
of finding suitable recommendations in different situ-
ations, e.g., for tourists who spend only a very short
time visiting a city. Improvements are also possible
in regards to other solutions of context incorporation.
Currently, we use pre-filtering only, but post-filtering
and contextual modeling should be considered as well
in future work. The contextual pre-filtering immedi-
ately excludes inappropriate events but we should ex-
amine if users are willing to accept little violations of
the thresholds if an event really satisfies their needs.
Furthermore, social recommendations promise an im-
provement of the recommendations. Events of par-
ticular importance for the user, e.g., events the user
liked on social networks like Facebook, could receive
a bonus on the calculated rating to increase the prob-
ability of recommendation. Another aspect is implicit
user feedback which was not collected by this first
prototype but could be used to improve the recom-
mendations. Our first prototype or pure CB or pure
CF approaches could be used as a baseline application
in order to evaluate the suggested extensions and their
influence on the quality of the recommendations. For
this purpose, we want to conduct another study with a
larger number of users which allows us to obtain more
in-depth user feedback and statistics.
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