
especially when the extent of the isolation spans sev-
eral lines and the operator is required to take recovery
actions within stringent time constraints. On the one
hand, there is the problem of observability: the ob-
servable events generated during the reaction of the
protection system are generally uncertain in nature.
On the other, it is impractical for the operator to rea-
son on whatever observation so as to make consistent
hypotheses on the behavior of the system and, eventu-
ally, to establish the shorted line and the faulty break-
An active system is a network of components that are
connected to one another through links. Each compo-
nent is modeled by a communicating automaton that
reacts to events either coming from the external world
or from neighboring components. Events exchanged
between components are queued into links before be-
ing consumed. The way a system reacts to an event
coming from the external world is constrained by the
communicating automata of the involved components
and the way such components are connected to one
another. The whole set of evolutions of a system Σ,
starting at the initial state σ
, is confined to a finite au-
tomaton, the behavior space of Σ, Bsp(Σ,σ
). How-
ever, a strong assumption for diagnosis of active sys-
tems is the unavailability of the behavior space since,
in real, large-scale applications, the generation of the
behavior space is impractical. As such, Bsp(Σ,σ
) is
intended for formal reasons only. A (possibly empty)
path within Bsp(Σ,σ
) rooted in σ
is a history of Σ.
When the system reacts, it performs a sequence of
transitions within the behavior space, called the ac-
tual history of the system. Some of these transitions
are observable as visible labels. Also, each transition
can be either normal or faulty. If faulty, the transition
is associated with a faulty label. Given a history h,
the (possibly empty) set of faulty labels encompassed
by h is the diagnosis entailed by h. Likewise, the se-
quence of visible labels encompassed by h is the trace
of h.
Example 1. Shown in Fig. 2 is an abstraction of the
behavior space Bsp(Σ,σ
). We assume that each arc
corresponds to a component transition, which moves
the system from one state to another. In the fig-
ure, only the visible labels of observable transitions,
namely a, b, and c, are displayed. A possible history
is [σ
], with trace [a,c,b].
Ideally, the reaction of a system should be ob-
served as the trace of the actual history. However,
to open. A recovery action may be faulty on its
turn. For example, b
may not open wh en tripped
by p
, thereby causing a further propagation of the
recovery to protection p
. The protection system is
designed t o propagate the recovery request until the
tripped breaker opens correctly. When the protection
system is reacting, a subset of the o ccurring events
are visible to the operator in a control room who is in
charge of monitoring the behavior of the network and,
possibly, to issue explicit commands so as to mini-
mize the extent of t he isolated sub-network. Gener-
ally speaking, the localization of the short circuit and
the identification of the faulty breakers may be im-
practical in real contexts, especially when th e extent
of the i solation spans several lines and the operator is
required to take recovery actions within stringent time
constraints. On th e one hand, there is the p roblem of
observability: the observable events generated during
the reaction of the protection syst em are generally un-
certain in nature. On the other, it is impractical for
the operator to reason on whatever observat ion so as
to make consistent hypotheses on the behavior of the
system and, event ually, to establish the shorted line
and the faulty breakers.
An active system is a network of component s that
are connected to on e another throu gh links. Each
component is modeled by a communicating automa-
ton that reacts to events either coming from the exter-
nal world or from neighboring components. Events
exchanged between components are queued into links
before being consumed. The way a system reacts
to an event coming from the external world is con-
strained by the communicating automata of the in-
volved components and the way such components are
connected to one another. The whole set of evolu-
tions of a system ˙, starting at the initial state
is confined to a finite automaton, the behavior space
of ˙, Bsp.˙;
/. However, a strong assumption for
diagnosis of active systems is the unavailabil ity o f
the behavior space since, in r eal, large-scale applica-
tions, the generation of the behavior space is imprac-
tical. As such, Bsp.˙;
/ is intended for formal rea-
sons only. A (possibly empty ) p at h within Bsp.˙;
rooted in
is a history of ˙. When the system r e-
acts, it performs a sequence of transitions within the
behavior space, called the actual history of the sys-
tem. Some of these transitions are observable as visi-
ble labels. Al so, each transition can be either normal
or faulty. If faulty, the transition is associated with a
faulty label. Given a hist ory h, the (possibly empty)
Figure 2: Behavior space Bsp.˙;
set of faulty labels encompassed by h is the diagnosis
entailed by h. Likewise, the sequence of visible labels
encompassed by h is the trace of h.
Example 1. Shown in Fig. 2 is an abstraction of the
behavior space Bsp.˙ ;
/. We assume that each arc
corresponds to a component transition, which moves
the system from one state to another. In the fig-
ure, only the visible labels of o bservable transitions,
namely a, b, and c, are displayed. A possible history
is Œ
, with trace Œa; c; b.
Ideally, the reaction of a system should be ob-
served as the trace of the actual history. However,
what is actually observed is a temporal o bservation
O. This is a directed acyclic graph, where nodes are
marked by sets of candidate visible labels, while arcs
denote partial temporal ordering among nodes. For
each node, only one label is the actual label (the one
in the actual history), with the others being the spuri-
ous l abels. The set of labels in a node ! o f O is de-
noted as k!k. Since temporal ordering is only partial,
several candidate traces are possib le for O, with each
candidate being determined by cho osing a label f or
each n ode while respecting the ordering constraints
imposed by arcs. The set of candidate traces is writ-
ten kOk.
Example 2. Depicted in Fig. 3 is a temporal obser-
vation O involving nodes !
; : : :; !
. Node !
marked by labels b and , where the latter is the null
label, which is in fact invisible. Thus, as far as !
is concerned, either b or nothing has been generated
by the system. Since !
and !
are connected by an
arc, c necessarily precedes this occurrence of b in any
trace. Note that trace Œa; c; b belo ngs to kOk.
A diagnostic problem }.˙/ requi res determining
the set of candidat e diagnoses implied by the histories
of ˙ whose traces are in kOk. Intuitively, the (pos-
sibly infinite) set of hi stories in Bsp.˙;
/ is filtered
based on the constraints imposed by each trace rele-
vant to O. Since among such traces is the (unknown)
Figure 3: Temporal observation O for system ˙ .
Figure 2: Behavior space Bsp(Σ,σ
what is actually observed is a temporal observation
O. This is a directed acyclic graph, where nodes are
marked by sets of candidate visible labels, while arcs
denote partial temporal ordering among nodes. For
each node, only one label is the actual label (the one
in the actual history), with the others being the spuri-
ous labels. The set of labels in a node ω of O is de-
noted as kωk. Since temporal ordering is only partial,
several candidate traces are possible for O, with each
candidate being determined by choosing a label for
each node while respecting the ordering constraints
imposed by arcs. The set of candidate traces is writ-
ten kOk.
Example 2. Depicted in Fig. 3 is a temporal obser-
vation O involving nodes ω
. Node ω
marked by labels b and ε, where the latter is the null
label, which is in fact invisible. Thus, as far as ω
is concerned, either b or nothing has been generated
by the system. Since ω
and ω
are connected by an
arc, c necessarily precedes this occurrence of b in any
trace. Note that trace [a,c,b] belongs to kOk.
to open. A recovery acti on may be faulty on its
turn. For example, b
may not open when tripped
by p
, thereby causing a further propagation of t he
recovery to protection p
. The protection system is
designed to propagate the recovery request until the
tri pped breaker opens correctly. When the pr otection
system is reacting, a subset of the occurring events
are visible to the operator in a control room who is in
charge of monitoring the behavio r of the network and,
possibly, to issue explicit commands so as to mini-
mize the extent of t he isolated sub-network. Gener-
ally speaking, the localization of the short circui t and
the identificat ion of the faulty breakers may be im-
practical in real contexts, especially when t he extent
of the isolation spans several lines and the operator is
required to take recovery actions within stringent time
constraints. On the one hand, there is the problem of
observability: the observabl e events generated durin g
the reaction of the protection system are generally un-
certain in natur e. On the other, it is impractical for
the operator t o reason on whatever observation so as
to make consistent hypotheses on the behavior of the
system and, eventually, to establ ish the shorted line
and the faulty breakers.
An active system is a network of components that
are connected to one another through links. Each
component is modeled by a communicating automa-
ton that reacts to events either coming from the exter-
nal world or from neighboring components. Events
exchanged betw een components are queued into links
before b ei ng con sumed. The way a sy stem reacts
to an event coming from the external world is con-
strained by the communicating automata of the in-
volved components and the way such components are
connected to one another. The whole set of evolu-
tions of a system ˙, starting at the initial state
is confined to a fini te automaton, the behavior space
of ˙, Bsp.˙;
/. However, a strong assumption for
diagnosis of active systems is the unavailability of
the behavior space since, in real, large-scale applica-
tions, the generat ion of the behavior space is imprac-
tical. As such, Bsp.˙;
/ is intended for formal rea-
sons only. A (possi bly empty) path within Bsp.˙;
rooted in
is a hist ory of ˙. When the system re-
acts, it performs a sequence of transitions within the
behavior space, called the actual history of the sys-
tem. Some of these transitions are observable as visi -
ble labels. Also, each transiti on can be either normal
or faulty. If faulty, the transition is associated with a
faulty label. Given a history h, the (possibly empty)
Figure 2: Behavior space Bsp.˙;
set of faulty labels encompassed by h is the diagnosis
entailed by h. Likewise, the sequence of visible labels
encompassed by h is the trace of h.
Example 1. Shown in Fig. 2 is an abstractio n of the
behavior space Bsp.˙;
/. We assume that each arc
corresponds to a component transition, w hich moves
the system from one state to another. In the fig-
ure, on ly the visible labels of observable transitions,
namely a, b, and c, are displayed. A possible history
is Œ
, with trace Œa; c; b.
Ideally, the reaction of a system should be ob-
served as the trace of the actual history. However,
what is actually observed is a temporal ob servation
O. This is a directed acyclic graph, where nodes are
marked by sets o f candidate visible labels, while arcs
denote partial temporal ordering among nodes. For
each n ode, only one label is th e actual label (the one
in the actual history), with the oth ers being th e spuri-
ous labels. The set of labels in a node ! of O is de-
noted as k!k. Since temporal ordering is only partial,
several candidate traces are possible for O, wi th each
candidate being determined by choosing a label for
each no de while respecting the ordering constraints
imposed b y arcs. The set of candidate traces is writ-
ten kOk.
Example 2. Depicted in Fig. 3 is a temporal obser-
vat ion O involving nodes !
; : : :; !
. Node !
marked by labels b and , where the latter is the null
label, which is in fact invisible. Thus, as far as !
is concerned, either b or nothing has been generated
by the system. Since !
and !
are connected by an
arc, c necessarily precedes this occurrence of b in any
trace. Note that trace Œa; c; b belongs to kOk.
A diagnostic problem }.˙/ requ ires determining
the set of candidate diagnoses i mplied by the histories
of ˙ whose traces are in kOk. Intuitively, the (po s-
sibly infini te) set of histories in Bsp.˙;
/ is filtered
based on the constraints imposed by each trace rele-
vant to O. Since among such traces is the (unknown)
Figure 3: Temporal observation O for system ˙ .
Figure 3: Temporal observation O for system Σ.
A diagnostic problem ℘(Σ) requires determining
the set of candidate diagnoses implied by the histories
of Σ whose traces are in kOk. Intuitively, the (possi-
bly infinite) set of histories in Bsp(Σ,σ
) is filtered
based on the constraints imposed by each trace rele-
vant to O. Since among such traces is the (unknown)
actual trace, among the candidate diagnoses will be
the diagnosis implied by the actual history, namely
the (unknown) actual diagnosis. To solve ℘(Σ), the
diagnostic engine performs three major steps:
1. Indexing. An index space Isp(O) is generated
from O. This is a deterministic automaton whose
regular language is kOk.
2. Reconstruction. Based on Isp(O), the set of histo-
ries whose trace is in kOk is determined in terms
of a behavior, written Bhv(℘(Σ)). This is an au-
tomaton such that each state is a pair (σ,ℑ), where
σ is a state in Bsp(Σ, σ
) and ℑ a state in Isp(O).
A transition (σ,ℑ)
−→ (σ
) in Bhv(℘(Σ)) is