
the company to this umroh prize is extraordinary, it
is proven in June the annual target of the company
has been fulfilled so that the employees later this
year will go umroh together. When this is confirmed
to one of the employees, he says that his greatest
motivation to immediately reach the company's
target is that he can go umroh. According to him,
going umroh has a much more meaningful value
than just getting extra money incentives at the end of
the year.
The spiritual values that run within this company
are inseparable from the educational background of
the company owner. The owner of PT Maxima Jaya
Perkasa is a graduate of boarding school since junior
high school until senior high school. When he
studied at undergraduate, he took the Sharia majors
at the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel
Surabaya. He graduated from Master of Islamic
Economics at Airlangga University and majored in
Islamic Economics. The science of religion that he
got from an early age is always applied in his daily
activities and it succeeded in bringing him to
Spiritual capital in Islam certainly will not be
separated from the Islamic spirituality itself Islam
kaffah (comprehensive) which covers all aspects of
life and is based on aqidah and tauhid. Spiritual
capital in the public view is already the beginning of
awareness in many business-related thinking that
spirituality is important and has an influence on
business as well as other capital (Malloch, 2010). In
this concept, tazkiyah (purification) is still needed as
Mulawarman concept (2009), where in this concept
is carried out continuous and dynamic purification
process so that orientation to God is always reflected
in the beginning of the process until the end of
company activity. In this case, spiritual capital in the
view of Islam must certainly align its intentions and
goals solely to obtain His blessing through our
submission and our love for Him which can be
realized also through organizational culture.
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School