Labour Market for People with Disabilities - Exclusion or Inclusion?
Muslikhah Norma Fajari, Rina Herlina Haryanti
People with disabilities are generally considered as incapacitated in the workforce, so they often experience exclusion to participate in employment opportunities. Yet work is a crucial issue in the lives of people with disability to survive, construct self-identity, and gain social recognition. However, to obtain the employment, people with disabilities experience various barriers, such as discrimination in the workplace, stigma, prejudice, and community stereotypes. This paper discusses how to create a labour market for people with disabilities, whether exclusion or inclusion. In line with the aims of the study, literature studies are used to reviews published research findings about labour market for people with disabilities. The results show that the current quota system for employing people disability in the formal sector is insufficient to realize an inclusive labour market. Therefore, the appropriate labour market for people with disabilities is the inclusion that meets the following aspects: recruitment, vocational training, attitudes of working environment, income, duration of employment, access to social protection and health, and voice.
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in Harvard Style
Fajari M. and Haryanti R. (2017). Labour Market for People with Disabilities - Exclusion or Inclusion?.In 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 1: ICSE, ISBN 978-989-758-316-2, pages 633-639. DOI: 10.5220/0007103206330639
in Bibtex Style
author={Muslikhah Norma Fajari and Rina Herlina Haryanti},
title={Labour Market for People with Disabilities - Exclusion or Inclusion?},
booktitle={2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 1: ICSE,},
in EndNote Style
JO - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 1: ICSE,
TI - Labour Market for People with Disabilities - Exclusion or Inclusion?
SN - 978-989-758-316-2
AU - Fajari M.
AU - Haryanti R.
PY - 2017
SP - 633
EP - 639
DO - 10.5220/0007103206330639