Namely, our solution relies on using sets of signing key pairs to represent the different
weights allowed in an election. We also presented a performance enhancing solution for
making the, sometimes large, set of RSA signing key pairs from the same modulus.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first electronic voting system supporting
votes weights. The same happens with the optimization used for the W RSA key pairs
for each Administrator, we do not know of any system using it.
Considering our requirements — scalability, efficiency, usability and anonymity —,
the first three of them were attained. Regarding anonymity, there is still a problem for
the case of a single voter with a weighted vote. This is a fundamental problem, since it
also exists in paper-based elections. We tried to find a solution to this problem without
interfering with the basic characteristics of REVS but at the end we rejected all the
ideas of how to deal with the problem in this work. Consequently, and in the context of
REVS, our main issue for future work is to deal properly with this privacy issue.
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