Figure 16: Beats expressed by Variance, Skewness and
Kurtosis with PCA.
SVM performed better due to its easy parameter
definition. For ANN, on the other hand, it is necessary
to estimate and define these values very well
empirically to ensure convergence and generalization
capacity. That is, to achieve the best result, it is
necessary to test several different architectures,
increasing or decreasing the number of hidden layers,
making variations in the learning rates, momentum
and number of training periods.
KNN, on the other hand, because it has a slow
training and it is also necessary to estimate the
number of K, this algorithm had a performance below
the others used.
In this paper, the effectiveness of using high-order
statistics to extract characteristics and classify heart
disease, such as atrial fibrillation, was reinforced. In
addition, the use of data modification was shown,
showing a difference in the performance of the
original data and the rotated data in ECG signs. It is
also concluded that although they are the same
pathology, computationally FA and intracardiac FA
have different features. It can also be concluded that
the use of the entire beat instead of the RR interval
can be a good methodology to solve this problem.
In future works, different cardiovascular diseases
can be studied in the methodology and techniques can
be used to improve the pre-processing, as well as
apply other classifiers to evaluate the metrics, and to
test hyperparameters of the classification algorithms.
We thank CNPQ, the Biological Signal Processing
Laboratory of the Federal University of Maranhão
(UFMA) and BIOSIGNALS for the opportunity to try
to publish science.
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