
required increases considerably, making its distance
from pseudocode very high. This is mainly due to the
very high number of implementation details that hide
behind JADEL code, and the structure itself of Java
language and JADE APIs. In summary, JADE obtains
good results in simplifying and shortening the task of
writing code. Then, as a last evaluation, the metrics
for distributed systems are used, showing good per-
formance of the language. When using JADE instead
of JADEL, the number of messages is about the same,
while the performance is slightly better, due to the re-
dundancy and overhead introduced by JADEL com-
piler in generating Java code.
As a future development of this work, JADEL can
be tested on other algorithms, making other compar-
ison between pseudocodes and JADEL code, in or-
der to gain a more complete view. Moreover, other fa-
mous agent-oriented programming languages, such as
3APL, Jason, SARL, can be compared with JADEL,
in terms of translating a given pseudocode. Finally,
the best evaluation could be that of JADE developers,
when JADEL will be released. In summary, this pa-
per takes place into a larger project of presentation of
JADEL and evaluation of its possibilities. This work
shows how to produce JADEL code from a pseu-
docode and measures how simple or complex this task
can be.
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ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence