
We have applied a joint learning approach to integrat-
ing the training of a pair of TMs in a unified learn-
ing process with the help of monolingual data from
both source and target sides. A joint-EM learning
technique is employed to optimize two TMs cooper-
atively. The resulting framework enables two models
to jointly boost each other’s translation performance.
Translation probabilities associated with each model
are used to compute weights that estimate the transla-
tion accuracy and punish the low-quality translations.
As a future work, we are interested in extend-
ing the present method to jointly learn multiple NMT
systems for several languages employing massive
amount of monolingual datasets.
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their valu-
able feedback and discussions. We also would like to
acknowledge the financial support received from the
Linguistics Department at UC Davis (USA).
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NLPinAI 2021 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence