
Proof. If V
− {v} = V
, n
+ n
= n
− 1, then
+ (n
< (n
− 1)
. This implies that the score
reduction is even larger than in a non cut-node dele-
tion. A similar argument is met when the cut node
produces more than two components. As a conse-
quence, the score reduction is even larger than the
protection of a non-cut-node from V
. By Proposi-
tion 3, a score reduction is achieved if v
is not a cut-
Theorem 1 (Score Reduction). Consider an arbi-
trary graph G = (V,E). There is some v ∈ V such
that Sc(G − v) < Sc(G), unless G consists of isolated
Proof. This is a Corollary of Single Balancing and
Fragmentation. We always pick a node v from the
largest connected component with n
nodes. If v
is not a cut node, by Proposition 4 we have Sc(G −
v) < Sc(G). Otherwise, by Proposition 3 the score
reduction is even larger, so Sc(G − v) < Sc(G) again.
In both cases a score reduction is produced.
Combinatorial optimization problems arise in sev-
eral real-world problems (economics, telecommuni-
cation, transport, politics, industry), were human be-
ings have the opportunity to choose among several
options. Usually, that number of options cannot be
exhaustively analyzed, mainly because its number in-
creases exponentially with an input size of the system.
Much work has been done over the last six decades to
develop optimal seeking methods that do not explic-
itly require an examination of each alternative, giving
shape to the field of Combinatorial Optimization (Pa-
padimitriou and Steiglitz, 1982). Several combinato-
rial problems belong to the N P -Hard class, or the
search space is sufficiently large to admit an exact
algorithm, and a smart search technique should be
considered exploiting the real structure of the prob-
lem via heuristics. Optimality is not guaranteed, but
compromised at the cost of computational efficiency.
Metaheuristics are an abstraction of search method-
ologies which are widely applicable to optimization
problems. The most promising are Simulated An-
nealing (Kirkpatrick, 1984), Tabu Search (Glover,
1989), Genetic Algorithms (Goldberg, 1989), Vari-
able Neighborhood Search (Hansen and Mladenovic,
2001), GRASP (Feo and Resende, 1989), Ant Colony
Optimization (Dorigo, 1992) and Particle Swarm Op-
timization (Kennedy and Eberhart, 1995), among oth-
ers. The interested reader can find a list of metaheuris-
tics and their details in the Handbook of Metaheuris-
tics (Gendreau and Potvin, 2010).
In this section, we develop a Greedy notion and
a Grasp heuristic enriched with a Path Reliking post-
optimization stage. First, we review basic elements of
Grasp and Path Relinking.
Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure
(GRASP) is a multi-start or iterative process (Lin and
Kernighan, 1973), where feasible solutions are pro-
duced in a first phase, and neighbor solutions are
explored in a second phase. The best overall solu-
tion is returned as the result. The first implemen-
tation is due to Tomas Feo and Mauricio Resende,
were the authors address a hard set covering problem
arising for Steiner triple systems (Feo and Resende,
1989). They introduce adaptation and randomness
to the classical Greedy heuristic for the set covering
problem (where P
,.. ., P
cover the set J = {1,.. ., m}
and the objective is to find the minimum cardinality
set I ⊂ {1,..., n} such that ∪
= J).
It is a powerful metaheuristic to address hard
combinatorial optimization problems, and has been
succesfully implemented in particular to several
telecommunications problems, such as Internet Tele-
phony (Srinivasan et al., 2000), Cellular Sys-
tems (Amaldi et al., 2003a; Amaldi et al., 2003b),
Cooperative Systems (Romero, 2012), Connectiv-
ity (Canuto et al., 2001) and Wide Area Network de-
sign (Robledo Amoza, 2005). Here we will sketch
the GRASP metaheuristic based on the work from
Mauricio Resende and Celso Ribeiro, which is use-
ful as a template to solve a wide family of combi-
natorial problems (Resende and Ribeiro, 2003; Re-
sende and Ribeiro, 2014). Consider a ground set
E = {1,.. .,n}, a feasible set F ⊆ 2
for the optimiza-
tion problem min
f (A), and an objective func-
tion f : 2
→ R. The Pseudo-code 1 illustrates the
main blocks of a GRASP procedure for minimiza-
tion, where Max
Iterations iterations are performed,
α ∈ [0,1] is the quantity of randomness in the process
and N is a neighborhood structure of solutions (basi-
cally, a rule that defines a neighbor of a certain solu-
tion). The cycle includes Lines 1 − 5, and the best so-
lution encountered during the cycle is finally returned
in Line 6. Lines 2 and 3 represent respectively the
Construction and Local Search phases, whereas the
partially best solution is updated in Line 4.
A general approach for the Greedy Randomized
Construction is specified in Pseudo-code 2. Solution
S is empty at the beginning, in Line 1, and an auxiliary
set C has the potential elements to be added to S. A
Graph Fragmentation Problem