enterprise-specific models
should lead to time and cost reduction (Schütte,
1998). Especially in the field of software engineer-
ing conceptual reference models can be used to
improve the customization process e. g. of ERP
systems (Davenport, 1998) or as a starting and con-
figuration point within the Model Driven Architec-
ture (MDA) procedure (Soley and OMG Staff Strat-
egy Group, 2000). Conceptual reference models
usually represent process and/or data issues of a
specific domain (e. g. industry, retail, insurance)
(Fettke and Loos, 2003).
To attain a broader customer clientele two direc-
tions of reference model evolution can be identified.
The first one is to add additional adaptation support
to the model to achieve an even greater time and
cost reduction of the model application e. g. by de-
fining perspectives on the model or adding variants.
The second direction is to broaden the reference
model to new application areas (area-spanning refer-
ence models) to achieve a more holistic view on the
company (e. g. adding state-of-the-art models for
data management and decision support to the exist-
ing process-oriented reference model). These two
directions are almost completely unrelated.
The research contribution of this paper is to con-
solidate the newer developments in the two direc-
tions to create adaptable and area-spanning (refer-
This work has been funded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG): "Komplexitätsmanagement für die
Gestaltung und Anwendung adaptiver Referenzmodelle",
record no. BE 1422/9-1
Knackstedt R., Janiesch C. and Rieke T. (2006).
CONFIGURING REFERENCE MODELS - An Integrated Approach for Transaction Processing and Decision Support.
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 135-143
DOI: 10.5220/0002492401350143
ence) models. In this paper we concentrate on adap-
tation support by reference model configuration. The
development of configurable models is reasonable
because configuration rules in reference models
permit the explication of further business knowledge
about the connection of business characteristics and
business processes. Furthermore, configurable mod-
els provide the user with precisely tailored model
variants. Instead of limiting these advantages to one
area of application, future modeling concepts have
to permit an area-spanning consistent definition of
configuration rules. Therefore we provide a model-
ing-language-spanning approach to integrate and
customize different areas of reference models by
meta-model integration and configuration. This
should lead to a more conjoint view on transaction
processing and decision support systems.
This work presents first approaches to a solution
and is structured as follows: In Section 2, we present
an overview of related work and the state-of-the-art
in the field of reference modeling. In Section 3, a
modeling language is constructed from established
modeling approaches. It permits the configuration of
a purpose-spanning model system. Severeal depend-
encies lead to a necessity of a joint and integrated
view on business processes, data objects and man-
agement views, i. e. reports, in reference models. In
Section 4 the application of this modeling technique
is presented. It extends the Retail-H-Model by
means of a small example. So far, the Retail-H-
Model had to be classified as a single-purpose-
model with no configuration support. Finally, future
research needs are discussed in Section 5.
Existing modeling techniques for reference models
can be classified in two dimensions (cf. Figure 1)
(cf. (Fettke and Loos, 2003)): As a theoretical struc-
turing of business application systems the informa-
tion pyramid has found widespread acceptance
(Mertens, 2000). The systems are divided into trans-
action processing systems and decision support
systems. The formers support the operational execu-
tion of business domains like procurement, produc-
tion, logistics, and distribution. The latter provide
information for management tasks, especially infor-
mation which is decision-relevant concerning the
design of the operational domains. Different model-
ing techniques have been established for both areas.
Process modeling techniques are mainly used in the
field of transaction processing, e. g. Event-Driven
Process Chains (EPCs) (Keller et al., 1992), Petri
Nets (Petri, 1962) or Business Process Modeling
Notation (BPMN) (White, 2004). The operational
databases are described e. g. via Entity Relationship
Models (ERMs) in different variants (Chen, 1976).
Object-oriented approaches like e. g. UML (Booch
et al., 1999) are suited for the description of dynamic
as well as static views on an information system.
The modeling of management views is primarily
addressed by techniques for semantic data-
warehouse-modeling (e. g. (Bulos, 1996, Sapia et al.,
1998, Holten, 2003, Golfarelli et al., 1998)).
The second dimension used to classify reference
modeling techniques is the consideration of ap-
proaches to support adaptation. The aim of adapta-
tion support is to provide reference model content in
a more reusable form. The fundamental mechanisms
of constructing a company-specific or project-
specific model from a reference model are configu-
ration, instantiation, aggregation, specialization and
analogy construction (Vom Brocke, 2003). The main
feature of configuration is the specification of ex-
plicit rules concerning how the reference model will
be adapted to given contexts (e. g. company classes).
Instantiation arranges the use of place holders. Ref-
erence models supporting aggregation are parti-
tioned into modules which can be combined, de-
pending on their gateways, to form new models. In
the case of specialization, the reference model is
kept deliberately on an abstract level. The model
user has to adapt it, whereas in contrast to configura-
tion no explicit rules are provided. Analogy-based
adaptation offers liberty concerning the method of
reusing arbitrary parts of the model which are e. g.
provided in forms of design patterns.
The occurrences of both dimensions, area of ap-
plication and adaptation support concept, are com-
bined to two oppositional values each, in order to
characterize the state-of-the-art of reference model-
ing research regarding a specific development per-
spective (cf. Figure 2): Existing reference models
and reference modeling techniques usually address
only one area of application and do not support con-
figuration. Widespread extensive reference models
like those of Scheer (Scheer, 1997), Becker and
Figure 1: Dimensions of Modeling Techniques.
Schütte (Becker and Schütte, 2004) and Keller and
Teufel (Keller and Teufel, 1998) address the level of
transaction processing and have to be transferred to
company-specific models via specialization. Hars
(Hars, 1994) focuses on reference modeling with
ERMs, without considering adaptation via configu-
ration. Lang (Lang, 1997) and Remme (Remme,
1997) develop concepts for the aggregation of proc-
ess model parts, Rising (Rising, 2000) and Fernan-
dez and Yuan (Fernandez and Yuan, 2000) provide
design pattern libraries for the transaction processing
Research dealing with the configuration of refer-
ence models is currently rather area-specific. The
works of Dreiling et al. (Dreiling et al., 2005) and
Becker et al. (Becker et al., 2004b) address the con-
figuration of process models in form of EPCs. Fur-
ther examples of the configuration of ERMs are
provided by Schütte (Schütte, 1998). Schwegmann
(Schwegmann, 1999) deals with configuration of
class diagrams. The configuration of models cover-
ing the decision support-level is discussed in the
works of Knackstedt and Klose (Knackstedt and
Klose, 2005), Goeken (Goeken, 2004) and Becker
and Knackstedt (Becker and Knackstedt, 2004).
Area-spanning modeling is dealt with from dif-
ferent points of view. The derivation of (decision-
relevant) data from operational data bases is e. g.
addressed by Rauh (Rauh, 1992) and Winter
(Winter, 1998). The integration of specifications of
management views into EPCs is e. g. suggested by
and Becker et al. (Becker et al., 2004a). The usage
of process execution data for the process perform-
ance manager is e. g. dealt with by zur Mühlen (zur
Mühlen, 2004). Corresponding software tools e. g.
have been developed by IDS Scheer AG (IDS
Scheer AG, 2002). The works mentioned above
however do not focus on the concept of reference
modeling or in particular on model configuration.
3.1 Introduction to the Modeling
Techniques Utilized and their
Meta Models
It is reasonable that reference models make use of
well-established modeling techniques to allow the
applicability for as many users and as many contexts
as possible. In terms of process modeling and data
modeling current state-of-the-art approaches are
EPC (Keller et al., 1992) and ERM (Chen, 1976) (cf.
section 2). Concerning reports, the MetaMIS ap-
proach to specify management views seems to be
very promising since its integration with the EPC
has already been conducted and evaluated (Becker
and Knackstedt, 2004, Becker et al., 2004a). Thus,
the integration of these three modeling techniques
seems to be the preferable approach. Integral part of
the mentioned modeling techniques is the modeling
language. It is described by a meta model which
defines the model elements and their relationships.
(cf. the corresponding meta models in
Figure 3).
EPCs are a semi-formal modeling technique to
model courses of business. They are an integral part
of the ARIS framework (Scheer, 2000). ER models
were introduced as a semantic data model, as a uni-
fying view, on both, relational and network data-
bases. MetaMIS models (introduced by Holten
(Holten, 2003) center on information objects, i. e.
reports. The first steps to create an information ob-
Figure 2: Portfolio of Related Work.
CONFIGURING REFERENCE MODELS - An Integrated Approach for Transaction Processing and Decision Support
ject are the definition of dimension groupings (e. g.
time, product) and its distinct dimensions (e. g. time
by week, weekday; time by month, day of month),
followed by the reduction of dimensions to dimen-
sion scopes (e. g. year 2005; product group one) and
combining them into dimension scope combinations
which define the specific information requirements
of the management. Ratios and ratio systems are
assigned to these dimension scope combinations, in
order to create business facts such as the stock of
products in a certain warehouse at a specific day or
the total revenue achieved by one store. This as-
signment constitutes the navigation space of the
information object. In this way, MetaMIS models
carry the information needed to describe the content
of a report. Exemplary EPC and MetaMIS models of
are depicted in Figure 5,
Figure 3 shows an ER
3.2 Meta Model-based Integration of
the Modeling Languages
Our approach of integrating MetaMIS and EPC
differs slightly from the one of (Becker and
Knackstedt, 2004, Becker et al., 2004a) to allow a
seamless integration of the ERM as well:
Functions are a core element of business proc-
esses which are performed by persons and/or infor-
mation systems (IS). These persons or IS need in-
formation in forms of reports to make decisions. The
information object of the MetaMIS meta model is
such a report. Thus, the integration of EPC and
MetaMIS models is carried out via the reinterpreted
entity type information object (cf. Figure 3). It can
be regarded as a specialization of the process re-
source of the EPC meta model. In this way it is also
Figure 3: Integration of Modeling Language Definitions.
linked to the entity-type process chain function by
the relationship type PR-PCF-As (Process Re-
source-Process Chain Function-Association), as
Becker et al. argue in their approach (Becker and
Knackstedt, 2004, Becker et al., 2004a).
The integration of the ERM meta model and EPC
meta model can be performed similarly. The entity
type data specification can also be regarded as a
specialization of the entity type process resource.
Thus, it is also linked to the entity type process
chain function via the relationship type PR-PCF-As.
The core element types of any ERM, entity types and
relationship types, are specializations of the entity
type data specification and therefore are also linked
to process chain function. The data cluster is a
scope of an ER model and is also a specialization of
the entity type data specification. This entity type is
of major importance concerning the following inte-
gration of MetaMIS and ERM.
The integration of MetaMIS models and the
ERM technique cannot follow a similar pattern. The
element types of METAMIS models and ER models
cannot be used interchangeably as with the EPC
technique that has over time developed a universal
connector, an interface called process resource, to
any modeling language, the integration of the data
and report meta model has to be done via sets of
transformation rules (transformation) which specify
the underlying dependencies. This is necessary since
the constructs of both modeling techniques do not
map one to one and rather represent views on the
same data. Whereas the ER models form the analysis
fundament, MetaMIS models try to explicate the
information contained therein. Thus, a transforma-
tion is essential to sophistically configure reference
models for operational and planning purposes (Rauh,
1992). Cf. to Figure 3 for the integration of the meta
models and the description of the transformation
relation between MetaMIS and ER models.
3.3 Consideration of Configuration
As stated in Section 1 for the course of this paper we
will focus solely on the configuration of reference
models for adaptation support. Configuration can be
achieved by model projection, the exclusion of
model elements according to configuration rules.
Targets of the model projection can be whole model
types (selection of model type; e. g. to build model
technique specific views), element types of the lan-
guage definition on meta level (selection of element
type; e. g. to support variants of model techniques),
instance model elements (selection of element; e. g.
for the exclusion of specific model elements due to a
specific company class), denotations of the model
elements (variation of denotation; e. g. for exchang-
ing names and labeling of model elements depend-
ing on user groups) and representational aspects
(variation of representation; e. g. for using alterna-
tive symbols or topologies) (for comparable ap-
proaches cf. e. g. (Darke and Shanks, 1996, Engels
et al., 1997, Nissen et al., 1996)).
As a basic mechanism to support detailed con-
figuration, the mechanism of element selection is
depicted in Figure 4 and addressed in this paper.
Targets of the selection of element projection –
which are relevant for this paper – are the following
(cf. to the shaded entity types in Figure 3):
regarding process aspects: process chain
elements, process chains and the associa-
tion between process resources and process
chain functions (PR-PCF-As) to exclude
whole processes or only parts of them,
regarding data aspects: data specifica-
tions to exclude whole data clusters or sev-
eral entity and relationship types,
regarding transformation aspects: trans-
formations and associations between trans-
formations and transformation rules (T-TR-
As) to exclude whole transformations or to
build variants of them,
regarding report aspects: information ob-
jects and associations between dimension
scopes and dimension scope combinations
(DS-DSC-As), dimension objects and di-
mensions scopes (DO-DS-As), and ratios
and ratio systems (R-RS-As) to exclude
whole information object specifications or
to modify them depending on the configu-
ration context.
To allow the configuration of these model elements,
the meta model of the modeling language has to be
adapted. The model elements on the meta level have
to be assigned to a configuration term that deter-
mines the elements to be shown in user-specific
views. A configuration term is specified in a gram-
mar which is also depicted in Figure 4. Configura-
tion terms denominate characteristics of company
classes and their instance values. They express that
model elements are part of the configured model if
the company using the reference model is part of the
respective company class.
CONFIGURING REFERENCE MODELS - An Integrated Approach for Transaction Processing and Decision Support
4.1 Overview of the Reference
In the following, the developed modeling technique
will be applied to expand the reference model for
integrated information systems in retailing compa-
nies of Becker and Schütte (Becker and Schütte,
2004). To provide an overview and a navigational
structure for the numerous models included, the
reference model is structured by the retailing-H-
architecture (cf. the left side of Figure 5; the H
stands for the German term “Handel” which trans-
lates as retail). The architecture identifies the tasks
of retailing companies at an abstract level using a
selected structuring paradigm:
Whereas all tasks concerned with the suppliers
are placed on one leg, all tasks associated with the
customer are placed on the other leg. The logistical
functions covering goods receipt, warehouse and
goods issue are arranged horizontally. The merchan-
dising management-related areas of a retailing com-
pany then form the letter H. The grouping of the
bookings in the general ledger accounting and other
functions of the business-administrative-system
(asset accounting, cost accounting and human re-
sources management) are assigned to the foot of the
H. Long-term planning functions build the roof of
the architecture pictogram.
In accordance with the architecture of integrated
information systems (ARIS) (Scheer, 2000) different
viewpoints on information systems are taken into
account. The original retailing H-model differenti-
ates between functions within the identified tasks of
the architecture (the subtasks to be performed), data
(the structure of the tasks), and processes (the behav-
ior of these areas). Since function and process view
are not completely distinct (the process describes the
temporal and logical sequence of functions) and the
function view is obsolete from an ontological per-
spective (Green and Rosemann, 2002), we substitute
the function view for a reports view. Reports are
needed for basically all tasks of the retailing com-
Termtext has to conform to the following grammar for formulation of configuration terms:
<term> ::= <expression> {<operator> <expression>}
<expression> ::= <prefix> <company-attribute> <company attribute value list>
<company-attribute value-list> ::= "(" <prefix> <company-attribute value-list> { <operator> <prefix> <company-attribute value-list> } ")"
<company-attribute value-list> ::= <company-attribute value>
<operator> ::= "|" | "+"
<prefix> ::= "NOT" | <empty>
Model Element
Compatible for
Term Association
Process Chain
Data SpecificationDS-DSC-As
Process Chain
Figure 4: Extension of the Modeling Language Definition with Configuration Aspects.
4.2 Example of the Modeling
Language Application
The application of the modeling technique intro-
duced in Section 3 to construct configurable and
area of application-spanning reference models is
shown in the following example where a company
wants to apply the H-Model. The company supports
individual marketing methods to address the cus-
tomers. Thus, the configuration parameter in this
case is the differentiation, whether customers are
known to the company or whether they remain
In this case, account cards are the method con-
sidered to reach customers individually. This deci-
sion influences the company’s processes since full
processes and parts thereof can be omitted (cf. the
right side of Figure 5). For example, if customers are
addressed anonymously only, processes and func-
tions concerning the maintenance of account cards
are omitted. Whether customers are known or un-
known to the company is a distinctive attribute
which not only influences functions which are to be
modeled as process chains but also the resources
which are accessed during the execution of these
processes. For example, the analysis of opening
times cannot be realized based on customer group
differentiation if no customer data is available. In the
process model depicted in Figure 5 this context can
be exemplified by the fact that the specification of
the report used for Weekday Analysis is configur-
able. The configuration term Customer contact
(known) connected to the dimension scope Custom-
ers by “Customer Group” makes sure that the navi-
gation space only contains customer group structures
if the individual customer can be identified via ac-
count cards.
34 5
34 5
Figure 5: Modified Retailing H-model.
CONFIGURING REFERENCE MODELS - An Integrated Approach for Transaction Processing and Decision Support
A model-independent adaptation can cause in-
consistencies in relation to other models. Data ele-
ments that are connected to functions concerning
account card handling will for instance never being
read or written, if these functions were omitted.
Therefore the ER models of the reference model also
have to be adapted. The decision whether customers
are treated anonymously or not does also affect the
entity types customer card and account card and
model elements whose existence is dependent on
them via the configuration term Customer contact
With the omission of the entity types Customer
and Account Card in the scenario Customer contact
(known), the possibility to derive ER model ele-
ments based on these types is lost. By the omission
of original ERM elements, further transformation
rules are disregarded, too. This is because they are
either directly (e. g. with the transformation of di-
mension scope Customers by “Customer Group”) or
indirectly (e. g. with the transformation of ratios
from derived model elements) dependent on ERM
elements assigned to configuration terms. If the
configuration-based elimination of processes omits
the use of reports in the reference model, complete
report definitions and their assigned transformation
rules are disregarded.
The integrative configuration of the retailing H-
Model was described by means of a clear and con-
cise example. Process models, data models and re-
port specifications were configured while preserving
existing dependencies between the views. The ongo-
ing development of the model must consider much
more configuration causes. This can be exemplified
in a compact manner by the company attribute busi-
ness type on the architecture level. The retailing H-
Model shown in Figure 5 describes the classic type
of retailing business which is warehousing business
with procurement, storing and distribution functions.
In addition to the classic warehousing business,
third-party business and the pooled payment busi-
ness have established themselves. A retailing com-
pany can practice one or more types of business,
which have large-scale consequences for the adapta-
tion of the reference model. Greater parts of the
reference model become obsolete in such types of
Beside the enhancements of the retailing refer-
ence model other areas are of interest: The results of
this ongoing research can be employed for other
areas besides reference modeling such as integrated
process and data warehouse documentation (Becker
et al., 2005) or in the context of service companies
(Klose et al., 2005). Furthermore we will focus some
methodical research questions. Our modeling and
configuration approach moves complexity to the
reference model creator. Thus, the creator has to
deal with a highly increased load of complexity. In
particular the management of the dependencies of
several models and their configuration roles seems
to be a matter of special importance. The resulting
effort can be neglected due to economies-of-scale
effects. In this context we will develop methodical
solutions to reduce respectively to handle the com-
plexity of the presented configurable and area-
spanning model systems.
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CONFIGURING REFERENCE MODELS - An Integrated Approach for Transaction Processing and Decision Support