6 Conclusion and Perspectives
The problem dealing with heterogeneity, even semantic has been deeply investigated
in the field of ontology.
We proposed an ontological approach for integrating company applications. This
approach enhances application integration at both applicative and collaborative levels.
For the first one, we called upon the mapping process based on the semantic bridges
for integrating local ontologies. For the second one, we give more attention to the
partners’ collaboration using common process ontology and mobile agents for ensur-
ing interoperability. The important benefit of our work is that the communicator can
reuse the mapping information for managing interaction between applications.
We are currently developing local and global ontologies basing on the mapping
process and facilitating the exchange between them through the communication com-
ponent. We intend to design the process ontology and evaluate the approach in the e-
business domain.
Future work will focus on the development of the collaborative level. Our atten-
tion is related to the ebXML [3] collaboration scenario in order to offer an interoper-
able infrastructure for business collaboration. Furthermore, the ebXML collaboration
scenario will be extended by mobile agents in order to search the appropriate partners
and negotiate business parameters (product price, delivery time, …). For application
ontologies, we can address some perspectives: (i) experimentation to validate the
integration process; (ii) using the framework MAFRA [4] to support the application
integration; (iii) improving concepts and properties similarities basing on semantic
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