Towards Rigorous Metamodeling
ıt Combemale
, Sylvain Rougemaille
, Xavier Cr
, Fr
eric Migeon
Marc Pantel
, Christine Maurel
and Bernard Coulette
118, route de Narbonne
F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9
5, all
ee Antonio Machado
F-31058 Toulouse Cedex 9
Abstract. MDE has provided several significant improvements in the develop-
ment of complex systems by focusing on more abstract issues than programming.
However, improvments are needed on the semantic side in order to reach high-
level certification such as the one currently required for critical embedded sys-
tems (which will also probably be required in the near future for Information
Systems as application of Basel II kind of agreements). This paper presents dif-
ferent means to specify models semantics at the metamodel level. We will focus
on the definition of executable SPEM-based development process models (work-
flow related models) using an approach defined for the TOPCASED project.
1 Introduction
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has succeeded in establishing a new, more abstract,
approach to large scale system development. A system can be described using many
different models which are related to each other using model transformations. The key
point is to use as many different models as life-time or technology aspects in the system.
The main difference with programs is that model focus on the abstract syntax whereas
programs focus on the concrete syntax. A single model can then be represented using
different graphical or textual concrete syntaxes. For data-centred systems, the level of
abstraction thus provided led to significant improvements and seems to correspond to
an adequate semantic level. For computation-centred systems, further steps are required
in order to give a precise enough account of the dynamic aspects of the models.
This contribution gives some insights on approaches for defining metalevel model
semantics derived from the work done by the programming language community. The
evocated experiments take place in the TOPCASED project [1] whose purpose is to de-
fine and implement a MDE-centred CASE tool for critical embedded software and hard-
ware systems. The certification authorities for TOPCASED application domain (aero-
nautic, space, automotive...) require high quality system validation approaches which
are currently based on formal tools. Currently, Information Systems do not require this
Combemale B., Rougemaille S., Crégut X., Migeon F., Pantel M., Maurel C. and Coulette B. (2006).
Towards Rigorous Metamodeling.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Enterprise Information Systems, pages 5-14
DOI: 10.5220/0002501500050014
kind of certification. However, we can guess that, in the near future, the software devel-
oped for Basel II level IS will also follow this level of requirements.
The TOPCASED toolkit aims at easing the definition of new DSL or modeling lan-
guages by providing metalevel technologies such as concrete syntax (both textual and
graphical) editor generators, static validation and dynamic execution of models. This
contribution will describe how semantic considerations designed for programming lan-
guages can be integrated in the MDE approach. We will focus on one of the available
technologies for creating executable models; the other ones will be reported in forth-
coming publications.
As an example, we apply our proposal for the modeling of a very simplified process
description language (PDL). This PDL provides the concept of processes (Process)
composed of activity (Activity) sequences representing the various tasks which must be
realized during the development. These activities may be connected using a relation of
precedence (Precedes) which makes it possible to indicate a partial order start-to-start,
finish-to-start and finish-to-finish (PrecedenceKind). This kind of example is very close
to the workflow-based modeling of IS.
2 Syntax in Metamodeling
2.1 Abstract Syntax Definition
The abstract syntax of a modeling language is the structural expression of its con-
cepts and the relations which bind them. Metamodeling languages such as the OMG
standard MOF (Meta Object Facility) [2], provide sets of elementary entities and re-
lations in which terms we can describe our own metamodel. Nowadays, the definition
of this syntax is well mastered and supported by many metamodeling environments
(Eclipse/Ecore [3], GME/MetaGME [4], AMMA/KM3 [5] and XMF-Mosaic/Xcore
To describe the abstract syntax of our SimplePDL, we use the Ecore editor from
the TOPCASED project. It is a graphical editor that allows the description of the ab-
stract syntax. For SimplePDL, we draw the metamodel of figure 1. Process, Activity
and Precedes are instances of the EClass metaclass of Ecore. Their characteristics, such
as, e.g., name, are described as EAttribute and their relationships are defined as ERef-
erence. This metamodel will be used as a basis for the various experiments. First of
all, we would like to have a concrete syntax to be able to define models conforming to
2.2 Concrete Syntax Design
Concrete syntax provides a formalism, graphical or textual, to handle concepts of the
abstract syntax and thus to describe “instances” of the abstract syntax. The definition
of ad hoc concrete syntaxes is well mastered, indeed many projects exist for this pur-
pose which are mainly built upon EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) : GMF
, Merlin
Generic Modeling Framework,
Fig.1. The Ecore metamodel of our Simple PDL.
Fig.2. Configurator model.
, TIGER [7], etc. The current challenge aims at being able to gener-
ate automatically a concrete syntax from an already defined abstract syntax [4, 6]. This
generative approach, in addition to its generic qualities, would allow to standardize the
construction of concrete syntaxes.
The TOPCASED environment offers a tool called “graphical editor generator” that
allows to define a graphical concrete syntax and the associated editor for an Ecore
model. The generation process takes place after the generation of the textual syntax
(XML) provided by EMF [3]. It is based on the definition of the items of the graphical
formalism (concrete syntax) and its mapping to the base Ecore model (abstract syntax).
These two things are described in the configuration model (configurator) that offers
strong possibilities for the personalization of this concrete syntax.
For SimplePDL, we first defined the model of our concrete syntax (figure 2). Activity
and Guidance are defined as Node (boxes). Precedes is defined as an Edge, a connec-
tion between two nodes. Process is represented as a Diagram, which is a package that
will contain the other items. The concrete syntax may need additional items that do not
correspond to any abstract concept. For example, we need to add GuidanceLink as an
Edge to connect a Guidance to the descrided Activity. GuidanceLink do not correspond
to any concept of SimplePDL but is required to link a guidance to an activity (ERef-
erence named guidance on the base metamodel, figure 1). Please note that concepts of
abstract syntax (figure 1) and concepts of concrete syntax (figure 2) are different con-
Generic Eclipse Modeling System,
(a) Concrete syntax (b) Operational semantics
. Extensions of the SimplePDL abstract syntax.
Fig.4. Generated editor to provide a graphical concrete syntax to SimplePDL.
cepts that have to be mapped to each other. We used the same name when the mapping
was obvious.
To be able to use the TOPCASED editor generator, we had to extend our abstract
syntax (fig. 1) to add two containment references, one between Process and Guidance,
and the other between Process and Precedes (fig. 3a). This is required to be able to put
the corresponding graphical items (Activity and Guidance) in the Process package.
Figure 4 shows the generated editor. All the concepts of the configurator model are
available using the palette. Clicking on a palette item and adding it on the diagram,
creates a graphical feature (node, edge) and instantiates the corresponding SimplePDL
metaclass according to the configurator model.
3 Semantics in Metamodeling
In the scope of MDE there are currently a lot of languages and techniques to define
the abstract and concrete syntax of a modeling language. However, these techniques do
not take into account the description of the precise meaning of the concepts provided
by a modeling language. Consequently, the semantics of these languages has to be de-
fined by the use of additional techniques allowing to enrich their abstract syntax. These
problems have previously been handled by the programming language community. It is
not surprising that the same approaches can also be used here. We can separate model-
ing language semantics into three categories (as defined for programming languages):
axiomatic, operational and denotational (left for further work). Each of them can be
applied at different levels.
3.1 Axiomatic Semantics
The axiomatic semantics is based on mathematic logic and allows to define correctness
for the use of programming language constructions. The principle is to define axioms
and deduction rules to express the meaning of such constructions according to invari-
ants, pre and post-conditions. Thus it gives the precise semantics of every program
written in this language along with a correctness proof scheme. In a model-driven ap-
proach, we restrict this semantics to models static analysis, which allow us to check
the correctness of models structure. This vision of axiomatic semantics can be added
by means of Well-Formed-Rules (WFR), which are expressed on the metamodel and
have to be respected by the models. The OMG recommends the use of OCL (Object
Constraint Language) [8] for the expression of WFR on metamodels. The metamodel
WFR can be seen as a mean to reduce the number of valid models. Thus, one can use
OCL checkers (e.g., Use [9]) to verify the correctness of a model in accordance with
each of the WFR expressed on its metamodel.
One can also check whether a model satisfy its WFR or not by means of a declara-
tive transformation language such as ATL (Atlas Transformation Language) [10]. The
idea is to define transformation rules that match errors and generate a diagnostic model
containing much more details than the Boolean return value of an OCL checker. The
details concerning the errors depend on the diagnostic metamodel. This technique has
been proposed by the ATLAS team and carried out thanks to ATL [11]. ATL transfor-
mation rules are defined to detect the negation of a WFR and generate the corresponding
diagnostic model (fig. 5).
In the scope of our language (SimplePDL), several constraints have to be defined
to guarantee the consistency of the models which conform to the metamodel. As an
example we proposed the following rules :
“ An activity must not precede itself ” :
context Precedes inv :
self.before <> self.after
“ A process must not contain two activities with the same name ” :
context Process inv :
self.activities->forAll(a1, a2 : Activity |
a1 <> a2 implies <>
Fig.5. Checking model with ATL.
3.2 Operational Semantics
The operational semantics allows to precisely describe the dynamic behavior of the
constructions of a language. In MDE, it aims to express the behavioral semantics of
a metamodel and thus build executable conforming models. For this purpose, two ap-
proaches are available. First of all, the one which is closer to the operational semantics
in programming languages consists in the definition of transformations between two ex-
ecution states of a model. The whole set of transformations, written in conformance to
the metamodel, defines the behavior of models. The second one consists of describing
the behavior of each concept of the metamodel in an imperative way using metapro-
gramming languages such as Kermeta [12], xOCL [6] or an action language such as
AS-MOF [13].
Our first experimentation is related to Kermeta which is defined as an executable
metamodeling language, or as an object oriented metaprogramming language, i.e., it
allows to describe metamodels whose models are executable. Kermeta relies on the
Ecore metamodeling language, it has been defined as a ”weaving” between a behavioral
model and the Ecore metadata model [12]. The Kermeta metamodel is composed of
two packages. The first one called core corresponds to Ecore. The second one called
behavior is built as a metaclass hierarchy representing the expressions that constitute
the body of the operation features defined in the core package. Thus, Kermeta allows
to specify the structure of a metamodel as well as its behavior.
Kermeta is integrated as a plug-in to the Eclipse IDE, and it provides a genera-
tion tool Ecore2Kermeta which has allowed us to translate our SimplePDL metamodel
(fig. 1) to a Kermeta version. This version of our metamodel has been used as a basis
for the programming of the SimplePDL models behavior. In order to code this behavior,
we have had to define precisely what is the execution of a SimplePDL model.
A Process is composed of Activities, which goes through different states during the
enactment of the Process: not started, in progress and completed. In order to represent
those states we have added the progress attribute to the Activity Eclass. Thus, its pro-
gression rate value corresponds to its three possible states : -1: not started ; [0..99]: in
progress and 100: complete. A Process have been executed when all the contained ac-
tivities are completed. The behavior of our SimplePDL process consists of authorizing
users to set the values of activities progression rate, according to precedes relation, until
they are all finished. The handling of the progression rate and the precedes link for each
Activity implies the extension of our metamodel (fig. 1) in order to add the necessary
operations (fig. 3b). Thus, the execution of SimplePDL processes was implemented in
Kermeta as a loop proposing to the user the following choices :
Stop the process execution: Quit the loop.
Start an enactable activity: One selects the activity which can be started. An activity
can start if the startable operation returns True, i.e., if it is an initial one, or if its
preceding activities and the Precedes link which bind them to it allows to.
operation startable() : Boolean is do
var start_ok : kermeta::standard::Boolean
var previousActivities : seq Activity [0..
var prevPrecedes : seq Precedes [0..
if progress==-1 then
// Getting the activities which have to be started
prevPrecedes :={p | p.kind ==
PrecedenceKind.pk_start_start }
previousActivities := prevPrecedes.collect{p | p.before}
start_ok := previousActivities.forAll{a | a.progress >= 0}
// Getting the activities which have to be finished
prevPrecedes :={p | p.kind ==
PrecedenceKind.pk_finish_start }
previousActivities := prevPrecedes.collect{p | p.before}
start_ok := start_ok and
(previousActivities.forAll{a | a.progress==100})
result := start_ok or (previous.size() == 0)
result := false
The user chooses the activity he wants to start, then its progress is set to 0.
operation start() : Void is do
progress := 0
Make the progression rate of a started activity evolve: One selects the activities
whose progression rate can evolve. Then, the user chooses the one whose progres-
sion he wants to increase and gives the progression percentage that will be added
to the current rate (operation setProgression).
Finish an activity: One selects all the activities that can be stopped, i.e., those
whose finishable operation return True. finishable evaluate whether an activity can
be stopped or not according to the precedences rules to which it is subjected (rela-
tion Precedes).
operation finishable() : Boolean is do
var finish_ok : kermeta::standard::Boolean
var previousActivities : seq Activity [0..
var prevPrecedes : seq Precedes [0..
// Activities must be started
if progress < 100 and progress >= 0 then
// Testing previous activities
prevPrecedes :={p | p.kind == PrecedenceKind.pk_finish_finish }
previousActivities := prevPrecedes.collect{p | p.before}
finish_ok := previousActivities.forAll{a | a.progress==100}
result := (finish_ok or previous.size()==0)
result := false
Then the user selects the one he wants to be finished.
operation complete() : Void is do
progress := 100
This loop and the choices proposals are implemented in the body of the run() op-
eration of the Process metaclass. This execution model describes the behavior of all
the models which conform to our Kermeta metamodel (SimplePDL); it represents the
operational semantics of our Process Description Language.
4 Related Work
The definition of a rigorous semantics for modeling languages is currently a crucial is-
sue in the ”Model-Driven” world. We can note two works that deal with this particularly
important problem.
The ISIS laboratory from the Vanderbilt University has been involved in model
engineering for many years. They promote the principles of MIC (Model-Integrated
Computing), which places models as center piece for the integrated software develop-
ment. They are developing the GME tool [4], which allows to describe DSL for multi-
aspect and hierarchical models. In this scope they face the same problem concerning
the definition of precise semantics. They recently proposed to ”anchor” the semantics
of a particular DSL into a well-defined and formal semantics model [14]: the ASM
(Abstract State Machine) [15] using their transformation modeling language GReAT
(Graph Rewriting And Transformation language) [16].
is a company founded in 2003 whose objective is to provide practical so-
lutions for the development of large software system based on model-driven principles.
They developed the XMF-Mosaic tool [6], which allows to define DSL, to simulate and
validate models thanks to an extension of the OCL language called xOCL (eXecutable
OCL). It provides means to transform models and to define mapping between them and
other features for handling models.
These works are very close to the objectives of the TOPCASED environment, i.e.,
proposing an adaptive modeling environment based on a generative approach (as GME,
XMF), offering means of simulation, validation of models by the definition of rigorous
5 Conclusion and Future Work
This paper advocates the need for more semantic consideration in MDE. We then
present several approaches for the integration of these points which are derived from
previous work from the programming languages community. We focus on the definition
of executable models for a very small subset of the SPEM development process mod-
eling language. This work was based on the use of the Kermeta tool which weaves the
model semantics with the metamodel. Further work will detail the other approaches in
order to gather engineering knowledge around the semantic MDE. For instance, we are
studying the possibility to define denotational semantics. In the programming languages
scope, this semantics describes instructions as mathematical objects (i.e., function, in-
teger, tuples, truth value etc.). The main idea of denotational semantics is to associate
each phrase of the language with the appropriate mathematical object and thus, to map
syntactic domain to a well-defined semantic domain. Mathematical objects are called
the denotation of syntactic phrases, which are themselves said to denote objects. We
can say that this denotation is a kind of translation to the mathematics world.
We are foreseeing a similar approach to provide a rigorous definition of DSL se-
mantics. The idea is to target a well-known and well-defined formal language instead
of mathematical objects. The challenge is to define transformation from DSL to another
language owned by a different technological space and that has a rigorous semantics.
This is often called translational semantics [6]. Those technological bridges allow to
profit from simulation, checking and execution tools provided by the targeted techno-
logical spaces. We are considering to us ATL to define transformations from our DSL
to semantics models such as Petri nets, timed automata or transition systems.
We are also expecting to use model transformations to describe rewriting rules over
models. Thus, we will be able to express operational semantics in a closer way to for-
mer Structural Operational Semantics defined for programming languages by Plotkin
[17]. The main profit of this method is that semantics of a language is expressed in
its own terms, i.e., there is no need of additional concepts except those related to the
transformation language.
This work puts forward the fact that many different metamodels need to be defined
in order to manage the various aspects of a system. All these models are differents
but related. These relations must be managed in order to reduce the amount of work
required for the definition of their semantics.
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