
ing the simulator to observe how their mobile appli-
cations behave in telco cloud environments.
Future work will be focused on enhancing the
functionality of the simulator to incorporate other pa-
rameters from the presented meta-model. Then, using
the simulator we would like to explore the following
telco cloud challenges: minimising the trade-offs be-
tween costs and performance of telco cloud depend-
ing on the DC placement and capacity, and optimal
placement and migration of services between DCs.
This work is funded by the Swedish Research Council
(VR) project Cloud Control and the European Union’s
Seventh Framework Programme under grant agree-
ment 610711 (CACTOS). Maria Kihl and William
arneberg are members of the Lund Center for Con-
trol of Complex Engineering Systems (LCCC) funded
by the Swedish Research Council. Also, they are
members of the Excellence Center Link
oping – Lund
in Information Technology (ELLIIT).
The authors thank Johan Eker (Ericsson Research)
who contributed with feedback during several dis-
cussions and Tania Lorido-Botran (University of the
Basque Country) for her critical comments on early
drafts of the paper.
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