
Contributions of this paper are: first of all, we
have motivated the fact that the GP model presented
in (Tomassini et al., 2004), taken as it is, is not suit-
able for dynamic optimization problems. Succes-
sively, we have presented a GP model that extends
the one introduced in (Tomassini et al., 2004) and
that we candidate for suitably solving dynamic opti-
mizaton problems. We have called that model Dyn-
PopGP. We have also defined a new set of bench-
marks to test GP models for dynamic optimization,
based on some symbolic regression problems used
in (Keijzer, 2003). Finally, we have experimentally
shown that DynPopGP allows GP to save computa-
tional effort compared to standard GP, while finding
solutions of the same accuracy, at least for the studied
This work is clearly a first and preliminary step in
this research track. The usefulness of GP (and in par-
ticular GP with variable size population) for dynamic
optimization deserves further investigation. In partic-
ular, GP models have to be tested on hard real-life ap-
plications, typically characterized by a large number
features and few samples and the issue of generaliza-
tion to out-of-sample data deserves to be investigated.
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