
In this research, we found that malware classification
by by family using long-short term memory (LSTM)
models is feasible. However, using just a single
LSTM layer alone yields poor results. We found
that by incorporating techniques from natural lan-
guage processing (NLP), specifically, word embed-
ding and bidirectional LSTMs (biLSTM), greatly im-
proves the performance. We also discovered that that
we could get obtain even better performance by in-
cluding a convolutional neural network (CNN) layer
in our model. Our best model was able to classify
samples from 20 different malware families with an
average accuracy in excess of 81%. We conjecture
that the interplay between the long-term memory of
the biLSTM and the local structure found by the CNN
are the key to obtaining this strong performance.
For future work, more can be done into investi-
gating why applying NLP techniques are so effective
in classifying malware. The addition of an embed-
ding layer, greatly improved our model’s overall ac-
curacy. Other techniques can be considered. For ex-
ample, we might apply principle component analy-
sis (PCA) to reduce the dimensionality of the weights
obtained from the embedding layer. Additionally, ex-
periments involving different word embedding algo-
rithms (e.g., GloVe) would be worthwhile. Finally,
further research into the possible benefits of combin-
ing LSTMs and CNNs in this problem domain would
be of great interest.
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Malware Classification using Long Short-term Memory Models