The Implementation of “Management Qolbu” at School Level
Nurdin Nurdin
Good school management should be able to apply qolbu management concept as culture in every activity of school activity. The background of the study is based on the description of the field which shows the implementation of qolbu management that became the culture of the school's management based on the description. The research method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Data collection is done through interview process, observation, and documentation study. The results obtained from this research include: (1) aspects that characterize qolbu management as school culture in SMK Daarut Tauhiid Boarding School that is Zikir, Fikir, and Ikhtiar with characteristic of tauhid value, the existence of values, and in the manifestation that is made Rules or norms and habits; (2) The existence of the process of establishing the school culture at SMK Daarut Tauhiid Boarding School is through the selection process by following the academic test, interview test and test read qur'an, the coaching qolbu management through activities, following Islamic studies, through meeting activities, and the process of habituation is to follow Schedule of activities that have been determined by the school, (3) Implementation of qolbu management as school culture is applied through school programs breathe Islamic values by processing taste, processing the initiative, and processing the heart into greeting behavior, greeting, smiling, polite, courteous. The authors suggest that schools optimize qolbu management in school activities and this should be a habit, schools should also better monitor the student's behavior should not be a violation. While suggestions for out of school parents and other stakeholders should always provide support for useful advice on school programs, so as to always survive and excel in the midst of the challenges of the times.
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in Harvard Style
Nurdin N. (2017). The Implementation of “Management Qolbu” at School Level.In 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences - Volume 2: ICES, ISBN 978-989-758-314-8, pages 362-365. DOI: 10.5220/0007050609110914
in Bibtex Style
author={Nurdin Nurdin},
title={The Implementation of “Management Qolbu” at School Level},
booktitle={1st International Conference on Educational Sciences - Volume 2: ICES,},
in EndNote Style
JO - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences - Volume 2: ICES,
TI - The Implementation of “Management Qolbu” at School Level
SN - 978-989-758-314-8
AU - Nurdin N.
PY - 2017
SP - 362
EP - 365
DO - 10.5220/0007050609110914