
also brings up missclassifications consistent across
all individual models, which are interesting as they
showcase model, training method or dataset limita-
tions. We show all such examples for models trained
on original GTSRB images in Figure 4.
These experiments provide valuable insight into
how committees boost model performance scores and
help us with assumptions on what they can and cannot
In this paper and work of others we observe some
consistencies in results achieved using committees
of base deep models. For considered problems that
are not saturated, even smaller committees improve
recognition rates by a value close to 2%. However,
when room for improvement is much smaller, com-
mittees need to be much larger or built with greater
care to be reliable, as smaller committees could have
a significant amount of wrongly classified examples
when individual models make similar errors. We
show statistics for committees of various sizes on two
datasets, trained on original or preprocessed images,
as well as hybrid committees. When using a single
preprocessing method to build committees, the in-
crease achieved is similar and the final recognition
rate depends largely on average performance of in-
dividual models. Hybrid committees prove more of
a challenge, since the right choice of preprocessing
method combinations can boost or reduce results de-
pending on whether the preprocessing methods prove
compatible for that dataset and model.
We also looked into performance metrics specific
for committees since they can only improve results on
examples that individual models do not consistently
classify. Defining base correct classification rate as
the examples all individual models classify correctly,
we calculated true improvement as the increase of
correct classifications above the base. Results of this
metric showed an ∼ 117% increase on GTSRB and
∼ 110% increase on CIFAR-10, giving a much better
insight on how much committees help rather than just
the increase in recognition rate. Overall, we brought
to light intricacies of a much used but not elaborated
approach to boost final model performance.
This work has been supported by the Croatian Science
Foundation under the project UIP-11-2013-1544.
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Evaluating the Effects of Convolutional Neural Network Committees