Designing Software Architecture to Support Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Systematic Literature Review
Robin Bolscher, Maya Daneva
This paper presents a systematic literature review of software architecture approaches that support the implementation of Continuous Delivery (CD) and DevOps. Its goal is to provide an understanding of the stateof-the-art on the topic, which is informative for both researchers and practitioners. We found 17 characteristics of a software architecture that are beneficial for CD and DevOps adoption and identified ten potential software architecture obstacles in adopting CD and DevOps in the case of an existing software system. Moreover, our review indicated that micro-services are a dominant architectural style in this context. Our literature review has some implications: for researchers, it provides a map of the recent research efforts on software architecture in the CD and DevOps domain. For practitioners, it describes a set of software architecture principles that possibly can guide the process of creating or adapting software systems to fit in the CD and DevOps context.
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in Harvard Style
Bolscher R. and Daneva M. (2019). Designing Software Architecture to Support Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Systematic Literature Review.In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies - Volume 1: ICSOFT, ISBN 978-989-758-379-7, pages 27-39. DOI: 10.5220/0007837000270039
in Bibtex Style
author={Robin Bolscher and Maya Daneva},
title={Designing Software Architecture to Support Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Systematic Literature Review},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies - Volume 1: ICSOFT,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies - Volume 1: ICSOFT,
TI - Designing Software Architecture to Support Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Systematic Literature Review
SN - 978-989-758-379-7
AU - Bolscher R.
AU - Daneva M.
PY - 2019
SP - 27
EP - 39
DO - 10.5220/0007837000270039