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Strategy MAE coverage HMAE High coverage UMAE User coverage
Pearson correlation 0.84 61.15% 0.6364 44.44% 0.8227 47.46%
MoleTrust 0.8165 69.28% 0.6185 51.12% 0.8079 52.21%
Cascade (Simil,Trust) 0.8315 53.19% 0.6263 38.57% 0.8905 36.78%
Cascade (Trust,Simil) 0.8358 53.44% 0.6339 38.94% 0.8126 36.97%
Mixed 0.8208 76.34% 0.6218 56.43% 0.8124 62.15%
Probabilistic 0.8206 76.31% 0.6212 56.44% 0.8124 62.07%
Switch (Trust,Simil) 0.8217 76.38% 0.622 56.19% 0.8161 61.96%
Switch (Simil,Trust) 0.8220 76.38% 0.623 56.44% 0.8148 62.06%
Weighted (α = 0.3) 0.8210 76.38% 0.6214 56.42% 0.8124 62.22%
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