
different grid-worlds demonstrated that the overesti-
mation problem always occurred when higher learn-
ing rates were used and not with lower learning rates
or decaying learning rates.
We also analyzed the performance of Double Q-
learning with multilayer perceptrons under the same
conditions. This algorithm in general suffers from
more underestimation when higher learning rates are
used and surprisingly can also suffer from the overes-
timation bias when very low learning rates are used.
We also examined the performances of both algo-
rithms on two Open-AI gym control problems. The
results obtained on all six environments suggest that
in general the best performances are achieved by us-
ing the decaying learning rates.
Our future work includes studying the connection
between the learning rate and overestimation bias for
more complex environments. We also want to per-
form more research on different methods for anneal-
ing the learning rate over time.
We would like to thank the Center for Information
Technology of the University of Groningen for their
support and for providing access to the Peregrine high
performance computing cluster. Yifei Chen acknowl-
edges the China Scholarship Council (Grant number:
201806320353) for financial support.
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ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence