
However, despite the fact that using 3D sensing
thoroughly simplifies hand detection and tracking,
these devices present occlusion problems when fin-
gertips are perpendicular to the sensor. Careful de-
signing of gestures may avoid or reduce this problem.
Range distance limits become also a problem when
hands are too far from the sensor, i.e. depth informa-
tion is lost.
Future development and testing is described next:
First, Two hands interaction support. The planned
approach is to divide the camera feed into two areas,
one for each hand, then perform recognition on these
areas. Second, the current implementation uses only
the GPU for hand detection and segmentation, per-
formance may improve if all stages are executed on
the GPU. Also the implementation of a basic script-
ing tool to define new gestures will help in order to
avoid the modification of the system internals. Fi-
nally, The described gestures in section 3.3 were de-
fined for test purposes only, without having usability
in mind. However, more gestures have to be speci-
fied, and formal evaluation needs to be performed in
a group of users in order to know what kind of ges-
tures are usable and suitable for interaction in virtual
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