
the time complexity O(|V| · (2ω)
) = O(|V| · ω
). To
sum it up, given a factorized path problem and some
query set, we only consider the knowledgebase for the
construction of the join tree and ignore the query set.
This gives us the smallest treewidth that can be found
for this inference problem. After local computation,
each node v ∈ V contains φ
according to Theorem
1. For each query {X,Y} ∈ x, we search two nodes
∈ V that cover this query {X,Y} ⊆ λ(v
and identify the path between them. Then, the above
query answering algorithm is executed. Doing so, all
queries in x can be computed with a total time com-
plexity of O(|x| · |V| · ω
). It is clear that for the com-
plete query set, we have |x| = |V|
/2 which makes
the time complexity of this algorithm worse than the
direct computation of M
. However, by storing inter-
mediate results in the above algorithm, it is possible
to reduce the complexity of the all-pairs problem to
· ω
) which corresponds to the construction of
an optimum path tree (Pouly and Kohlas, 2010). Thus,
for extremely sparse path problems this approach may
still be worthwhile. If however only some smaller
subset of queries is required, the performance of this
algorithm is equal to other sparse matrix techniques
which proved their worth in many applications.
We have shown in this article that closure matrices
over Kleene algebras always induce a valuation alge-
bra. This uncovers many new and important instances
of the local computation framework which can now
be studied in this more general setting. It further gives
a general and efficient algorithm for the solution of
sparse path problems when either only a subset of
all queries are of interest, or if a high sparsity rate
is present. There is no need to specify the query set
in advance. The propagated join tree can thus be con-
sidered as the result of a pre-compilation, upon which
queries can later be answered in a dynamic way. This
approach does not assume any structure in the query
set which makes it more generally applicable than
other path algorithms. Finally, the query answering al-
gorithm is only based on the properties of idempotent
valuation algebras and can thus be applied to other
formalisms than matrices over Kleene algebras. This
however still deserves closer investigation.
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ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence