Case Study in OIEC IRAN(Oil Industerial Engineering and Construction)
Maryam Ramezani, G. A.Montazer
Information Technoldy Department,Tarbayat Modares University, Ale Ahmad Street,Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Vendor Selection, Fuzzy logic theory, Decision Support System.
Abstract: Supplier selection and evaluation is a complicated multi objective process with many uncertain factors.
Sealed bid evaluation is the most common approach for supplier selection purpose in Iran. In this paper, a
fuzzy expert decision support system is developed for solving the vendor selection problem with multiple
objectives, in which some of the parameters are fuzzy in nature. Basic important factors considered for
supplier selection are price, quality and delivery time. The designed system has been designed and
implemented and evaluated in a lead famous company and the results are discussed.
The explosive growth in business to business
commerce is expected to revolutionize the
transaction process between buyers and sellers.
Effective purchasing and supply management can
contribute significantly to the success of most
organizations (Johnson, 2002). Procurement and
supply management are one of the most significant
parts in EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and
) contracts. When a supplier selection
decision needs to be made, the buyer generally
establishes a set of evaluation criteria that can be
used to compare potential sources. The basic criteria
typically utilized for this purpose are pricing
structure, delivery (lead-time and reliability),
product quality, and service (i.e., personnel,
facilities, research and development, capability,
etc.). Frequently, these evaluation criteria conflict
with one another. In addition, the importance of each
criterion varies from one purchase to the next. This
situation can be more complicated further by the fact
that some of the criteria are primarily quantitative
(price, quality, etc.) and some are qualitative
(service, etc.).(Garfamy, 2004) The literature on
supplier selection spans over three decades and
covers virtually all the aspects of business.
Researchers have long sought to understand and
model the relationships between suppliers and
buyers (Bhutta, 2001).
In this paper, vendor
selection process is simulated by use of expert
systems and fuzzy theory. The paper is organized as
follows. In Section 2, we present the importance of
the mentioned subject and a brief review of the
literature on vendor selection process and the main
approaches being executed in Iran. Section 3 gives
an introduction to fuzzy and expert DSS system as
well as fuzzy expert system architecture. Section 4
describes the design and development of the system.
Section 5 describes the implementation of the
system in one of the famous oil companies in Iran
and finally Section 6 concludes the paper.
The source-selection decision is highly complex and
purchaser’s most difficult responsibility. First, such
a decision involves more than one selection criterion
when choosing among the available suppliers.
Second, criteria included in the supplier selection
process may frequently contradict each other (lowest
price against a poor quality).
Third complication surrounding the supplier
selection decision arises from internal policy
constraints and externally imposed system
constraints placed on the buying process. Fourth, as
organizational requirements and market conditions
change, the importance of the analysis of tradeoffs
among the selection criteria may be increased
(Weber, 2000; Weber,2000a). Garfamy classifies the
main Supplier selection criteria as cost, quality,
cycle time, service, relationship, organization
(Garfamy, 2004) which every criterion is composed
Ramezani M. and A. Montazer G. (2006).
Industerial Engineering and Construction).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 243-248
DOI: 10.5220/0002498202430248
of different factors. For example cost factors are
price , logistics costs (transportation, inventory,
administration, customs, risk and damage, handling
and packaging), operating costs, after sales service
costs. (Bhutta, 2001) reviews the status of
methodology literature in supplier selection, a total
of 154 papers from 68 refereed journals are
reviewed and classified into various categories such
as Mathematical Models, Criteria, Case Study,
Literature review, Conceptual. (Kumara, 2004) has
formulated a vendor selection problem as a fuzzy
mixed integer goal programming vendor selection
problem that includes three primary goals:
minimizing the net cost, minimizing the net
rejections, and minimizing the net late deliveries.
There are some restrictive assumptions in the
aforementioned formulating; For example, only one
item is supposed to be purchased from one vendor.
Also, (Kumar a, 2005) formulated Vendor selection
problem as a fuzzy Multi-objective Integer
Programming incorporating three important goals:
cost-minimization, quality-maximization and
maximization of on-time-delivery-with the realistic
constraints such as meeting the buyers’ demand,
vendors’ capacity, vendors’ quota flexibility, etc. In
the proposed model, various input parameters have
been treated as vague data with a linear membership
function of fuzzy type with the same restriction
pointed above. However, each company selects its
own special criteria and a unique approach for
vendor selection. In here some applicable common
approaches in Iran will be described.
2.1 Common Vendor Selection
Approaches in Iran
Sealed bid evaluation is most common approach for
vendor selection in Iran. The common procedure is
that first technical scoring will be done based on the
technical or quality evaluation. In the quality
evaluation Step vendor’s capacity for performing the
projects is estimated base on such factors as work
experience, management staff, technical staff,
manufacturing abilities, financial abilities, and good
background in other projects, creativity and
innovation, among others. Technical evaluation is
based on such criteria as exact consideration of
buyer or client technical request, complete vendor
documents, consideration of international standards,
quality of installation and supervision and other
technical factors.
The technical and commercial committee
estimates the technical score of each vendor based
on the abovementioned criteria. Vendors obtaining
higher technical score than a specific threshold are
approved technically and their commercial quotation
will be unsealed. In this Step, all quotations will be
apple to apple based on special declared conditions.
One of the common approaches for sake of making
the quotations apple to apple is that the offered price
will be divided by the technical score. Another
approach is to consider a ratio for technical and
commercial, for example 30 for commercial and 70
for technical score. Obviously, the ratio can be
different depending on the conditions of each
The above-mentioned approaches are popular
methods in the governmental companies. In many
private ones which do not allow this status, such
other methods are used that in many cases, technical
evaluation is done by accept or reject and no scoring
methods are done. In this way, the lowest price is the
winner although the difference in price may be much
less valuable than the difference in quality. Thus,
decision making for selecting the right vendor is
complicated and time consuming job which needs a
committee of technical and commercial experts.
Decision making in these committees are based on
linguistic criteria. As an illustration, the price of a
proposal is “high” and the other is “very high”.
An expert system is a computing system capable of
representing and reasoning about some knowledge-
rich domain with a view to solving problems and
giving advice(Jackson, 1990).
Fuzzy set theory provides a framework for handling
the uncertainties. (Zadeh, 1965) initiated the fuzzy
set theory.(Bellman, 1970) presented some
applications of fuzzy theories to the various
decision-making processes in a fuzzy environment.
In fuzzy sets every object is to some extent member
of a set and to some extent it is member of another
set. Thus, unlike the crisp sets membership is a
continuous concept in fuzzy sets. Fuzzy is used in
cases which the variables are linguistic and there is
uncertainness in the problem. Fuzzy expert decision
support system is an expert system that uses fuzzy
logic instead of Boolean logic. It can be seen as
special rule-based systems that use fuzzy logic in
their knowledge base and derive conclusions from
user inputs and fuzzy inference process (Kandel A,
1992) while fuzzy rules and the membership
functions make up the knowledge base of the
system. In other words a “fuzzy if-then” rule is a “if-
then” rule which some of the terms are given with
continuous functions.(Li-Xin,Wang 1994)
Figure 1: Architecture of Fuzzy Expert Decision Support System for Vendor Selection.
Most common fuzzy systems are: pure fuzzy
systems, Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) and fuzzy
system with fuzzifying and defuzzifying parts(Li-
Xin Wang, 1994) .Since in the system developed in
this paper the input and output are real numbers, the
last kind is used. This system has a fuzzifier module
in the input that changes the real numbers to fuzzy
sets and a defuzzifier module in the output that
changes the fuzzy sets to real numbers. The
architecture of the system is composed of three main
blocks as shown in figure 1.
A-Fuzzy inference engine: A program which
analyzes the rules and knowledge aggregated in the
database and finds the logical result. There are
different selection for the fuzzy inference engine
depending on the aggregation, implication and
operators used for s-norm and t-norms (Li-Xin
Wang, 1994)
B- User Interface: Users of this system are
organizational decision makers that enter the real
number of all variables via user interface. Also, user
interface shows the result scoring. C-Fuzzy rule
base: Experts experience is used to build up the
fuzzy rules. These rules are conditional statements
and can be represented as “IF x is Xi and y is Yi and
… THEN o is Oi” Where x and y are linguistic input
variables. Xi and Yi are possible linguistic values for
x and y; respectively.
The goal of a fuzzy expert DSS is to take in
subjective, partially true facts randomly distributed
over a sample space, and build a knowledge-based
expert system to produce useful decisions(Vadiee N,
1994). The overview of the framework is shown in
Fig 2.There are 7 fundamental Steps in the
development of a fuzzy expert DSS. Details of these
Steps are as follows:
4.1 Identification and Analysis of the
As mentioned above, in many bids in different
organizations the winner is selected just by the price
factor and other important factors such as ‘quality’
and ‘delivery time’ are not considered.
4.2 Identification of Critical Factors
and Membership Functions
This Step involves the compilation of a list of
critical factors based on a literature review and in
depth interviews with expert people who are
involved in the procurement and bid evaluation
process. This survey shows that there are three
importance factors for vendor selection which are of
great customer consideration. They are price, quality
and delivery time.
SELECTION - Case Study in OIEC IRAN(Oil Industerial Engineering and Construction)
4.3 Fuzzy Rules Construction
Fuzzy expert DSS makes decisions and generate
output values based on knowledge provided by the
designer in the form of IF _condition_ THEN
_action_ rules. The rule base specifies qualitatively
how the output parameter “overall rating” of the
vendor proposal is determined for various instances
of the input parameters of “price”, “quality” and
“delivery time”.There will be nine rules out of our
depth interviews as below:
Rule 1: IF “Wanted Price” is cheap AND
“Vendor Price” is cheap THEN “Price Matching” is
Rule 2: IF “Wanted Price” is cheap AND
“Vendor Price” is moderate THEN “Price matching”
is medium.
Rule 3: IF “Wanted Price” is cheap AND
“Vendor Price” is high THEN “Price matching” is
Rule 4: IF “Wanted Price” is moderate AND
“Vendor Price” is cheap THEN “Price matching” is
Rule 5: IF “Wanted Price” is moderate AND
“Vendor Price” is moderate THEN “Price matching”
is high.
Rule 6: IF “Wanted Price” is moderate AND
“Vendor Price” is expensive THEN “Price
matching” is medium.
Rule 7: IF “Wanted Price” is expensive AND
“Vendor Price” is low THEN “Price matching” is
Rule 8: IF “Wanted Price” is expensive AND
“Vendor Price” is moderate THEN “Price matching”
is medium.
Rule 9: IF “Wanted Price” is expensive AND
“Vendor Price” is expensive THEN “Price
Matching” is high.
We will have the same inference for “quality” and
“delivery time”.
4.4 Fuzzification
Fuzzification refers to the process of taking a crisp
input value and transforming it into the degree
required by the terms(E.W.T. Ngai., 2003). The
“fuzzified” values are determined by intersecting the
input value to the fuzzy membership function. In the
present study triangular membership functions have
been used to define the fuzzy sets for the linguistic
values of “price”, “quality” and “delivery time”. The
same triangular membership functions have been
defined for “wanted Price”, “wanted quality” and
“wanted delivery time”. The membership function of
“price matching” indicates the degree of matching in
price between “price” and the customer’s “wanted
Price”. It takes “low”, “medium” and “expensive” as
its linguistic terms. The same approach is used to
define “quality matching” and “delivery time
matching”. Due to the fact that all input values are
normalized, fuzzification input will be between 0
and 1. For instance, an input value of “price” .4
results in a degree of membership in the set labeled
“cheap” of 0.25 and a degree of membership in the
set labeled “medium” of 0.75 (see Fig. 3)
4.5 Fuzzy Inference Generation
Fuzzy inference is guided by the fuzzy rules. The
standard max–min inference algorithm was used in
the fuzzy inference process, as it is a commonly
used fuzzy inference strategy (E.W.T.Ngai.,
2003).Mamdani inference is used as equation 1:
Step 1: Identification and analysis of
the problem
Step 2: Identification of critical
factors and membership functions
Step 3: Fuzzy rules construction
Step 4: fuzzification
Step 5: fuzzy inference module
Step 6: defuzzification
Step7: comparison of the overall
rating for all vendors
Figure 2: Fuzzy Inference Process for vendor selection.
Figure 3: Fuzzy Membership Function for Price.
0 0.15 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.85 1
Normalized Price
MemberShip Functio
In the max–min composition fuzzy inference
method, the min operator is used for the AND
conjunction (set intersection) and the max operator
is used for the OR disjunction (set union) in order to
evaluate the grade of membership of the antecedent
clause in each rule.
4.6 Defuzzification
When the inference process is complete, the
resulting data for each output of the fuzzy
classification system are a collection of fuzzy sets or
a single, aggregate fuzzy set. The process of
computing a single number that best represents the
outcome of the fuzzy set evaluation is called
defuzzification (E.W.T. Ngai., 2003). There are
several existing methods that can be used for
defuzzification. These include the methods of
maximum or the average heights methods, and
others. These methods tend to jump erratically on
widely non-contiguous and non-monotonic input
values(Diego, 1999). We chose the centroid method,
also referred to as the “center-of-gravity (COG)”
method, as it is frequently used and appears to
provide a consistent and well-balanced approach.
(Klir ,G.j.T.A ,1998).
For each output using this defuzzification method,
the resultant fuzzy sets are merged into a final
aggregate shape and the centroid of the aggregate
shape computed.
4.7 Comparison of the Overall
Rating for All Vendors
The overall ratings for all vendors are obtained by
passing measures of their initial factors and
weightings through the proposed fuzzy logic model.
The final score is calculated via defuzzification. The
system finally ranks all vendors according to their
final scores and displays them in descending order.
Considering the fact that the system should be
capable of evaluating all bids whether big or small,
the ‘highest price’, ’highest quality’ and ‘longest
delivery time’ are used for normalizing inputs. Thus,
the designed fuzzy system will have inputs between
0 and 1. For using the same system for all bids in all
projects we define a weigh for each of the factors
price, quality and delivery time and the final score
that is a number between 0 and 1 will be the average
of the system outputs considering the factors.
A prototype system is designed by use of Matlab
fuzzy toolbox. Once the prototype system is built,
testing and evaluation of the prototype system can
be performed. The designed system was tested for
10 bids in OIEC for different bids. An example is
shown in table 1 for a bid evaluation. In this
example vendor3 has the most score and will be the
winner of the bid. In this example as it is clear
although vendor2 has less offered price, considering
the whole factors together vendor3 will be the best
Comparison of outcome with the decision of
transaction committee shows that the system works
properly and can be used instead of the transaction
committee. Evaluation is achieved through
interviews with the experts and users. We
particularly asked the potential users about the
effectiveness and the usability of the prototype
system. Also we asked them to tell us what they
considered to be the strengths and weaknesses of the
prototype system, and how it should be improved.
From fifteen interviews, 12 agreed that the proposed
expert system is seen to be a promising system for
supporting the selection of right vendor based on the
positive results of its evaluation and three of them
needed more time for more careful evaluations.
Table 1: An Example of the bid evaluation in the fuzzy expert decision support system.
Bid Evaluation
q =7)
q =4)
q =5)
Offered 145,555,050 14 weeks 6 Vendor1
Normalize .7661 .56 .8571
.71 .564 .837 .7131
Offered 131,211,253 25 weeks 5 Vendor2
Normalize .6906 1 .7143
.91 .439 .595 .6938
Offered 141,022,800 7 weeks 5.5 Vendor3
Normalize .7422 .28 .7857
.76 .781 .686 .799
Offered 190,000,000 10 weeks 7 Vendor4
Normalize 1 .4 1
.51 .623 1 .6913
Wanted 130,000,000 8 weeks 7 Wanted
.6842 .32 1
--- --- --- ---
SELECTION - Case Study in OIEC IRAN(Oil Industerial Engineering and Construction)
This paper has described a new method for design of
a fuzzy expert DSS, which is used to assist
companies by facilitating vendor selection. Three
critical factors for vendor selection which are above
all considerable for the customer are price, quality
and delivery time. The designed system evaluates
the degree of match between vendor offer and
customer need and considering the importance of
each factor in each bid the final score of each vendor
is determined. Comparing this system with the
conventional one, the new system is much less time
consuming and the need to have different transaction
committee meetings for decision making is omitted.
Performance evaluation is done in a case study in a
lead oil company (OIEC) in Iran using expert
validation and prototype testing. The results of the
prototype evaluation are satisfactory and support the
view that the system has performed its functions as
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