Designing a Performance Measurement System at Science Technopark using the European Union Model
Patdono Suwignjo, Yulia Kurnia Ratri, Sri Gunani Partiwi
The development of Science Techno Park in Indonesia has a goal to increase economic growth and strengthen the role of science and technology. The European Union, as a country that has known Science Techno Park since the mid-1960s, in 2013 compiled the Science Techno Park model and stated that the success of the Science Techno Park was influenced by three dimensions, namely economic, sustainability and process improvement. So that the adaptation of the European Union Science Techno Park model to Science Techno Park in Indonesia is made in designing the performance measurement system. The design of the performance measurement system consists of the formulation of indicators on the dimensions of the Science Techno Park based on applicable rules for the Science Techno Park Indonesia including the assessment of the maturity of the Science Techno Park, display performance indicator properties, and trials at the Science Techno Park in Indonesia. The results of the trial show that Science Techno Park in Indonesia already has targets and documents on performance, but there are still a number of targets and realization that do not have data availability
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in Harvard Style
Suwignjo P., Ratri Y. and Partiwi S. (2019). Designing a Performance Measurement System at Science Technopark using the European Union Model.In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Technology - Volume 1: ICONIT, ISBN 978-989-758-434-3, pages 69-75. DOI: 10.5220/0009405800690075
in Bibtex Style
author={Patdono Suwignjo and Yulia Kurnia Ratri and Sri Gunani Partiwi},
title={Designing a Performance Measurement System at Science Technopark using the European Union Model},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Technology - Volume 1: ICONIT,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Industrial Technology - Volume 1: ICONIT,
TI - Designing a Performance Measurement System at Science Technopark using the European Union Model
SN - 978-989-758-434-3
AU - Suwignjo P.
AU - Ratri Y.
AU - Partiwi S.
PY - 2019
SP - 69
EP - 75
DO - 10.5220/0009405800690075