5 Conclusion
In this paper we have proposed a logics for guards in models of history-dependent
processes. Since at any given moment of time information is finite and inherently in-
complete, we had to adapt existing timed temporal logics, which resulted in a three-
valued logics, LogLogics, presented above. Moreover, we have shown how guard pat-
terns common for business processes can be expressed in our logics and defined an
additional extension allowing to express certainty of LogLogics-formulas for these pat-
For the future work we consider creating a compositional generalization of our ex-
tension of the logic with uncertainty that would be applicable to all formulas. We also
plan to create a simple textual language for working with patterns targeted on non-
specialists and to build a tool for checking LogLogics-formulas on history logs. As
shown in [7], the complexity of checking whether a finite path u satisfies an LTL+P
formula ϕ is O(|u| × |ϕ|). Therefore the complexity of checking formulas of our logic
will not form an obstacle for applying it in practice.
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