
The existent access control schemes (Ruj et al., 2012),
(Ruj et al., 2011), (Ruj et al., 2014) are based on
the Lewko’s decentralized attribute based encryption
scheme (Lewko and Waters, 2011). During the en-
cryption phase, the data owner has to perform one
pairing function ˆe(g
) and 2n exponentiations in
to calculate each of C
. In addition, to calculate
and C
, the data owner performs 3n in G
. In the
data decryption phase, the data user performs n expo-
nentiations in G
and 2n pairing functions.
The zhao et al.’s proposal (Zhao et al., 2011) is
based on the use of the CP-ABE scheme proposed
by Bethencourt et al. (Bethencourt et al., 2007).
To encrypt the data file, the data owner performs
(2n + 1) exponentiations in G
and one exponentia-
tion in G
. The user while decrypting data performs
n + 1 exponentiations in G
and 2n + 1 pairing func-
tions. The proposals (Ruj et al., 2012),(Zhao et al.,
2011), (Ruj et al., 2014) are based on the use of the
attribute based signature scheme proposed by (Maji
et al., 2011). In order to sign the message, the user
performs 2 + 3n + 2nl exponentiations in G
, where
n is the number of rows of the access matrix A and l
presents the number of columns of A. In the verifi-
cation phase, the CSP has to perform 3 + 2n pairing
function and 2nl + 1 exponentiations in G
The growing need for secure cloud sharing services
and the attractive properties of the Attribute based
Cryptography lead us to combine them, thus, defining
an innovative solution to the data outsourcing security
and efficiency issues.
In this paper, we design a privacy preserving attribute
based framework for fine grained access control, for
dynamic groups in untrusted cloud storage environ-
ments. Our approach ensures the confidentiality of
outsourced data in public untrusted cloud servers and
defines efficient data sharing in dynamic groups. That
is, flexible access control policies are enforced among
users belonging to separate groups with different priv-
ileges. Our theoretical performances analysis shows
the efficiency of PAbAC in scalable data sharing,
while considering the impact of the cryptographic op-
erations at both the client and the cloud provider side.
This work is a part of the MOBIDOC project achieved
under the PASRI program, funded by the European
Union and administered by the ANPR.
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PAbAC: A Privacy Preserving Attribute based Framework for Fine Grained Access Control in Clouds