
First tests were performed with epidemiologists and
physicians at the CR, who are experienced with mul-
tidimensional concepts. Given the graphical DSL and
new tools the people were able to model and create
new data integration scenarios as well as to import
single and bulk data. The acceptance and comprehen-
sibility of the graphical DSL is a result of the close co-
operation between our institute and CR with its users.
Using the DSL, unemployment figures could be
integrated into the data warehouse to analyze correla-
tions between unemployment and cancer incidence.
Unemployment figures made available by a statis-
tics office, were imported as single data records of
47 rural districts. After discovering a correlation at
this level the cube model of the unemployment fig-
ures was more detailed by the unemployment figures
of boroughs. Eventually, the unemployment figures
combined with gender data of about 1000 boroughs
were integrated for further analysis as bulk data start-
ing in 2003 by using the web service interface.
There are more evaluation scenarios that require
ad hoc data integration but in addition also need new
dimensions to be defined. One important task of
the CR is to answer requests by rural health author-
ities and citizens’ groups. That analysis handles with
small-scale clusters of cancer. That analysis also re-
quired ad hoc integration of special data. For example
population figures on basis of boroughs provided by
the statistics office are integrated yearly. However,
the requests by boroughs require more detailed fig-
ures, e.g. based on street sections. On the one hand
those data requires research of the residents registra-
tion office and on the other hand the spatial dimension
needs to be extended by, for example, street sections.
In addition to modeling new data cubes the creation
or extension of existing dimensions by suitable DSLs
is another important challenge and field of research.
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