
Table 10: Performance score and standard errors with one
roll-outs and a depth of ten actions against the random op-
ponent and without using the learned model of the oppo-
State representation Sigmoid Elu
Small vision grids 0.46 (0.007) 0.50 (0.001)
Large vision grids 0.50 (0.001) 0.51 (0.002)
Full grid 0.37 (0.010) 0.35 (0.006)
Table 11: Performance score and standard errors with one
roll-outs and a depth of ten actions against the deterministic
opponent and without using the learned model of the oppo-
State representation Sigmoid Elu
Small vision grids 0.34 (0.003) 0.35 (0.001)
Large vision grids 0.35 (0.001) 0.36 (0.001)
Full grid 0.21 (0.007) 0.21 (0.005)
Using vision grids as state representation not only in-
creased the learning speed, it also increased the agent’s
performance in most cases. From all state represen-
tations, the large vision grids obtain the best perfor-
mances. They reduce the number of different possible
inputs compared to full grids, but contain more informa-
tion that the small vision grids.
This paper also confirms the benefits of the Elu ac-
tivation function over the sigmoid activation function.
Against the semi-deterministic opponent, the Elu ac-
tivation function increased the agent’s performance in
eleven of the twelve conducted experiments and against
the random opponent performance increased in eight of
the twelve experiments. From this it seems that the Elu
activation function performs especially much better than
the sigmoid function in case of less noisy updates due to
the more deterministic opponent.
Finally, the introduced opponent modelling tech-
nique allows the agent to concurrently learn and model
the opponent and in combination with planning algo-
rithms, such as Monte-Carlo roll-outs, it can be used
to significantly increase performance against two widely
different opponents.
An interesting possibility for future research is to test
whether the use of vision grids causes the agent to form
a better generalised policy. We believe that this is the
case, since vision grids are less dependent on the dimen-
sions of the environment and possible obstacles the agent
might encounter. Therefore, the learned policy will bet-
ter generalise to other environments. Finally, the pro-
posed opponent modelling technique is widely applica-
ble and we are interested to see whether it also proves
useful in other problems.
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