founded on information theory is ‘driven’ by real-
time information flows derived from its environment
that includes the Internet. Existing text and data min-
ing bots have been used to feed information into NA
in experiments including a negotiation between two
agents in an attempt to swap a mobile phone for a
digital camera with no cash involved.
NA has five ways of leading a negotiation towards
a positive outcome. First, by making more attractive
offers to OP. Second, by reducing its threshold α.
Third, by acquiring information to hopefully increase
the acceptability of offers received. Fourth, by en-
couraging OP to submit more attractive offers. Fifth,
by encouraging OP to accept NA’s offers. The first
two of these have been described. The third has been
implemented but is not described here. The remaining
two are the realm of argumentation-based negotiation
which is the next step in this project. The integrated
way in which NA manages both the negotiation and
the information acquisition should provide a sound
basis for an argumentation-based negotiator.
(Halpern, 2003) discusses problems with the
random-worlds approach, and notes particularly rep-
resentation and learning. Representation is particu-
larly significant here — for example, the logical con-
stants in the price domains could have been given
other values, and, as long as they remained or-
dered, and as long as the input values remained un-
changed, the probability distributions would be unal-
tered. Learning is not an issue now as the distributions
are kept as simple as possible and are re-computed
each time step. The assumptions of maximum entropy
probabilistic logic exploit the agent’s limited rational-
ity by attempting to assume “precisely no more than
is known”. But, the computations involved will be
substantial if the domains in the language L are large,
and will be infeasible if the domains are unbounded.
If the domains are large then preference relations such
as κ
can simplify the computations substantially.
Much has not been described here including: the
data and text mining software, the use of the Bayesian
net to prompt a search for information that may lead
to NA raising — or perhaps lowering — its accept-
ability threshold, and the way in which the incoming
information is structured to enable its orderly acqui-
sition (Debenham, 2004). We have not described the
belief revision and the identification of those random
worlds that are consistent with K.
The following issues are presently being investi-
gated. The random worlds computations are per-
formed each time the knowledge, K, or beliefs, B,
alter — there is scope for using approximate updat-
ing techniques interspersed with the exact calcula-
tions. The offer accepting machinery operates inde-
pendently from the offer making machinery — but not
vice versa — this may mean that better deals could
have been struck under some circumstances.
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