
raphy. As before, we compare our result with the re-
sult of the NL-Means method.
Let us finally note that the method of (Mansfield
et al., 2011) also supports rotations plus scalings.
However, we could not obtain meaningful results on
these examples for this mode. It seems that the addi-
tional variability added by the scalings makes it eas-
ier for the algorithm to be trapped in a bad local mini-
mum. For example, a constant region can be produced
by scaling a small uniform patch.
In this work we propose a new variational formula-
tion for exemplar-based inpainting that, for the first
time, considers local full affine transformations with
a tractable approximate optimization scheme. This is
possible thanks to the use of the affine covariant ten-
sors and the associated affine invariant metric, both
introduced in (Fedorov et al., 2015). These tensors
provide an efficient way to determine a unique affin-
ity putting in correspondence any pair of patches. If
the patches being compared are related by an affinity,
then this affinity is recovered.
The problem of exemplar-based inpainting is a
complex non-convex problem with many local min-
ima. As pointed out in (Cao et al., 2011), adding
transformations of patches makes it even more com-
plex. Intuitively, the added variability makes it harder
to distinguish “good” minima from other minima (a
single pixel can be scaled to match a constant patch).
We believe that the tensors are beneficial in this re-
spect, because they constrain the number of ways in
which a source patch can be transformed to match a
target patch, thus eliminating some of the variability.
This also allows us to design faster and more accurate
minimization algorithms without the need to search
the parameter space of the transformation family.
The proposed method works at a single scale. To
better handle larger inpainting domains it would be
desirable to develop a multiscale scheme, as is cus-
tomary in the literature (Wexler et al., 2007; Kawai
et al., 2009; Arias et al., 2011). However, extend-
ing the multiscale approach to the problem of inpaint-
ing using affinely transformed patches is not trivial,
since the filtering with an isotropic Gaussian breaks
the affine invariance. Adapting multiscale inpainting
approaches to this context is an interesting direction
for future research.
The first, the second and the fourth authors acknowl-
edge partial support by MICINN project, reference
MTM2012-30772, and by GRC reference 2014 SGR
1301, Generalitat de Catalunya.
The second and third authors were partly founded
by the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES,
MISS Project), BPIFrance and Rgion Ile de France, in
the framework of the FUI 18 Plein Phare project, the
European Research Council (advanced grant Twelve
Labours n246961), the Office of Naval research
(ONR grant N00014-14-1-0023), and ANR-DGA
project ANR-12-ASTR-0035.
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Affine Invariant Self-similarity for Exemplar-based Inpainting