2 Related Work
Many larger multinational companies have advanced e-business systems that demand
their smaller and larger partners to integrate in order to trade. Integration of different
business’s, with varying data formats, business logic and even national law is the
focus of academic work in various forms of computing. Many of which are focused
on specific integration issues, or the creation of more general pieces of software
designed to join systems in traditional client server formats [2].
The area of distributed computing seems to lend itself to addressing the issues
relating to this form of integration being adopted in various forms. Distributed
computing approaches allow the focus of development to be on more specific areas of
the integration process. Methods to achieve this type of integration has often included
either include lightweight Peer-to-Peer messaging approaches [3] or larger and more
general Grid Service Middleware design [4, 5]. This latter is often achieved by
exposing existing applications as services using open standards. The development of
the OGSA and WSRF standards present a standardized methodology in order to
achieve this type of integration [6, 7].
However despite the concepts and design methodologies being available few
examples of integration using distributed systems outside of the propriety software
domain can be seen. It can be argued that this is because the semantics of the actual
e-business information integration is a tough area for Grid Middleware and Peer-to-
Peer system designers to approach. As the integration of data from businesses often
involves the orchestration of a wide and varied range of file formats and business
logic, which makes the mapping and integration a fragile, complex and time
consuming task. [8, 9].
This complexity therefore has influenced the growth of integration around
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) architectures provided by specific vendors.
A good example of this type of application is the integration provided on an EAI level
by the Microsoft BizTalk server [14]. A server that essentially provides the ability to
map and manage messaging between distributed systems, the server is hosted on the
company LAN. BDIFS Building on the concept of Business Service Networks [10] is
attempting to design a solution for the SME. The BDIFS framework was designed to
separate the messaging from the data mapping knowledge and experience that is
shared in the framework. By initially using a simple Peer-to-Peer messaging
framework it was the initial aim of the project to mirror the EAI mapping and
messaging functionality for the SME. Presenting a solution that had its main
functionality and therefore support overhead away from the LAN of the SME.
Although experience has shown that the BDIFS model in order to appeal, has to
develop its messaging framework to support a richer range of scenarios.
3 BDIFS Aims
The main target of BDIFS is the SME, within North Wales many of these SME’s are
under resourced in terms of IT skills and knowledge, yet are under huge pressure to
integrate. This factor is exposed when the SME has to collaborate and integrate with a
trading partner. Our first prototype for BDIFS was order processing, this simple
messaging cycle involved a process that could be expressed in simple XML and is