
alyze the consistency of UML class diagrams and
UML statechart diagrams with state invariants. The
approach is fully automated thanks to the translation
tool and the existing OWL 2 reasoners. Since the
translation tool accepts standard UML models seri-
alized using the XMI standard, the approach can be
easily integrated with existing UML modeling tools.
Our approach is decidable because we restrict our-
selves to an admittedly small fragment of OCL. This
strategy has been already used for expressing con-
straints over class diagrams (Cabot et al., 2008; Quer-
alt et al., 2012b). We believe that the use of limited
subsets of OCL do not reduce the merits of this and
similar approaches even if they cannot be used to pro-
cess all possible OCL constraints. An analysis tool
could in fact integrate different analysis approaches
and use the right one depending of the fragment of
OCL used in the models.
The performance experiments show that the pro-
posed approach can process relatively large UML
models in few seconds by using current reasoning
tools on desktop computers. Therefore, we consider
that this approach has the potential to be incorporated
with existing and future UML modeling tools and of-
fer consistency analysis services that go ahead of what
is being offered in current modeling tools.
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