A Petri Net Based Methodology for Business Process
Modeling and Simulation
Joseph Barjis, Han Reichgelt
Georgia Southern University
P.O. Box 8150
Statesboro, GA 30460, U.S.A.
Abstract. In this paper we introduce a modeling methodology for the study of
business processes, including their design, redesign, modeling, simulation and
analysis. The methodology, called TOP, is based on the theoretical concept of a
transaction which we derive from the Language Action Perspective (LAP). In
particular, we regard business processes in an organization as patterns of
communication between different actors to represent the underlying actions.
TOP is supported by a set of extensions of basic Petri nets notations, resulting
in a tool that can be used to build models of business processes and to analyze
these models. The result is a more practical methodology for business process
modeling and simulation.
1 Introduction
Research into business processes has recently seen a re-emergence as evidenced by
the increasing number of publications and corporate research initiatives. Research
into business processes encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, including business
process design, redesign, modeling, simulation and analysis.
The reason for this resurgence in the study of business processes are not hard to
fathom. Although organizations have invested heavily in new IT applications, and the
software engineering community has worked diligently on producing new
methodologies and tools for constructing IT applications, the quality of many IT
applications remains poor (see, e.g., the articles in [7]). As organizations struggle to
ensure that their IT investments do indeed provide value, their focus is shifting
increasingly to the improvement, transformation and management of business
processes [9]. In the past few decades businesses, misguided by the belief that IT
alone will solve all their corporate woes, have overemphasized the role of IT in
gaining a competitive edge while underestimating the importance of a clear
understanding and critical analysis of their business processes. However, the tide has
shifted and the prevailing standpoint in recent publications suggests a much greater
focus on process-centric and process-driven organizations, where, by contrast, IT
becomes “second class citizen” and business processes take the lead. An extreme
proponent of this proposition is Carr [3], who argues that “the technology potential
Barjis J. and Reichgelt H. (2006).
A Petri Net Based Methodology for Business Process Modeling and Simulation.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 3-15
DOI: 10.5220/0002504700030015
for differentiating one company from the pack inexorably declines as IT becomes
accessible and affordable to all”. While Carr’s position was regarded as too extreme
by the majority of CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, as well as prominent academicians, there is a
consensus that Carr was right to point out that IT, in and by itself, does not provide
value. As Smith & Finger [10] put it, “IT doesn’t matter, business processes do.”
The renewed focus on business processes has led to the emergence of a large
number of computer supported methodologies for modeling, analyzing and designing
business processes. After all, following a well-established formal methodology will
help an analyst determine which business related information to look for and how to
represent this in a format that makes it easy to analyze and communicate with stake-
holders, such as end users, managers and so on. Unfortunately, none of the
methodologies that have emerged are entirely satisfactorily. Many either lack a clear
theoretical foundation. Although they often come with an easy to use notation, the
fact that they have no clear theoretical underpinning typically makes it hard to
objectively justify the models built in them. Others have a clear conceptual
foundation, but often lack an intuitive notation to construct and graphically represent
models in.
This paper tries to remedy this situation by proposing a methodology based on a
well understood theoretical foundation and containing an intuitive, easy to use
notation. Our methodology, which we will refer to as “TOP” for Transaction
Oriented Petri net methodology, is based on the concept of a transaction, which we
derive from the language action perspective (e.g., [5, 6]). A transaction is regarded as
a pattern of interactions between different actors, leading to a set of actions.
Transactions can then be strung together to produce business processes, or vice versa,
(complex) business processes can be analyzed as consisting of collections of (atomic)
transactions. In order to model these potentially complex webs of transactions, we
propose to use Petri nets. However, ordinary Petri nets are less likely to adequately
represent business processes. To this end, we contribute with a type of Petri nets that
has hierarchical structure and process boundary. More detailed discussion will follow
in the subsequent sections of the paper.
The organization of the paper is as follows. We first introduce the notion of a
“transaction” and trace its origins back to the language action perspective. We then
introduce transaction-oriented Petri nets. Finally, we introduce the TOP methodology
using an explanatory example.
2 The Transaction Concept
The central theoretical concept in TOP is that of a transaction. The term “transaction”
derives from the so-called language action perspective (LAP) as introduced in the
DEMO methodology [5]. The transaction concept is based on the idea that an
organization and its underlying business processes can be better understood through
the observation of communication between the members of the organization and the
organization’s interaction with its environment. Thus, this concept looks at
communication as a tool to capture action patterns that represent the business
processes. In this context, the notion of communication is not just an exchange of
information, but also includes the negotiation, coordination, agreement, and
commitment that lead to certain actions. In turn, these actions create new facts,
deliver results, and accomplish the mission of an organization.
LAP traces its origins to Searle’s speech act theory [8], which itself extended
earlier work by Austin [2]. Austin’s primary insight was that utterances have both a
constative aspect, i.e., they express meaning, and a performative aspect, i.e. they are
produced to achieve something. Winograd and Flores [11] used speech act theory to
develop a modeling approach that introduces the notion of “conversation for action”
as a sequence of communicative acts involving two actors. Dietz [5, 6] used the
Winograd and Flores approach to derive the concept of a business transaction and
made it the central concept in the DEMO methodology (Design & Engineering
Methodology for Organizations formerly known as Dynamic Essential MOdeling, or
Dynamic Essential Modeling of Organization).
In order to introduce the concepts of a transaction and business process, consider
the following, artificial, example:
A visitor calls a hotel’s reception to reserve a room. After being asked to
provide the details of the required room and the dates of his intended visit, the
visitor is asked to hold as the receptionist checks the availability of a room.
While the visitor is on hold, a piece of Mozart is played over the phone. After
a brief period, the receptionist gets back to the visitor and states that the hotel
has an appropriate room available for the dates required. However, in order
to confirm the reservation and give the visitor a confirmation number, the
visitor has to pay for the room by credit card. The receptionist therefore asks
the visitor for credit card information and, after receiving the information,
verifies the card and availability of sufficient fund with the credit card
company. Once the payment has been approved, the receptionist is able to
give the confirmation number to the visitor.
Business transactions are patterns of actions and interactions, as illustrated in
Figure 1a. The action is the core of a business transaction and represents an activity
that changes the state of the world and creates a new fact. An interaction is either the
initiation of an action or the communication of a fact as the result of the action. An
example of an interaction is a request made by one actor towards another actor that
leads to creation of a new fact. Other examples of interactions are clicking an “apply”
button, “submit” in an electronic form, or inserting a debit card into ATM to
withdraw cash. In the hotel reservation example, the visitor’s request for a room
reservation and the receptionist’s statement of the confirmation number are both
interactions; and reserving the room by the receptionist is an action. Thus a
transaction is interaction plus action (cf. Figure 1.b).
Fig. 1. a) The business transaction concept, b) The OER diagram (detailed and compact
Accordingly, each business transaction is carried out in three phases, the order
phase, the execution phase, and the result phase, corresponding to the first interaction
(when an action is requested), the action itself and the second interaction (when the
result of an action is communicated to the requester) respectively. The phases are
abbreviated as O, E and R correspondingly and are the basis of the OER paradigm, as
illustrated in Figure 2. Note that the order (O) phase and result (R) phase are
interactions and the execution (E) phase an action, therefore they are represented by
different colors.
We distinguish between simple and complex (composite) transactions. Business
processes typically consist of numerous transactions that are chained together and
nested into each other. Simple transactions do not involve, i.e., trigger or cause, other
transactions during their execution. In complex transactions, on the other hand, one or
more phases will trigger further, nested, transactions. Thus, in the hotel reservation
example above, the receptionist can only make the reservation after she has received a
credit card payment from the visitor. However, this transaction can only be
completed once the receptionist has made the necessary checks with the credit card
company. Thus, the “receive payment” transaction can only be completed once the
receptionist initiates a transaction with a credit card company and this transaction
maybe nested inside a larger transaction.
The hotel reservation example also illustrates that each transaction involves two
actors. By two actors we mean two interacting parties. The actor that initiates the
transaction is called the initiator of the transaction, while the actor that executes the
transaction is called the executor of the transaction. Actors can be human actors,
software agents or machines. For example, if the hotel reservation application is
submitted online, a software agent, rather than a human receptionist, will make the
hotel reservation.
This leads to the following series of definitions of the concept of a business
Definition 1: A business transaction is a generic pattern of activity carried out
between two actors, an initiator and an executor. The activity is carried out in
three phases, the order phase, the execution phase, and the result phase, (OER)
in which the first and last phases are interactions and the execution phase is an
action. The activity creates a new fact and changes the state of the world.
Definition 2: A business transaction comprises two types of actions:
communicative action, which represents an interaction, and productive action,
which represents an action. An interaction is coordinating or negotiating the
essence of an action and communicating the result of an action. Thus an
interaction takes place twice, before an action is carried out and after an action
is carried out and a result is achieved.
Definition 3: A business transaction can have even deeper structure when it
nests further transactions. Thus the primary transaction is called composite (or
nesting) transaction and the embedded ones are called nested transactions.
Definition 4: A business transaction has a single start point and a single end
point. A transaction starts with a request by an actor and ends with a result
accepted by the same actor.
As the example above illustrates, the initiation, execution, or completion of a
business transaction may lead to initiation and execution of new transactions. In this
way transactions are chained into arbitrarily large structures, called business
processes [5].
This then leads to the following definition of the concept of a business process:
Definition 5: A business process is a network of interrelated business
transactions that delivers value to an external agent through the production of
products (goods or service).
3 Transaction-Oriented Petri Nets
Earlier attempts made to map a business transaction into Petri nets were made using classical
Petri nets [4]. However, the principles and features of the Transaction-Oriented Petri net adhere
to the same of standard (classic) Petri net as well as features of hierarchical Petri nets. The
extensions made are more towards suitability of Petri nets as a modeling technique for language
action based business process modeling, where processes have deep structure (nested
3.1 Transaction-Oriented Petri Net Extensions
Although especially hierarchical Petri nets are eminently suitable for business process
modeling [1], we add a few minor extensions. The primary extension derives from
the fact that basic Petri nets do not allow one to model the fact that different parts of
the process being modeled take place in units that are somehow distinguishable.
Clearly, the ability to do is potentially of great importance in business process
modeling, as one wants to be able to distinguish between departments, and indeed
organizations involved in the same business process. Second, by introducing these
extensions it is made feasible to distinguish between an interaction (or communicative
action) and an action (or productive action). However, the most important reason of
the proposed extension is the very nature of business processes that have deep
structure (nested transactions). We therefore provide a simple extension to Petri nets
that allows analysts to address the mentioned issues. Figure 2 represents the set of
basic elements that we use in building Transaction-Oriented Petri Nets, and Table 1
gives description of each of the elements.
Fig. 2. Basic elements of TOP.
Table. 1. Elements in Transaction-Oriented Petri Nets.
Element Description
A start represents a starting point for a process that leads to the creation of a new result or
a previously unknown fact. A start place is characterized with a token.
An interaction represents the transfer of some information from one actor to another, e.g., a
request to perform some action, or a communication of the result of some action. In terms
of the OER model, both the Order and the Result phases are interactions.
An action represents a production act when a certain result is created. The Execution phase
in the OER model is an action.
A transaction encompasses the entire OER cycle. The introduction of a symbol for an
entire transaction shows that our notation is an example of a hierarchical Petri net. The
reason for the introduction is that it allows the modeler to abstract away from certain details
that he or she considers irrelevant to the model.
A composite transaction is a set of transactions, and thus summarizes a sub-net. It is
useful if the modeler wants to hide certain details.
Sequence Flow
A sequence flow indicates the order in which interactions and actions are initiated and
An optional link represents a link that is neither a condition for proceeding nor it is essential,
but it usually takes place. E.g., in order to apply for a policy usually customers requests a
quote; relation of requesting a quote and applying for a policy is an optional one.
A boundary illustrates the boundary of a business process (department or organization). It
is this feature that allows to model intra- and inter-departmental and intra- and inter-
organizational processes.
An intermediate state represents a result or state achieved after an interaction or action.
An end notation represents a termination point for a process, and thus represents the final
result of the process.
As Table 1 illustrates, the Transaction-Oriented Petri nets contain distinct
graphical elements for actions and interaction. Moreover, they include short-cut
notations for a complete transactions and composite transactions, consisting of a set of
transactions, and Transaction-Oriented Petri nets are therefore an example of
hierarchical Petri nets. The reason for introducing short-cut notations for complete
and composite transactions is to enable the modeler to (temporarily) hide details of
the model under construction. This feature is useful both when it comes to
constructing the model (modelers can temporarily ignore the details of certain
transactions as they concentrate on other transactions within the business process) and
when it comes to seeking feedback on a model under construction from a stake-holder
(hiding irrelevant information from stake-holders makes it easier for them to provide
feedback on those aspects of the model that are of more direct relevance to them.)
Since these are transitions in the sense in which the term is used in Petri nets, all are
represented by rectangles.
Fig. 3. The OER diagram using Petri net (detailed and compact).
A further extension is the inclusion of two special places, namely start place and
end place, to indicate where a process starts and terminates respectively. Because the
start and end place are special places, we represent them by additional marking on
A third extension is the inclusion of the boundary element. It is this element that
allows us to distinguish between intra-organizational and inter-organizational
processes. This element allows an analyst to model the interaction of one process
with another process within an organization or with the environment. This interaction
can be modeled with a set of places between the process boundaries.
The final extension concerns the introduction of an optional link. In standard
Petri nets, all input places must hold in order for a transition to be executed; otherwise
said, execution of a transition is guaranteed only whenever all its input places hold a
token. Optional links weaken this assumption and therefore allow the analyst to
represent situations where the transition is executed, even when a state represented by
its input places does not hold. For instance, in order to apply for a policy, usually a
customer requests a quote; however, it doesn’t prevent the customer to apply for a
policy, if she hasn’t requested a quote before. Thus, the relation of requesting a quote
and applying for a policy is an optional one.
In concluding this section, Figure 3 represents a business transaction both in
detailed and compact (compressed) forms and its three phases known as OER using
elements of TOP that we just introduced.
3.2 An Example of a Transaction-Oriented Petri Net
In order to illustrate Transaction-Oriented Petri nets, we build a partial model of the
hotel reservation example. Figure 4 represents the hotel reservation process at a very
high level, and simply shows the process as having a starting place and an end place,
and being conducted within the confines of the hotel, at least as far as the initiator is
concerned. Given the fact that the reservation process is a composite transaction
(involving further transactions), we use the notation of composite transaction to
represent this high level model.
Fig. 4. The high-level “Room Reservation” model.
However, a little thought will quickly show that the analysis is too simple. While
the visitor will initiate the business process, in order for the process to be completed,
the hotel must receive payment from the visitor. Paying is an action initiated by the
receptionist, who asks for the payment, but executed by the visitor. We therefore
have two transactions:
Transaction 1:
Transaction 2:
Reserving a room
A room is reserved
Making payment
Payment is made
Since the second transaction is triggered while the first transaction is being
completed, we have to expand our representation of the first transaction to make its
three phases explicit. Figure 5a illustrates:
Fig. 5. a) The detailed “Room Reservation” model, b) Low level Petri net model of the “Room
There is one further, but fundamental, clarification that is the core of TOP. This
clarification concerns the nested structure of TOP that makes it a suitable technique
for business process modeling based on the language action perspective. At first
glance, it may seem that the model in Figure 5a is defective because it does not
represent a clear sequence of actions. After all, in order for the process to be
completed successfully, Transaction 2 has to be completed before transition T1/E can
be completed. We therefore assume that if any transition calls a nested transaction
and the result of the nested transaction is needed for the completion of the nesting
transaction, the nested transaction has to be completed before the transition itself can
complete. Figure 5b illustrates this with more accurate syntax. In this figure TOP
model is mapped into low level Petri net as a proof of syntactic and semantic
soundness. The figure illustrates that T1/E phase starts immediately after T1/O is
completed; however for its completion T2 should be entirely executed.
Since the purpose of this explanatory example is to introduce TOP, let add some
more flavors of complexity and alterations to the hotel example. For instance, let
think that the receptionist should cancel an existing reservation before requesting
payment for the new reservation. In order to cancel an existing reservation, the
receptionist should interact with the reservation system (e.g., database). This will
change list of the transactions involved in the “Room Reservation” process:
Transaction 1:
Transaction 2:
Transaction 3:
Reserving a room
A room is reserved
Canceling a reservation
Cancellation is confirmed
Making payment
Payment is made
Modified models of the “Room Reservation” incorporating the new transaction is
illustrated in Figure 6. In this figure both TOP model (a) and low-level Petri net
model (b) are illustrated.
Fig. 6. a) Modified model of “Room Reservation”; b) and its low level Petri net model.
One final modification and then this introduction will be concluded. In the above
modified model we stated that the cancellation of existing reservation should take
place first before the receptionist can request for a payment. Let change it to a parallel
process where both transactions (cancellation and payment) can be executed in
parallel as depicted in Figure 7.
Fig. 7. Modified low level Petri net model of “Room Reservation”.
Based on the explanatory example and discussed notions, the following extended
definition of TOP can be formulated:
Definition 1: The Transaction-Oriented Petri net is a nested model that can
be completely mapped (or represented) into standard place-transition Petri net.
The TOP models both communicative action (interaction) and productive
action (action). The main building blocks of TOP are business transactions.
Each transaction is represented as a set of three transitions whereas each
transition corresponds to one of the three transaction phases (OER). Two of
these transitions represent an interaction and one of these three transitions
represents an action. Overall, TOP can be classified as a hierarchical Petri net,
but with some principal distinctions that are obvious from the example
In the following section we describe the steps used within the TOP Methodology,
a roadmap describing all the phases and activities in each phase, for business process
4 The TOP Methodology
As we stated in the introduction, most current methodologies for business process
modeling are deficient in that they either lack a clear theoretical basis, or an intuitive
easy to use and understand notational framework. The Transaction-Oriented Petri
Net-Based methodology TOP was designed specifically to provide both a clear
theoretical foundation and an intuitive notational framework. In this section, we
introduce the TOP methodology and illustrate its use through a simple case study.
The TOP methodology is a top-down design process that uses incremental
refinement to arrive at a detailed model of a business process. The business process
modeling process therefore starts with the identification of the major high-level
business processes that an organization is engaged in, such as order processing,
customer call processing, inventory control, admission to hospital, new member
enrollment, insurance claim processing. Once the major business processes have
been identified, they need to be described, based on internal documents used within
the organization (e.g., policy manuals, training material, and so on) and/or interviews
with for example the manager in charge of the specific business process.
The next step involves an analysis of each major business process as a network of
business transactions, each involving two actors and each bringing about a change in
the state of the system. In order to do so, one first identifies the basic transactions and
the actors involved in them before constructing a model using transaction-based Petri
nets. Given the hierarchical nature of transaction-based Petri nets, the construction of
the model may itself take place in a top-down incremental refinement fashion in that
the details of certain interactions or actions may initially be glossed over.
In short, the TOP methodology consists of the following steps:
1 Identification of major business processes (this will lead to a “big picture” of an
2 Definition of major business processes (this will lead to a series of detailed
3 For each major business process,
- Identification of business transactions
- Description of business transactions
- Construction of Transaction-Oriented Petri net.
4.1 Application of the TOP Methodology
For better application of TOP for business process modeling, a real life example
should be considered. However, due to page restrictions per paper, an example of real
life system is studied and presented in a companion paper published in the second part
of this book.
5 Conclusion and Future Research
This paper has presented the TOP methodology for business process modeling. The
TOP methodology combines a sound theoretical grounding in the concept of a
transaction as developed within the Language Action Perspective with a powerful, yet
easy to use and read graphical notation in the form of Transaction Oriented Petri nets.
There are a number of avenues for future research that we intend to explore. First,
we will continue to use the TOP methodology to build additional models and to ask
others to do so too. As more models are constructed, we will get a better
understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the current notation. While we
believe it is relatively easy to learn (a belief that is partly based on the fact that some
of our students have been able to use the TOP methodology to build business process
models), it is useful to put this belief to an empirical test. Further testing of the
methodology may also reveal weaknesses in our graphical notation. It may for
example be necessary to explicitly include the initiator and executor of a transaction.
Also, continuous development of models, certainly for organizations in a similar line
of business, will allow us to build a library of business processes. This in turn can be
used to identify best practices.
Second, until now our work has primarily concentrated on building static models.
However, one of the attractions of Petri net is that as model, once constructed, can be
used to simulate a business process as well, and we are currently working on software
that allows us to make our models “active” and run simulations. Since our main
graphical tool is based on the widely accepted Petri net notation, we expect to be able
to use an existing simulation package.
Third, a simulation package opens up an array of possibilities for future research.
For example, once we can “run” our models, and collect meaningful statistics about
them, it becomes possible to determine whether possible process changes are likely to
be beneficial to the organization. In other words, a TOP simulator will allow us to
determine whether a proposed redesign of a set of business processes is likely to lead
to improved organizational performance, thereby taking the guess work out of many
business process redesign exercises.
A TOP simulator may also provide a powerful tool that one can use to increase the
success of IT applications. It is well know that many IT applications fail not because
of technical reasons but because of “soft” reasons, including the non-acceptance of
the new application by end users or a mismatch between the processes that an
organization currently has in place, and the processes that would have to be
implemented if the IT application is to be successful. While the need to take
processes into account when it comes to implementing IT applications is generally
accepted, the continuing failure of many IT applications suggests that IT professionals
do not have a good handle on modeling how the introduction of an IT application
affects organizational processes. A TOP based simulator would see how a proposed
IT application is likely to impact the organization and to determine whether this
impact is likely to be positive or negative, and what measures have to be put in place
to increase its chances of success. This paper then merely presents a first step towards
a comprehensive set of tools and techniques that should help analyst in modeling,
simulating, and analyzing business processes.
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