
The positive attitudes of patients with cancer
increased after the provision of experiential learning
methods. Positive attitudes of respondents in the
treatment of cancer sufferers are mostly good because
the experiential learning method provides a real
concept of the experience of others and integrates the
experience possessed with new knowledge.
The constructive coping mechanisms of sufferers
with cancer did not improve following the provision
of experiential learning methods. The coping
mechanism of respondents in the care of cancer
patients in part were not constructive because of the
psychological reactions of rejection during the phase
of adaptation of various respondents.
As suggested, it is expected that the board of the
East Java Branch of the Indonesian Cancer
Foundation can learn experiential learning methods
within the health education provided for the
companions of cancer patients. It is suggested that the
nursing profession should study and develop the use
of experiential learning methods as an alternative to
educational media when providing counseling. There
is a need for further research relating to the
relationship between the counselor and patient with
cancer (father, mother, child,
grandmother/grandfather). The level of adaptation
regarding the coping mechanism of each respondent
is different, so the time of the research should be
added so that the results are representative and
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