Mirko Cesarini, Mariagrazia Fugini,
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Via Ponzio, 34/5 I-20133 MILANO, Italy
Mario Mezzanzanica
a degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Dipartimento di Statistica
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, I-20126 MILANO, Italy
Statistical Information Systems, Taxation Archives, Decision Support Systems, Data Quality, Integrating Het-
erogeneous Data Sources, Data Warehouse.
In this paper we present a methodological approach to develop a Statistical Information System (SIS), out of
administrative archives of the Public Administrations. Such archives are a rich source of information, but an at-
tempt to use them as sources for statistical analysis reveals errors and incompatibilities that do not permit their
usage as a statistical and decision support basis. The proposed methodological approach encompasses build-
ing a SIS out of administrative data, such as design of an integration model for different and heterogeneous
data sources, improvement of the overall data quality, removal of errors that might impact on the correctness
of statistical analysis, design of a data warehouse for statistical analysis, and design of a multidimensional
database to develop indicators for decision support. We present a case study, the AMeRIcA Project.
Public Administrations (PA) are facing institu-
tional and organizational changes requiring managers,
stakeholders, and politicians to increase quick deci-
sion making processes. A key role is assumed by
the development of Statistical Information Systems
(SIS) aimed at providing support for decisions, analy-
sis, monitoring, and control activities. In particu-
lar, data deriving from administrative sources (e.g.,
government registries, tax registries) assume a basic
value to gather information concerning the commu-
nity and to feed the SIS. However, administrative data
are often incorrect and unsuitable to be used for sta-
tistics and decision making. Hence, they need to be
cleaned up from errors, and pre-processed before be-
ing reversed into statistical databases. This paper il-
lustrates the AMeRIcA project (Anagrafe Milanese e
Redditi Individuali con Archivi - Milan Registry Of-
fice and Individual Income with Archives), where the
administrative archives available from the Registry
Office of the Milan Municipality and of the Italian In-
come Office are used to derive statistical information
about actual income of subjects and families in Milan.
Some experiences show that the integrated use of tax-
related databases together with Registry databases en-
ables to obtain rich information (Statistics Denmark,
2000). In such streamline, AMeRIcA, applies statis-
tical analysis to data gathered from PA administra-
tive sources (representative of the whole population)
rather than to sample surveys. An innovative aspect of
AMeRIcA from the statistical and the ICT viewpoints
is the use of a Data Warehouse designed to integrate
different administrative sources. This enables to ap-
ply statistical analysis models encompassing different
facts of the whole population, deriving in this way sig-
nificant and accurate results in terms of the observed
Within an organization, a SIS is loaded and contin-
uously fed using data sources derived from the ad-
ministrative and management systems. A SIS has two
main purposes (UNECE, 2000): to support decision-
making processes through the construction of direc-
tional indicators which are the final result of data col-
lection, analysis, and processing activities; to return
information to the management systems useful for up-
date, evolution and quality management along time.
The first operation to be performed to build a
Cesarini M., Fugini M. and Mezzanzanica M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth Inter national Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 293-296
DOI: 10.5220/0002494402930296
SIS is a detailed study of the source archives. The
data sources quality should be checked and some
data cleaning operations should be performed in or-
der to remove all possible errors that might nega-
tively impact the statistical analysis. Then archives
are checked for cross inconsistencies, and finally data
are integrated in a global archive.
2.1 Data Integration and Cleaning
The first steps required to build a SIS are a detailed
analysis of the archives and the development of a
global integration schema which will drive the sub-
sequent steps. Further activities are the establish-
ment of a mapping schema between the global inte-
grated schema and the single archive schemas (local
schemas). Finally the steps of a process of data mi-
gration towards the integrated archive should be de-
tailed. During data migration some low quality data
issues might occur and should be resolved, as we will
show in Sec. 2.2. Moreover, data loaded into the
global integration schema instance might reveal un-
suitable for the analysis leading to misinterpretations.
For this reason the SIS development process should
be an iterative one, with the aim of progressively tun-
ing the global integration schema and the migration
procedure. Moreover, schemas may not completely
capture the semantics of the data that they describe,
and there may be several plausible mappings between
two schemas. This subjectivity makes it valuable to
have user input to guide the match and essential to
have user validation of the result.
2.2 Data Quality Improvement
The main problem in using administrative databases
for statistical and decision making purposes is the
presence of errors that do not affect the regular use of
the archive for administrative purposes. Such errors
are hardly noticed, and, even when discovered, they
are usually tolerated. However, this errors and low
quality of data can negatively affect statistical analy-
sis. Therefore, data sources need to undergo a qual-
ity improvement pre-processing before being an input
for any kind of analysis. Administrative databases are
employed to access information describing a single
item at a time (e.g., the address of a person), while
statistical analysis deals with collection of items (e.g.
how many people live within an area). This differ-
ent usage of archives may unveil simple errors like
duplicate records, or more complex ones, e.g. some
inhabitants that are registered in the Registry Office
of a neighbour town and not in the town where they
live. Some of the problems may be fixed by perform-
ing data cleaning actions whose results have a certain
degree of reliability, therefore requiring manual eval-
uation employing various data quality metrics such
as accuracy, consistency, completeness, timeliness,
and so on (integration quality criteria). Many clean-
ing techniques can be used, we won’t investigate this
topic anymore, we would like to highlight that these
techniques have different costs in term of execution
time required (both to humans and computers) and
“optimal mix selection” issues arise when resources
are scarce. The optimal mix selection is performed
by evaluating an execution cost and a quality improve-
ment rate for each candidate operation. The estima-
tion of both values is a heuristic operation, based on
experience as well.
The concepts illustrated are presented for the AMeR-
IcA Project. The approach comprises various and in-
dependent phases: from data integration and quality
analysis, to the definition of statistical indicators, via
the analysis of information sources, database design,
transformation and data management process, and de-
finition of a multidimensional model for data analysis
as a decisional support. The reference population is
provided by the Registry of the Milan Municipality.
Data on such population are fundamental, since it is
impossible to obtain a data provisioning from the In-
come Office bounded to a geographic area. A cross
reference between the Registry Archives and the In-
come Archives allows one to obtain the desired infor-
mation. The process of data interpretation, cleaning,
and normalization, applied both to single source and
to integrated data, has required a great effort and a
deep data domain knowledge.
The Income Archive holds also some registry in-
formation about people, however preference has been
given to data derived from the Registry Archive, since
it is usually more up to date. In fact, an individual no-
tifies address changes to the Registry Office quickly,
while the Income Office is notified once per year with
the tax declaration form. Records describing the same
person in different archives are identified by the Fis-
cal Code (FC, similar to the US Social Security Num-
ber). Once different records on the same individual
have been identified, further information (e.g., profes-
sion, qualification, education, and so on) significant
for analysis and not present in the Income Archive,
may be used. However, the scarce freshness of some
archives would violate the information quality crite-
ria; thus, such additional information has not been
included in the analysis. The portion of data in the
AMeRIcA SIS coming from the Income Office refers
to the income returns of both companies and people.
Individuals declare income data by filling in different
forms, according to the received type of income and
properties. Three common basic macro-information
types can be identified: the total incomes grouped by
income source; the deductions and detractions; the
physical person taxation necessary to determine the
tax drag. Around this information core, an integration
model has been constructed able to drive the migra-
tion process and to highlight information relevant for
statistical analysis. Once the integration model has
been selected, the delivered archive undergoes a pre-
processing aimed at improving the quality and relia-
bility of information, and aimed at framing the classi-
fications to the adopted standards. Two types of pre-
processing procedures are used: semantic and syntac-
tic cleaning. Hence, two different integration levels
can be identified: integration at a single archive level,
regarding provisioning over different years, and inte-
gration at a global level where different archives are
involved. 1) Integration at a single archive level: Pro-
visions over different years of the same archive can
comprise heterogeneous information and hence must
be reconciled to a unique data model taking into ac-
count information common to the different deliveries.
The selection of the common information is driven
by the analysis to be performed later, privileging rele-
vant information or data present over different years,
and hence comparable. A meaningful example in this
case is the delivery of an archive from the Income Of-
fice: in the considered years, the tax laws have un-
dergone many changes which caused the information
record of tax income to change every year. 2) Inte-
gration in the system: this includes the link among
different information, coming from distinct sources.
The goal is to enrich the information content of the
subjects to be analyzed (and consequently the range
of possible queries) by collecting different informa-
tion about the same subject that are scattered among
different sources. The process described in the pre-
vious steps can be summarized in terms of the flow
reported in Fig. 1.
Initial Data
Private Data
Global Integration Model
Generate Archive
Metadata Description
Quality Criteria
Data Quality
Data Cleaning
Data Quality
Data Loading
into the SIS
Data Quality Validation
Data Cleaning
Create Global
Integration Model
Create Schema
Figure 1: Data loading and cleaning workflow.
Due to the increasing number of treated informa-
tion and of examined subjects, it is desirable to per-
form a selection/aggregation of information to be
used for further analysis. For example, it is possible
to identify family groups (using Registry data), and
to aggregate the income revenue for the whole fam-
ily group. The level of aggregation/selection of the
information requires a trade off between the compu-
tation required by and the desired granularity of the
analysis. Anyway by acquiring knowledge and some
more data about the field of analysis, it is possible to
reprocess data in order to build more suitable aggre-
3.1 Multidimensional Data Model
The adoption of a multidimensional data model at in-
formation source integration time introduces and out-
lines the statistical information needs of the project.
Both the data model designed for each single source
and the global model put into evidence a set of possi-
ble subject of analysis, and a set of dimensions along
which the analysis can be performed, aggregating or
detailing the information, according to the different
analysis needs. To favor subsequent analysis, the fi-
nal phase of data model design includes the definition
of facts of interest, of their respective dimensions, and
of aggregation levels along which combining the data.
An example is illustrated in the Fig. 2.
Citizenship Address
Distribution of
Only a subset
of family components
(the declarers)
have an associated
income-tax return
Returns Join
Figure 2: Facts: Family-IncomeTax.
The AMeRIcA Data Warehouse hosts the results of
the integration phases. Data are organized along facts
of interest for the analysis as reported in Fig. 3.
A strict link exists between an administrative and
management system and a SIS. Such consideration al-
Year X
Year X
Year X+1
Year X+1
Year X
Year X+1
Economic Data Mart
Demographic Data
Data Mart Level
Data Warehouse
Figure 3: The AMeRIcA Data Warehouse.
lows to outline the guidelines to define decision mak-
ing policies. In recent years, the reuse of statistical
data (Hoffmann, 1995), (Thomson and Holmy, 1998)
has increased the demand for easy access to a va-
riety of pre-existing data sources (Sundgren, 1996).
Some works address the integration of existing data
sources of national or regional statistical offices, or
providers of comparable nature (Denk and Froeschl,
2000), (Hatzopoulos et al., 1998). Other works lever-
age metadata classification to drive data integration
and elaboration (Papageorgiou et al., 2001); another
category of works refer to quality of data (IQ1, 2005),
and specific quality assurance for census data (Cen-
sus, 2005). An attempt to feed a SIS using PAs or
large enterprises’ archives is reported in (Buzzigoli,
2002) for efficient information system integration in
a PA structure (e.g., the census of archives within
an administration). However a discussion concerning
quality of data, consistency, and archive integration
issues is still missing. The link between an adminis-
trative and management system and the SIS is bidirec-
tional: the administrative, management system feeds
the SIS, while the SIS provides indications to the
administrative and management one to support ame-
liorations along time. Such link is strong, although
poorly implemented in practice. Administrative sys-
tems are designed using an auto-referential logic that
privileges the definition of services functional to the
organizational model rather than to the stakeholders
or to the statisticians. This reflects in expensive ac-
tivities to normalize, ensure data quality and stan-
dardization as required. An enabling factor for SIS
construction is the ability of a PA to take into ac-
count the transversally and reciprocal acknowledge-
ment of concepts, even if used in different adminis-
trative processes, and to obtain that such concepts are
in relation with standard codifications. Another fac-
tor is related to the quality of documentation provided
by the sources which is often scarce, or not present,
making the SIS conceptual design harder. A current
development of AMeRIcA regards the use of social
security data. Using social security data owned by
employment centres, it will be possible to correctly
identify the available wealth of a larger set of citizens.
Buzzigoli, L. (2002). The new role of statistics in local pub-
lic administration. In Proceedings of the Conference
Quantitative Methods in Economics (multiple Criteria
Decision Making XI), pages 28–34, Faculty of Eco-
nomics and Management, Slovak Agricultural Univer-
sity, Nitra (SK).
Census (2005). Census bureau section 515 information
quality guidelines, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT
AND BUDGET, guidelines for ensuring and maxi-
mizing the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of
information disseminated by federal agencies. Avail-
able at
Denk, M. and Froeschl, K. (2000). The IDARESA data
mediation architecture for statistical aggregates. Re-
search in Official Statistics, 3(1):pp.7–38.
Hatzopoulos, M., Karali, I., and Viglas, E. (1998). At-
tacking diversity in NSIs’ Storage Infrastructure: The
ADDSIA approach. In Proceeding of International
Seminar on New Techniques and Technologies in Sta-
tistics, pages 229–234, Sorrento (IT).
Hoffmann, E. (1995). We must use administrative data for
official statistics - but how should we use them? Sta-
tistical Journal of the United Nations/ECE, 12:pp. 41–
IQ1 (2005). Information quality I, 2005. Principles and
foundation, the MIT total data quality management
program. Available at
Papageorgiou, H., Pentaris, F., Theodorou, E., Vardaki, M.,
and Petrakos, M. (2001). A statistical metadata model
for simultaneous manipulation of both data and meta-
data. J. Intell. Inf. Syst., 17(2-3):pp. 169–192.
Statistics Denmark (2000). The use of administrative
sources for statistics and international comparability
(invited paper). In Conference of European Statis-
ticians, 48th plenary session, Paris (FR). Statistical
Commission and Economic Commission for Europe.
Sundgren, B. (1996). Making statistical data more avail-
able. International Statistical Review, 64(1):pp. 23–
Thomson, I. and Holmy, A. (1998). Combining data from
surveys and administrative record systems - the nor-
wegian experience. International Statistical Review,
66(2):pp. 201–221.
UNECE (2000). Statistical metadata. In Conference on Eu-
ropean Statisticians Statistical Standards and Studies
- No. 53, Geneva (CH).