
rithm by 29% after 16 hours and by 7% after three
days. The study also showed that SODA can solve
the optimization problem over a complex network of
production processes and SODA is able to scale well
for such a network. However, the efficiency of SODA
is limited by the total budget allocated to OCBA-CO,
which is an input parameter to the algorithm.
Future research directions include: (a) dynami-
cally executing the inflate deflate phase and candidate
refinement phase of SODA to improve the exploration
of the search space; and (b) comparing SODA with an
existing Stochastic Optimization Algorithm Based on
Deterministic Approximations.
The authors are partly supported by the National Insti-
tute of Standards and Technology Cooperative Agree-
ment 70NANB12H277.
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ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems