transaction into three phases or compressing them
into one unit arises when dealing with complex
business processes, where numerous transactions are
chained together. A simple transaction is carried out
straightforward without triggering other
transactions; therefore a compact notation is used.
The compressed notation helps to build more
compact models.
Example: in the ‘requesting mortgage’
transaction, the application processing triggers
another transaction ‘checking credit’. In order to
approve the application, the officer needs to
check credit history of the customer with a credit
reporting agency. It means the ‘requesting
mortgage’ transaction is nesting the ‘checking
credit’ transaction. Thus, the ‘requesting
mortgage’ transaction starts first and the
‘checking credit’ transaction starts afterwards,
but the ‘requesting mortgage’ transaction can’t
be completed until the result of the ‘checking
credit’ transaction is known.
In real life, business processes are more complex
than the ‘requesting mortgage’ example that is
purposefully simplified in order to escape in-depth
discussion for later.
The last notion to be explained in regard to the
transaction concept is the role of actors involved in a
business transaction. As it is apparent from the
‘requesting mortgage’ example, each transaction
involves two actors. The actor that initiates the
transaction is called the initiator (e.g., customer,
client or consumer) of the transaction, while the
actor that executes the transaction is called the
executor (e.g., supplier, server or provider) of the
transaction. Actors can be a human actor, software
agent or machine. For example, if the mortgage
application is submitted online, a software agent will
collect data and process application instead of the
loan officer and make preliminary estimates for later
approval by a human actor (the loan officer).
Now that the transaction concept is introduced, it
is appropriate to give a definition of business
transaction used in this paper.
Definition: A business transaction is a generic
pattern of activity carried out in a close interaction
between two distinct actors called initiator and
executor. The activity is carried out in three phases
called order phase, execution phase, and result phase
that creates a new fact and changes the state of the
world. These three phases are made up of interaction
and action, where the order and result phases
represent the interaction and the execution phase
represents the action.
Concluding this section, the following is
description of the ‘requesting mortgage’ process
using the transaction concept:
Transaction 1: ‘requesting mortgage’
Initiator: ‘customer’
Executor: ‘officer’
Result: ‘loan approved/declined’
Transaction 2: ‘checking credit’
Initiator: ‘officer’
Executor: ‘credit agency’
Result: ‘credit report is created’
From the two transactions above, transaction 2
must be initiated and executed during transaction 1.
Thus, initiation, execution, or completion of a
business transaction may lead to initiation and
execution of new transactions. In this way
transactions are chained into arbitrarily large
structures, called business processes (Dietz, 1999).
The following is a definition of business process
in the framework of the methodology that is applied
in this paper based on the transaction concept.
Definition: A business process is network of
interrelated business transactions that delivers value
(good or service) to customers having one start point
and one end point. It starts with a request by an actor
and ends with a result communicated to the same
actor. Usually a business process is one super
transaction that for its completion initiates a series of
other transactions.
Now having discussed the transaction concept,
the following section provides a brief introduction to
Petri nets in general.
In research and commercial projects, Petri nets are
extensively used as tools for systems and processes
study and their design, specification, modelling,
simulation and verification (Peterson, 1981). Petri
nets are developed in two directions: theory and
application. The theoretical development of Petri
nets is based on their application in systems and
processes modelling, design and simulation.
Since the application of Petri nets in systems
design and modelling has driven tremendous interest
among researchers and a huge number of papers,
theses, and projects were devoted to this issue, Petri
nets have been getting serious extensions that
resulted in different types of Petri nets. Nevertheless,
the basic principles of Petri nets and the basic
graphical notations remain almost the same. For
interested readers, the following are references to