Developing a Maturity Model for Information System
Security Management within Small and Medium Size
Luis Enrique Sánchez
, Daniel Villafranca
, Eduardo Fernández-Medina
and Mario Piattini
SICAMAN Nuevas Tecnologías. Departament I+D
Juan José Rodrigo, 4. Tomelloso, Ciudad Real, Spain
Castilla-La Mancha, ALARCOS Research Group,
TSI Department, UCLM-Soluziona Research and Development Institute.
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad 4, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. For enterprises to be able to use information and communication
technologies with guarantees, it is necessary to have an adequate security
management available. This requires that enterprises always know their current
maturity level and to what extend their security must evolve. Current maturity
models are showing us that they are inefficient in small and medium size
enterprises since these enterprises have a series of additional problems when
implementing security management systems. In this paper, we will make an
analysis of the maturity models oriented to security existing in the market by
analysing their main disadvantages regarding small and medium size enterprises
using as a reference framework ISO17799. This approach is being directly
applied to real cases, thus obtaining a constant improvement in its application.
1 Introduction
Information and processes supporting systems and nets are the most important assets
for any organization [1], and they are the main differentiation factor in a company’s
evolution. These assets are submitted to a great variety of risks that can critically
affect enterprises. There are many sources that provide us with figures that show the
importance of the problems caused by the lack of adequate security measures [2]. In
this way, the CGI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey [3] estimates that the
total losses in the US in 2004 as a result of security breaches was 141.496.560$.
However, the majority of the losses are unknown since the lack of adequate controls
to carry out the information tracking avoids that enterprises know the existence of
information leaks and therefore they cannot quantify their cost. Organizations,
independently of their size or activity, need to implement an Information Security
Management System (ISMS) to protect their most sensitive assets [4][5]. However, to
develop these ISMS not only we have to face technological aspects [6] but also we
have to develop management as well as legal and ethical aspects.
Enrique S
anchez L., Villafranca D., Fern
andez-Medina E. and Piattini M. (2006).
Developing a Maturity Model for Information System Security Management within Small and Medium Size Enterprises.
In Proceedings of the 4th Inter national Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 256-266
Anyway, although many new rules are appearing, the current tendency [7] to face
an ISMS consists of homogenizing some of its basic aspects such as maturity models
and best practices guides into a stable set that let us face each particular case with the
ISMS model that better adapts to it.
As a core of the new security orientation as a management system, security
policies containing sets of rules and regulations to determine how an organization
must protect itself have been created [8]. Thus, Cabrera Martin [9] puts forward that
the way to planify security within an organization must always start from the
definition of a Security Policy that determines the organization’s objectives in the
security field and from this determination, we could decide through an adequate
implementation plan how the fixed objectives will be reached.
Before starting a project for implementing an information security management
system within an enterprise, it is necessary to determine the level of the Information
Security Governance of the company since the absence of it guarantees the failure of
the security management. It is not viable to start implementing a security management
system with the absence of a stable and defined information security governance.
[10]. The following step for the implementation of an ISMS is to establish the security
maturity level of the enterprise and to where it should evolve although these maturity
levels can be established in different ways. Thus, Von Solms [11] defines security as
a discipline of multiple dimensions that must be covered to obtain a security plan,
through an incremental certification of security, and for Von Solms, the most
important phase of the plan is to determine the maturity level of the company ISMS
and compare that level to the losses that it can cause to the business. The maturity
model that we propose states an evolution of the maturity levels similar in some
aspects to that stated by Von Solms, in a way that enterprises will be able to certify
themselves in the different levels of the maturity model. This will let them face
projects with a shorter temporary vision as well as analyse the results of the plan
Nowadays, it is very complex for a small or medium size enterprise to face the
implementation of a security management system. Concerning security, the
enterprises’ tendency is to slowly migrate their culture to the creation of an ISMS,
although this progression is very slow in such a way that René Sant-Germain [3]
estimates that with the current models, in 2009, only a 35% of the enterprises with
more than 2000 employees in the world will have an ISMS implemented and figures
regarding small and medium size enterprises will be much worse.
The majority of enterprises have found many problems at the time of
implementing systems such as BS7799 certification and UNE71502 since they are
total certifications and this avoids that enterprises have intermediate points to focus
the reach of their objectives. It also avoids that system departments obtain
intermediate success that allow them to obtain the support of the Direction Board. The
maturity model that we state allows us to obtain intermediate certification, being able
to face each maturity level in 1 or 2 years periods instead of the 3 to 6 years that are
currently needed in a medium size enterprise. Audit, certification and accreditation of
the management system is important to provide the security environment, customers
and providers with credibility. For this reason, our proposed maturity model is based
on the certification by levels instead of an only total certification. Our maturity level
proposes to divide UNE71502 certification and ISO27001 into three certification
levels [1 to 3], each one having a subset of controls extracted from ISO17799.
This paper proposes a maturity model oriented to small and medium size
enterprises with the purpose of solving the problems detected in the classic maturity
models which are shown not to be efficient at the time of implementing them into
small and medium size enterprises due to their complexity and other series of factors
that will be analysed in a detailed way in the following sections of this paper. The
paper continues with Section 2, in which the existing maturity models, their current
tendency and the new proposals that are emerging will be described. In Section 3, our
proposal of a maturity model oriented to small and medium size enterprises is
introduced. Finally, in Section 4, we will conclude by indicating our future work.
2 Related Work
Security Maturity Models have the aim of establishing a standardized valoration with
which it can be determined the state of information security within an organization
and that allows us to be able to planify the way to reach the desired security goals.
These maturity levels will be progressive in such a way that the implemented
information increases as the maturity levels increase. These levels are the ideal
mechanisms to know the security of the enterprises to be analysed and that of third
companies with which these enterprises have to interact. The problem is that although
there are maturity models in the market, they are only total security certifications and
this fact avoids that many companies can have a valoration of their current maturity
level. Therefore, our model suggests the certification by maturity levels instead of the
unique certification existing today, this certification will be periodically revised and
the company could increase or decrease its maturity level. This model is similar to the
appreciations by Eloff and Eloff [5] that suggest a progressive controls
implementation that allows the enterprise to adapt itself to the security evolution in a
non-traumatic way.
The vision of how to face these maturity levels differs regarding the authors taken
as a reference. In this way, some authors insist on using ISO17799 in security
management models but always in an incremental way, taking into consideration the
particular security needs [11], by using maturity models. Other models such as that
proposed by the Information Security Institute of South Africa (ISIZA) [11] put
forward a progressive increase of security. ISIZA Level 1 consists of selecting a basic
level of a small subset of ISO17799 controls related to security policy, virus control
and personnel security. Following the model proposed by ISIZA, time reductions
when certifying companies according to the BS7799 regulation [11] have been
For our maturity model, we have used the standard ISO17799 as a starting point,
coinciding with the research being carried out by Pittsburgh University for the
development and putting into practice of a comprehensive standard of security based
on the guides provided by ISO17799 [12]. Other studies consider the regulation
important but they complement it in some way with other aspects [13], such as
Endorf [14], that incorporates the American HIPAA requirements into a security
program complementing ISO17799; or Von Solms [15], that considers a whole and
complementary application of COBITs and the regulation; or even Masacci that apart
from the regulation, considers controls related to the fulfilment of the Italian
legislation in the field of data protection and privacy.
Other aspects that are being studied for their application to the maturity models is
the management of costs associated to security management since they can influence
model dimensioning. Thus, Rebecca Mercuri [16] proposes to associate the cost-
benefit analysis(CBA) as a fundamental part of ISMS development in the risk
analysis phase; Kim&Choi [17] analyses a methodology oriented to processes models
and criteria of analysis of cost and benefit factors that support the economic
justification of the investment in security and that can be applied to estimate the
maximum level of maturity that the enterprise can face; and Peltier [13] states that
controls must be selected regarding the cost-efficiency in relation to the risk that they
reduce and the potential losses that security breaches can cause.
2.1 Other Security Maturity Models
Among the information security maturity models [18] that are currently being most
often applied within enterprises, we can highlight SSE-CMM, COBIT and ISM3 [19],
although at present, new models that try to solve the problems detected in these
models are being developed. Now, we will show a brief description of the main
maturity models existing today and some of the most promising proposals:
- ISO 21827/SSE-CMM: The Capability Maturity Model in Systems Security
Engineering is a model derived from the maturity model of CMM software
and it is oriented to security. This model describes the essential
characteristics of processes that must exist within an organization to assure a
proper systems security. In Lobree 2002 [20], a comparison of the most
important good practices guides with the maturity model SSE-CMM is made
and they come to the conclusion that all of them basically consider the same
security aspects but with different depth level.
- ISM3 [12]: It is oriented to define different security levels where each of
them can be the final objective of an organization. In other words, it is not a
model that can be used to improve but it is useful to classify the security
level required by an enterprise. ISM3 defines five security maturity levels of
an enterprise [0 a 4]. These levels will be associated to processes in a way
that, depending on the maturity level, the enterprise will be forced to comply
with a series of processes. Thus, a level 0 will imply the fact of not fulfilling
any process.
- COBIT: The maturity model COBIT [18] offers us the basis for the
understanding and evaluation of the current conditions of security and
processes control of the IT environment within an organization. This model
provides us with the bases for the understanding and evaluation of the main
functions of IT area, through the consideration of each one of its key
processes that will be assigned a value between [0-5], thus indicating the
effort level (“maturity”) that is suggested to invest in the activity of control
of such process to guarantee a good relation cost-benefit by assuring the
strictly required security level. The maturity model COBIT is based on the
software development maturity model CMM-SW, and for this reason, it is
not an updated model since today CMMI is the most commonly used model.
Von Solms [13] [15] has studied the coexistence and complementary use of
COBIT and ISO 17799 by developing a mapping for the synchronization of
both frameworks and by analysing the reasons why they are complementary.
Some of ISO17799 detractors state as a disadvantage that it is a support
guide but it does not reach the necessary framework for information
technology governance. Its main advantage with respect to COBIT is that it
is more detailed and has more guides oriented to how to do things. A recent
report made by the IT Governance Institute solves the problem of
synchronization by developing the mapping between COBIT´s DCO´s and
ISO17799. There are plenty of scenarios [11] where we can see how
ISO17799 and COBIT are complementary.
- CC_SSE-CCM: Common Criteria (CC) only provides us with standards to
evaluate product and security systems information. On the other hand, SSE-
CMM provides us with security standards for the evaluation of process
engineering. Jongsook Lee [7] proposes to integrate CC and SSE-CMM to
create CC-SSE-CMM that is a maturity model including the advantages of
both models. This new model is divided into processes, products and
environment. The advantage of this model is that it is useful when an
organization that was developed with CC wants to be evaluated with SSE-
CMM to improve its level with respect to the security process. CC_SSE-
CMM consists of 23 process areas with 5 maturity levels. Each process area
(PA) has BP (base practices) and the capacity levels have GP (generic
- Eloff and Eloff [5]: They prefer to define four different protection classes
that allow us to progressively increase the security levels, basing on the
sections of ISO17799 to do so.
- Karen & Barrientes [21]: This proposal of maturity model consists of
carrying out an analysis related to computer security to identify the
vulnerability degree as well as determine the improvement aspects to be
performed in the organization with the purpose of reducing risk. This model
supports the evaluation of the information security and lets us determine
which level the organization is at regarding security and thus, we will be able
to establish its strengths and weaknesses at the time of protecting
information. The proposed model has the five levels stated by CMMI
adapted to agree with information security. Each level has a definition and a
general description in which it is indicated the organization behaviour with
respect to information security. Such behaviour determines the maturity level
of information security. Practices of each level correspond to the controls
defined in the international standards ISO17799 [22]. This model takes into
account that organizations have different internal structures, and so, it is
considered that controls defined in each level are the minimum or the most
general that should be established by organizations, independently of their
internal structure.
The main problem of all presented maturity models is that they are not being
successful at the time of being implemented into small and medium size enterprises
mainly due to the fact that they were developed thinking of big organizations and the
organizative structures associated to them.
3 SSE-PYME: Security Maturity Model Oriented to Small and
Medium size Enterprises
The Information Security Maturity Model that we propose allows any organization to
evaluate the state of its security but it is mainly oriented to small and medium size
enterprise since they are experiencing the greater failure rate and also they are the
enterprises where the existing maturity models are being less successful. Furthermore,
small and medium size companies represent more than 95% of Spanish companies
and for this reason, we could not consider the Spanish set of enterprises mature from a
technological viewpoint until we could not achieve an adequate security level in small
and medium size enterprises. The most outstanding characteristics of our model are
that it has three security levels [1 to 3] instead of the 5-6 levels proposed by classic
models and that it proposes that each level can be certified instead of the total
certification existing today. Finally, in our model, the maturity level is associated to
the characteristics of the enterprise and it is not compulsory (and sometimes not even
advisable) that all companies reach level 3.
In this way and from the information obtained through the SICAMAN
implementation into customers, we have developed a maturity model following the
spiral structure showed in Fig. 1. This model has the aim of facilitating the
performance of fast and economic cycles that let us create a security culture within
the organization, in a constant and progressive way. Our model proposes to carry out,
in the first place, an estimation of the enterprise maturity level in a way that, with a
low cost and in a short period of time, a project planning could be determined to
present it to the direction board. Other characteristic of our model is that it has the
purpose of carrying out the proposed plans in a short term instead of the plans derived
from the current models that have a long duration and this fact makes them totally
inadequate for the current changing structure of small and medium size enterprises.
Through this model, we could estimate, in a minimum period of time, the maturity
level of the enterprise ISMS as well as identify the set of rules that better adapt
themselves to it. Thus, we could propose short-term realistic goals of the expected
evolution of the company for each spiral cycle. Once we have identified the current
maturity level of the enterprise, an improvement plan will be created and will be
presented to the direction board. Its main objective will be that of complementing the
current maturity level to reach the following maturity level.
Fig. 1. Spiral model for ISMS maturity.
Although in Fig. 1, the maturity model only presents eight sections of ISO17799,
our final maturity model is being developed over the ten sections of this regulation.
Nowadays, we are analysing the possibilities of migrating the obtained results through
the action research method to the new version of ISO17799:2005. In addition,
although the main core of the model that we have developed is based on ISO17799,
we have not refused to complement it with other kind of standards and
recommendations in the field of security and security management that can solve the
lack detected in ISO17799 and that have been analysed in the section 2 of this paper.
Our model defines three maturity levels to value the state of the information
system security of the enterprise. In this way, an enterprise that, according to the
employees and turnover parameters is considered small, it should only apply the
maturity level ISO17799-1 that is a subset of the controls recommended by
ISO17799 (Table 1). Any of the other two versions of the regulation would suppose
over-dimensioning the enterprise security. This would give place to an increase in the
risk of the fact that the implemented controls are not maintainable and it would
produce a continuous degradation of the controls and the maturity level. Other factors
to be taken into account is that even though the different sections could advance in an
independent way, the most logical thing to do is to planify to improve those aspects
that need lower security.
As a first step to put into practice our model within a company, we will determine
what level of regulations we should applied regarding the characteristics of the
company. Once we have identified the appropriate level, we will carry out an analysis
of controls to determine the plan that allows us to complement this maturity level. In
our model, the security level of the company will evolve in an interval from 0 to 100
%, for each one of the three proposed maturity levels that in turn, will be divided into
six sublevels to help the direction board in the monitoring of the project.
Table 1. Proposed models according to the type of enterprise and maturity level.
Maturity Level
(According pre-audit
performed about
Enterprise type
(according to number of employees and turnover)
Small Medium Big
0 – 25 Employees 25 – 250 Employees >250 Employees
0 – 1 Million € 1 – 100 Million € >100 Million €
0 – 100% Low ISO17799-1 (100) ISO17799-1 (100) ISO17799-1 (100)
100% - 200% Medium ISO17799-1 (100) ISO17799-2 (300) ISO17799-2 (300)
200 - 300% High ISO17799-1 (100) ISO17799-2 (300) ISO17799-3 (500)
Some of the main and most valuable conclusions obtained from the feedback of
SICAMAN customers in which these models have been analysed are listed below:
- The overdimensioning of the security level of an enterprise with respect to
its size finishes generating a degradation of the overdimensioned controls
until they reach their natural balance. The final consequence is that the
enterprise invests more resources than the strictly necessary that will not
provide any value. In Fig. 2, we can see a simulation of how, according to
the size of the company, security systems have a natural tendency to find
their balance.
Simulations of tendency of maturity levels overdimensiones in enterprises
Maturity Level
Small Medium Big
Fig. 2. Simulation of tendency of overdimensioned maturity levels.
In Fig. 2, the percentage from 0 to100 % represents maturity level 1, the
percentage from 100 to 200% represents maturity level 2 and the percentage
from 200 to 300% represents maturity level 3. There are some exceptions in
some sectors and types of enterprises where this tendency is not fulfilled and
therefore, the model is being improved by adding it variables.
- Enterprises are more receptive to short-term implementation plans (1 to 2
years) than to long-term plans (4 to 6 years). The certification by levels
offers us a guarantee for the valoration of the short-term project evolution.
We are currently working on other models that include new factors that can affect
when deciding about the fulfilment level that must be applied: the enterprise’s type of
activity, the dependency on departments (such as Research and Development), etc.
4 Conclusions and Future Work
In spite of the enormous efforts that are being made to create maturity models
appropriate for mediating and managing security in small and medium size
enterprises, these models do not fit properly with the environment where they must be
implemented yet. The most probable reason is the lack of maturity of enterprises and
the fact that we have tried to make too general and ambitious models. Sometimes, this
makes that companies do not know the objective they must fulfil or how to start to
perform their systems reestructuration or that the stated goals seem very far away and
the direction board becomes discouraged. One of the documents generated by the
standardization international group considered most important worldwide is the code
of good practices ISO17799, that defines a very vast set of security controls and that it
is being used in some of the most innovating maturity models in the market.
Nevertheless, this code of good practices does not offer a global solution and must be
complemented with other regulations and management mechanisms more appropriate,
although it means a very good starting point for the development of new maturity
In this paper, we have presented from our practical experience, a first
approximation to the development of a new maturity model oriented to small and
medium size enter that takes as a basis the regulation that we have mentioned so many
times in this paper and adapts it to adjust it to the size of the company in which we
want to implement it as well as to its maturity level. This model is being developed
taking as a basis the currently existing maturity models analysing their main
disadvantages and testing them in our customers to determine the success and failure
factors of the model.
The presented maturity model reduces the systems implementation costs and
improves the success percentage of implementations.
As this proposal is very preliminary, our short and long term objective is that of
studying in depth maturity models to carry out the complete development of a new
maturity model that means a bigger percentage of success in small and medium size
companies. Through the research method, “action research” and with the help of the
feedback directly obtained from our customers, we hope to achieve a continuous
improvement of these implementations.
This maturity model and the methodology which it belongs to will be
complemented with a security systems management tool, mainly oriented to the
direction board, to facilitate decision making when performing security systems
This research is part of the following projects: DIMENSIONS, partially financed by
FEDER and the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Comunidades de
Castilla-La Mancha (PBC-05-012-1), CALIPO (TIC2003-07804-C05-03) and
RETISTIC (TIC2002-12487-E) financed by “Dirección General de Investigación del
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología” (España).
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