
ning realizations for all features. Thus, our approach
is tailored for negative rather than for positive varia-
On the whole, our approach is unique with re-
spect to the following aspects: First, it addresses
M2T transformations rather than M2M transformati-
ons. Second, unlike in (Strüber and Schulz, 2016; Si-
jtema, 2010) the approach deals with multi-variant in-
put rather than with multi-variant transformation spe-
cifications. Finally, unlike in (Salay et al., 2014; Grei-
ner et al., 2017), the already existing functionality of
the transformation engine is exploited, relying on as-
pects which extend reused transformation definitions
in a modular way.
Summing it up, the presented approach provides an
automated propagation of variability annotations by
reusing SVMTs. In particular, we transfer FEs to
the MVSC generated from Xpand templates. To the
best of our knowledge, it is the first approach suppor-
ting the automated creation of annotated multi-variant
source code by reusing (existing) single-variant M2T
transformations. Thus, with the present work final
products can be derived from multi-variant source
code instead of from single-variant models. This, in
turn, lays the foundation to automatically integrate
manual modifications to the source code in all deri-
ved products. Previously, this had to be accomplis-
hed with laborious handwork on every single product
which leads to errors and an increased effort that con-
tradicts the paradigm of MDPLE of increased pro-
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of Xpand transformations when altering it with ad-
vices and considers to propagate manual changes in
a backward transformation to the corresponding mo-
del elements. Moreover, the combination of FEs, es-
pecially when considering backward transformations,
should be examined.
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MODELSWARD 2018 - 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development